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  • geminidragon75

    March 13, 2021 at 1:53 am

    I can see images of spirit in just about any type of surface especially blankets pictures I can stare at cyrstals and see attire scene unfold. I can’t too much sense of what I am seeing except for some of the images are of my spirit guides and animal totems as they appear over and over and that inner knowing. I can’t find anything online on this just wondering if anyone else has had similar experience.

  • stipton31

    March 13, 2021 at 2:02 am
    Trish Telesco, post: 478, member: 8 wrote:
    Wow. When I was younger I had a dream of a wolf jumping out of the bedroom wall, chasing me. To this day I can’t shake that image.

    I have no doubt that you can’t. I used to think I was going crazy but friends and family briefly witnessed it at different times

  • solari

    March 13, 2021 at 5:40 pm

    I seem to have a built in radar detector that lets me know when cops are around the corner if I happen to be speeding a tad. Saved my bacon many times lol.


  • stipton31

    March 13, 2021 at 5:49 pm

    Haha I’ve know a couple people like that…been a person that did that once or twice. That’s helpful for sure in those in a hurry times.

  • restlessmermaid

    March 14, 2021 at 1:50 am
    Littles, post: 294, member: 74 wrote:
    I have this innate ability to always know exactly when to flip my grilled cheese sandwich. Golden toast of perfection, every single time. It’s a feeling I get and it happens with most of my cooking as well, but with the grilled cheese it is guaranteed! Lol. I call it my one ordinary super power. 🤣

    NOT my super power but truly impressive. I have the attention span of a gnat…. timers are life, yo 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • restlessmermaid

    March 14, 2021 at 1:53 am
    Morwen, post: 293, member: 155 wrote:
    Just wondering..
    I know when something is going to go horribly wrong..I don’t know what, just it is going to happen and soon.
    It’s like a sudden hollowness inside.
    I have, on countless occasions, tried to avert or avoid whatever set it off. Never managed to yet.
    Anyone else have equally underwhelming abilities…?
    All I get is an extra few seconds to half and hour to get the best crash position lol.

    I know when something is wrong with my kids… I HATE being right where that is concerned. I van key in on people I care about, which there’s like maybe 7 humans, aside from my kids, that I care about on that level.

  • dragonfly101

    March 14, 2021 at 2:56 am
    aprilmorningstar, post: 306, member: 96 wrote:
    This has happened to me before too, maybe it is just about being aware that it’s coming-what to do with that I don’t know. Or being aware that there is an ability that can be developed or expanded. Sometimes I know things in a productive way, and sometimes I just know trivial things, like what someone is going to say or do later that day. When I was a child, knowing when something “bad” was going to happen was my first awareness of my ability.

    Now this question brings up something I have always wondered about. When you have these premonitions, are you supposed to do something with them? Or is it just to let you know something is going to happen in the future but you can’t stop it from happening? Sometimes I know the timeframe in the future this premonition is for, and sometimes I have no idea until it happens and that feeling of deja vu takes place.

  • dragonfly101

    March 14, 2021 at 2:58 am
    Solari, post: 526, member: 2 wrote:
    I seem to have a built in radar detector that lets me know when cops are around the corner if I happen to be speeding a tad. Saved my bacon many times lol.


    Yess!! I would consistently drive 10km over the speed limit on the highway, but every now and again, I would say to myself – stick to the speed limit today and sure enough the speed camera would be sitting there waiting. Dodged again lol

  • dragonfly101

    March 14, 2021 at 3:02 am
    Mama Bear, post: 317, member: 1 wrote:
    Hi, AprilMorningStar! Thanks for chiming in! I can totally relate to everyone in this thread. What I can say is what you’re experiencing with knowing what people will say or do in the future is precognition. If that’s something you want to develop I’m your girl! Ask away and I’ll answer anything I can!

    What can you do to develop this skill? I have found it works better when I am in a relaxed time of life and not a busy hectic time. How can we use this ability for something useful?

