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  • darkshinez

    July 22, 2021 at 6:01 am
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 4743, member: 452 wrote:
    I am curious, …I ran into something about intuition that basically said that intuition speaks thru our bodies. It went on to say that truth and love come thru as the chills, danger comes thru as anxiety, and negativity comes thru as a heavy heart and/or upset stomach. I wonder, does any of that ring true? Or is it as I suspect, different for each individual?

    All that you came across can be true for anybody.
    It may not be true for some, or any, or ??? .

    AND, Also, it expands and shifts and more …

    I say intuition speaks to each of us and it does it in its own magnificent, special ways, and it can shift and change within moments, experiences …
    My intuition speaks to me in a multitude of ways – my body, yes, and also in many other ways [sounds, sights, visions, thoughts, feelings and feelings that I am unable to communicate that neither I nor another is not challenged by …].

    I continue having a loving, compassionate, supportive, +++ relationship with my intuition. It’s a constant, never ending, moment to moment.

    I have heard my intuition speaking to me in various ways, and although hearing it, I made choices that sent me on adventures that were “not okay at all and please don’t repeat”.

    In continuing to develop my connection and relation with my intuition over the years of my life, I can say that plenty has shifted in all the various ways it shows up, communicates with me, and that I am open to how it communicates with me to be clear and being with/for me, on my side, in all ways …

    My intuition does not give up on me, even though I make mistakes with it.

    Love Love Love …

    Anything that helps, lovely, anything that does not ~ delete; anything that can spark one’s own way, lovely.

    In support of one’s own way … and supporting + all our own ways …

  • mama-bear

    July 26, 2021 at 4:01 pm
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 4743, member: 452 wrote:
    I am curious, …I ran into something about intuition that basically said that intuition speaks thru our bodies. It went on to say that truth and love come thru as the chills, danger comes thru as anxiety, and negativity comes thru as a heavy heart and/or upset stomach. I wonder, does any of that ring true? Or is it as I suspect, different for each individual?

    It’s completely different for each person. That said – every living thing “feels” through their body. Every inch inch of our epidermis has receptors. Our gut has a zillion times more neurons than the brain. But a blanket statement such as what you read isn’t accurate and it’s super limiting. Don’t limit your awareness. Be open to whatever experiences you are comfortable with. Hope that helps.

  • mark-ravenheart

    July 26, 2021 at 4:42 pm

    Yes, it helps, thank you [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER]. I want to increase my awareness not limit it. And now that I am actually trying to put words to my psychic experiences, I see that my way of sensing and interpreting the information is unique to me. I like that I am forging a more personal relationship with sacred spirit source because that has been missing in my life for quite some time.

  • lily

    July 29, 2021 at 7:32 pm

    Mama Bear and community!

    I guess I have two questions that coincide…Discernment has been my focus this year. I have had numerous types of psychic experiences and when they happen spontaneously they are 100% accurate. When I try to hone in on certain gifts, however, it is less so. I am wondering if, because of past trauma, it takes me longer to get into theta state and therefore it would benefit me to clear out all of my chakras first to become that hollow bone to receive messages “on demand”?
    I know I have been shown all of these gifts in order to someday show others that they are capable of these gifts as well. I am wondering if anyone has any psychic exercises that can help with tapping into these gifts on a deeper level? Or any meditations on youtube or any tips on clearing blocks from your chakras?

  • mama-bear

    August 15, 2021 at 2:14 pm
    Lily, post: 5111, member: 38 wrote:
    Mama Bear and community!

    I guess I have two questions that coincide…Discernment has been my focus this year. I have had numerous types of psychic experiences and when they happen spontaneously they are 100% accurate. When I try to hone in on certain gifts, however, it is less so. I am wondering if, because of past trauma, it takes me longer to get into theta state and therefore it would benefit me to clear out all of my chakras first to become that hollow bone to receive messages “on demand”?
    I know I have been shown all of these gifts in order to someday show others that they are capable of these gifts as well. I am wondering if anyone has any psychic exercises that can help with tapping into these gifts on a deeper level? Or any meditations on youtube or any tips on clearing blocks from your chakras?

