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  • Apologies For Being AWOL

    Posted by pearlized on June 14, 2023 at 2:16 pm

    Apologies for being a little AWOL of late.

    As well as life being up and down, i have been trying to get my head round some home improvements and where to start. Along with dog sitting at the coast. Back there again in a few weeks time. 2 lovely older Westies who just plod along like we do. LOL

    The up and down part, which has been going on since mid April has finally peaked and now on the way back up as it should be. The loving Boots up the butt were required this morning, for his lingering PTSD issue from a few weeks back. {{ I left it longer than i should have before using them }} It came to a head last night, so now dealt with and he totally got where i was coming from.

    My poor Seahorse power animal really has been working hard to keep me hanging in there. Plus Stu’s Puffin power animal has given him a hefty peck this morning, to remind him what he was doing and what he was loosing.

    Between us we have Seahorses. Elephants and Puffins to keep us on the right path. He has quite a Gathering of Puffins now, the larger one on the left was specially made for him.

    So now i am fully back in the present i will be around and posting up again a lot more until [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] can get back to what she does best.

    [ATTACH alt=”341881702_1290227801851653_1945721880938438582_n.jpg”]2510[/ATTACH] [ATTACH alt=”339303622_947208426289688_3592929144507094849_n.jpg”]2511[/ATTACH] [ATTACH alt=”338575195_550405220538651_8912434115635526404_n.jpg”]2512[/ATTACH] [ATTACH alt=”341885349_207223795374647_5679783650538314411_n.jpg”]2513[/ATTACH]

    pearlized replied 10 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • pearlized

    July 28, 2023 at 10:15 am

    Been a little AWOL again, as we Dog sitting again for 2 weeks. We got back this Monday, with a turn around of 8 weeks this time before we go back and do it all again for another 2 weeks.

    I managed to take an ear infection with me, but had meds from Dr who saw me in his break, the Friday before we left. I am going back to see him this afternoon as i am now almost completely deaf in that ear and we need to find out why.

    While away i picked up 3 more seahorses for my collection. Could not find the Puffin Vertical Garland i wanted though. Maybe next time we are there i will find it.

    Earings, Brooch and an ornament.

  • pearlized

    September 6, 2023 at 5:48 am

    Been a little AWOL again.

    Minor health issues, that needed addressing but put me down unexpectedly more than i realised. ALMOST sorted now, hopefully the biggest one is on its way to settling down.

    The fun part of a minor secondary issues is that i may need a hearing aid. LOL Please no, i can hear his nibs twittering enough without it being amplified. 😁 🤣 :love:

    OO and we go back to the coast next week dog sitting again for almost 3 weeks. If ever there was a Heaven on earth, this must be it. So dog sitting, hand feeding the squirrels and watching the Wellards fighting off seagulls. What are Wellards you ask, they are Mallards, but the way they chase and fight with the seagull in the harbour and further up the river estuary who get too close, we nicknamed them Wellards.

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