  • bernettadawn

    March 14, 2021 at 3:27 pm

    I don’t think any gift is “useless”, I feel like it is just a matter of finding your group, at least I hope that’s what it is… like we have have a gift, a “piece” of our soul groups bigger picture and once we connect with them, our gift will make sense to our consciousness… IDK, i could be way off there, that is just my take on our gifts in this life.

  • aprilmorningstar

    March 15, 2021 at 3:19 am
    dragonfly101, post: 555, member: 87 wrote:
    Now this question brings up something I have always wondered about. When you have these premonitions, are you supposed to do something with them? Or is it just to let you know something is going to happen in the future but you can’t stop it from happening? Sometimes I know the timeframe in the future this premonition is for, and sometimes I have no idea until it happens and that feeling of deja vu takes place.

    I don’t think there’s any one right answer to that, and maybe depends on the situation and person. For instance one day a long time ago, I was getting ready for work and trying to rush out the door so I didn’t miss my bus, when the phone rang. I knew who it was and that it probably wasn’t urgent. I wasn’t going to answer it because I didn’t want to be late. Something told me to pick up the phone, so I did. Nothing special about the phone call itself, but it saved my life, because instead of being in the middle of a car accident, I only witnessed it in front of me. I would have been between the car and a pole if I hadn’t stopped for that phone call. Other times I just know things, and there really isn’t anything to do. It may be different for others. And I really couldn’t tell anyone how to know the difference, I just know sometimes. I guess the more you develop your psychic senses, the more you learn how to tell the difference. Would Mama Bear or anyone else like to weigh in on this?

  • wallflower

    March 18, 2021 at 9:28 pm
    Geminidragon75, post: 491, member: 226 wrote:
    I can see images of spirit in just about any type of surface especially blankets pictures I can stare at cyrstals and see attire scene unfold. I can’t too much sense of what I am seeing except for some of the images are of my spirit guides and animal totems as they appear over and over and that inner knowing. I can’t find anything online on this just wondering if anyone else has had similar experience.

    Hello :)
    I’m not fond of mirrors. Once, in my teens, I saw someone behind me, right at my shoulder. Scared the hell out of me lol. While doing a smudge cleansing of this house, my roomie and I were in the basement and I got really cold and felt a blanket of darkness press down onto me. As I got closer to this rack pressed against the wall, we found a very old mirror behind it and immediately knew it had to go. The thing gave me the willies lol. Felt like there was a vortex or something in it. A whirlpool right in the center of it went to a very dark place. I still dislike mirrors :p.
    You could try to write about what you see. Journaling is very helpful and gets things out of your head.

  • wallflower

    March 18, 2021 at 9:43 pm
    dragonfly101, post: 555, member: 87 wrote:
    Now this question brings up something I have always wondered about. When you have these premonitions, are you supposed to do something with them? Or is it just to let you know something is going to happen in the future but you can’t stop it from happening? Sometimes I know the timeframe in the future this premonition is for, and sometimes I have no idea until it happens and that feeling of deja vu takes place.

    I agree with Aprilmorningstar (Great name btw)
    In my experience, intuition or the feeling of something coming is usually a nudge from the universe that I MUST PAY ATTENTION. The hard part is figuring out what. We spend so much time outside of ourselves, at work, at play, at duties and housework. We go, go, go all the time in the physical and in our minds. Tuning into ourselves and paying attention to our feelings or insights can help in small or gigantic ways.
    Meditation works good for me, but I am sure there are tons of ways to get connected. The biggest lessons come when we do not listen and something happens to shatter our reality. Every experience is a chance to grow. Trust yourself.

  • angelheart

    March 19, 2021 at 3:15 am

    That would certainly be beneficial! I seem to have an uncanny knack for saying something and then it happens, I like to call them my driving awards! Lol

    dragonfly101, post: 556, member: 87 wrote:
    Yess!! I would consistently drive 10km over the speed limit on the highway, but every now and again, I would say to myself – stick to the speed limit today and sure enough the speed camera would be sitting there waiting. Dodged again lol
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