    Hi, Lily;

    The first exercise I can offer is to take whatever steps necessary to stop thinking of psychic/clairvoyant/mediumship abilities as ‘gifts’. Humans are indoctrinated/trained to think of a gift as something outside of the themselves that’s been bestowed upon them by an outside energy/force. That which can be given may be taken away. So, there’s always a subcurrent of fear inside when we think of these natural abilities as ‘gifts’.

    The next exercise is to understand/accept that we all have strong areas – naturally – that’s nature. But there’s a nurture component. In this, I’ve seen the ‘weakest’ psychic/medium set their mind to develop and now they’re some of the most tapped in readers I know.

    I can’t speak to trauma blocking you from theta state but I absolutely can report that the whole ‘gift’ thing will stop you every time. The other thing I can report is that trauma survivors make MANY of the most effective and genuine healers and readers. We (including me) never forget our traumas. We just work to heal as well as we can, then learn to live with a bad neighbor. Meaning, you can’t unsee or unexperience what you’ve seen and experienced. But you can great diminish the effect trauma has on your life.

    Next, what’s the intention when you seek these psychic messages? Is there one set or do you just open up and allow an energetic free-for-all in your Crown Chakra, Third Eye, Heart or Solar Plexus Chakra? No good will come of that. It can be wildly confusing. If you do want to remain open at all times (something I stttrroonnggggllllyyyy recommend against) then set intentions. For instance:

    A. Issue a specific and detailed invitation: “Today I will only be open to receive psychic messages for X,Y, or Z.”

    B. Other psychics are totally OK receiving messages for others who have not given them permission to look into their energy. Based on the ethics I set for myself – it’s a big no-no and completely outside good ethical boundaries. None of us want someone looking through our diary without permission. I see it as the same thing but FAR more invasive.

    Sure hope that helps you move forward!

  • lily

    August 19, 2021 at 2:58 pm

    Mama Bear!

    This helps TREMENDOUSLY!! Thank you. I’m having problems stringing sentences together so I will respond more specifically as soon as I can organize my thoughts better lol But what you say is super super helpful and I truly appreciate you taking time to respond to my question.
    Much love and respect!! 🐻💖💖💖

  • mark-ravenheart

    January 29, 2022 at 9:09 am

    [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER], I have a question about conversing with those, (in this case; loved ones), who have passed. I was awake last night in the middle of the night and took the time to have a heart-to-heart talk with family members who have transitioned. I was able to say a lot of things that I wasn’t able to articulate when they were physically present.

    So my question concerns a feeling of energy that wrapped around my body at a point just about 2 inches below my navel. It seemed to emanate from a point one or two inches below my “belly button” and it felt like I was being “tickled”.

    I don’t know if others get this feeling or not, but I am wondering if this feeling tends to accompany conversations with those who have passed thru the veil? I also wonder what this sensation was and why it persisted for at least an hour after the end of the conversation? Is it part of psychic “sensing” such as clairsentience? Or is it an overactive chakra or something of that nature? Or could it be something about the way I process information? Anyway, I think you get the gist of my line of questioning.

    Your thoughts are most welcome and I thank you in advance.

  • grasshopper

    January 29, 2022 at 3:19 pm

    I am sure mama bear will have more insight, but I’ll share something I learned. Many years ago I knew a man who studied Eastern cultures, particularly Japan. He told me the WA is located near your belly button. It is a core of strength and will. If I understand correctly it also stirs with peaceful unity and harmony with a group with whom you want to continue building strong ties.

  • mark-ravenheart

    January 30, 2022 at 4:07 am

    What is the WA???

  • mama-bear

    January 31, 2022 at 4:36 pm
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 7653, member: 452 wrote:
    [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER], I have a question about conversing with those, (in this case; loved ones), who have passed. I was awake last night in the middle of the night and took the time to have a heart-to-heart talk with family members who have transitioned. I was able to say a lot of things that I wasn’t able to articulate when they were physically present.

    So my question concerns a feeling of energy that wrapped around my body at a point just about 2 inches below my navel. It seemed to emanate from a point one or two inches below my “belly button” and it felt like I was being “tickled”.

    I don’t know if others get this feeling or not, but I am wondering if this feeling tends to accompany conversations with those who have passed thru the veil? I also wonder what this sensation was and why it persisted for at least an hour after the end of the conversation? Is it part of psychic “sensing” such as clairsentience? Or is it an overactive chakra or something of that nature? Or could it be something about the way I process information? Anyway, I think you get the gist of my line of questioning.

    Your thoughts are most welcome and I thank you in advance.


    This is an AWESOME question! Just briefly, YES to all your questions except for overactive chakra. Here’s what this means…

    #1 – Science show us that there a jilliondy more nuerons in the stomach than there are in the brain. It’s being researched and there is a tremendous body of evidence to show that we may have been wrong about some emotions, pain, etc., starting in the brain. The research and proof is showing that perhaps much information that we once thought started in the brain actually begins in your gut and then is transmitted to your brain. Hence, the old adage “gut feeling”.

    #2 – Is there any history with these loved ones about you being tickled, or them being tickled? I ask because you specifically mentioned the sensation of being “tickled” – so if there is a “thing” with this, that could easily be how they reached outto you, because that is a familiar thing that would let you know they’re hearing you, speaking to you.

    #3 – Nothing that you’ve described and nothing I’m psychically feeling tells me that you have an overactive Sacral Chakra, or Solar Plexus Chakra for that matter.

    So, at the end of the day, you’re “normal”! Hope that helps!

    Mama Bear

  • mark-ravenheart

    February 1, 2022 at 10:27 pm

    So very helpful [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER], my sister and I used to get tickled regularly by our dad. It reminds me of happy childhood memories so that would really fit that it is contact from my sister as we both share this memory and have discussed it in the past.

  • keith20222002

    February 2, 2022 at 6:10 pm

    Hello everyone, I’m having a little trouble getting into meditation. Does any one have a wonderful idea to learn to let go of the day to drop in to relax?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you and have a great day.

  • Littles

    February 3, 2022 at 5:17 pm
    Keith20222002, post: 7702, member: 520 wrote:
    Hello everyone, I’m having a little trouble getting into meditation. Does any one have a wonderful idea to learn to let go of the day to drop in to relax?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you and have a great day.

    For me, meditating comes easier when I allow my body to move. Have you tried a walking meditation? Or even yoga? Meditation doesn’t always mean we have to make everything still, our minds and bodies sometimes crave the movement. I don’t know if that is helpful or not for you, but I felt compelled to share. :)

  • c-c

    February 6, 2022 at 4:12 am
    Mama Bear, post: 4538, member: 1 wrote:
    [USER=221]@Coffeemountainpolarbear[/USER] asked “Just starting psychic work. If anyone has any tips or tricks I’d be interested starting from the ground up but starting lol”

    It’s a GREAT question and one many of us have had at one time or another. Let’s help each other learn and grow as psychics because that better opens us up as Shaman, animal communicators, mediums, and healers.

    Here’s my answer for [USER=221]@Coffeemountainpolarbear[/USER]…

    Before I can fully answer I need to know the following:

    1. When you say ‘starting psychic work’ – do you mean you’re starting a psychic business or you’re starting to explore your abilities and want a tip off point for doing so?

    2. What is your goal? I ask because by knowing your goal – or, at least, the goal as it stands today – I can better assist because my advice will be specific to your stated desired outcome. Why do I sound like a lawyer this morning? LOL

    My question…when are your development classes open for enrollment? lol but yeah seriously when?! 😂

  • c-c

    February 6, 2022 at 4:16 am
    Keith20222002, post: 7702, member: 520 wrote:
    Hello everyone, I’m having a little trouble getting into meditation. Does any one have a wonderful idea to learn to let go of the day to drop in to relax?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you and have a great day.

    Be patient with yourself start with shorter length of meditation and focus on your breathing when your mind wonders ( oh because it will) chose to redirect your focus back to your breathing repeat this process and increase you meditation lengths when you notice significant changes 🤗 from a struggling meditator 😂

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