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  • c-c

    February 6, 2022 at 4:17 am
    Littles, post: 7703, member: 74 wrote:
    For me, meditating comes easier when I allow my body to move. Have you tried a walking meditation? Or even yoga? Meditation doesn’t always mean we have to make everything still, our minds and bodies sometimes crave the movement. I don’t know if that is helpful or not for you, but I felt compelled to share. :)

    Good advice I do find more success personally with walking meditation out in nature!

  • c-c

    February 6, 2022 at 4:23 am
    Lily, post: 5111, member: 38 wrote:
    Mama Bear and community!

    I guess I have two questions that coincide…Discernment has been my focus this year. I have had numerous types of psychic experiences and when they happen spontaneously they are 100% accurate. When I try to hone in on certain gifts, however, it is less so. I am wondering if, because of past trauma, it takes me longer to get into theta state and therefore it would benefit me to clear out all of my chakras first to become that hollow bone to receive messages “on demand”?
    I know I have been shown all of these gifts in order to someday show others that they are capable of these gifts as well. I am wondering if anyone has any psychic exercises that can help with tapping into these gifts on a deeper level? Or any meditations on youtube or any tips on clearing blocks from your chakras?

    That hone in and getting static is totally normal. The harder you try the less you get 😂 well for me in the beginning anyways. To be totally honest practice practice and more practice and now after over two years of weekly development classes where I practice still lol helped, I have now moved beyond this and working on new challenges for where I am now in my development. Trust in yourself! 🤗

  • c-c

    February 6, 2022 at 4:30 am
    Lily, post: 5111, member: 38 wrote:
    Mama Bear and community!

    I guess I have two questions that coincide…Discernment has been my focus this year. I have had numerous types of psychic experiences and when they happen spontaneously they are 100% accurate. When I try to hone in on certain gifts, however, it is less so. I am wondering if, because of past trauma, it takes me longer to get into theta state and therefore it would benefit me to clear out all of my chakras first to become that hollow bone to receive messages “on demand”?
    I know I have been shown all of these gifts in order to someday show others that they are capable of these gifts as well. I am wondering if anyone has any psychic exercises that can help with tapping into these gifts on a deeper level? Or any meditations on youtube or any tips on clearing blocks from your chakras?

    This chakra clearing thing you will find all kinds of hour long processes etc to be honest it isn’t as complicated as it’s made out to be. You are very powerful you can visualize each one being cleared one at a time and guess what you just cleared your own chakras! 🤗 spend a small amount of time everyday for one week keep a journal of changes your feelings responses etc etc at the end of the week compare your Friday to your Monday feelings to prove to yourself just how powerful you are cause you are not going to just take it from me 😂 🤗 update me if you try it would love to hear from ya 🤗

  • pearlized

    March 24, 2022 at 4:35 pm

    Hi I have a question, or should i say my hubby has a question he would like to know the answer to. So here goes.

    My hubby can feel, hear and sometimes see spirits, but only after he has had a few drinks. It may only take 1 if they are strong enough to get through to him. Could be 3 or 4 if they need him to be more open.

    There have been times when its been very interesting for him, then times when they are not very pleasant and i have to step in and either get him out of the place, or even tell them myself to leave him alone, even though i cannot sense them at all. I just know by his reaction to them at first, then how he responds.

    It happened on Sunday in a pub at the coast. At first he felt a light touch on his leg, that he thought was a draught coming down the chimney at the side of him. Nope it was sealed up. It was only after i had gone outside and read a plaque about the place, then sent him out to read it too, that he knew where it was coming from. It had made him very emotional and he had to tell her no, after i had walked away saying. “” Nope i am not dealing with anything like this today I dont WANT to deal with it”” He said she left him alone at that point as it must have felt my strength.

    I have tried to find out more about the pub as it was an old one, right on the harbour front. So far not much luck.

    He is wanting to know WHY he only knows they are there AFTER a few drinks. I have said maybe its because his barriers come down and his Third eye opens up. Funny how he was taught a meditation where he gently massages where his Third eye is.

    Any answers would be really helpful to us both.

  • grasshopper

    March 26, 2022 at 3:07 pm

    I would agree with you about barriers. Historically, all types of methods have been used for contacting spirits, including mind-altering substances. Generally, as a society, we are not taught that such abilities are “normal” – so we fear them, misunderstand them, and never get to learn how to use them effectively. Your presence seems to be a cornerstone for safety.

    For your husband, this is particularly hard because he never knows what kind of beasty is trying to get his attention. Spirits obviously know he’s got the gift, and some will try and abuse it. Then too, is it a spirit, a ghost, a memory imprint, a haunting? He could run into all of them! He was right to put his foot down. He has the right to say NO, firmly and without second-guessing himself IMO

    The problem with spirits is that they have no real regard for space (lol). There was a day at work when one was being rather insistent, so I “closed the door” in its face so to speak. My home has a “knock first” policy for spirits, even my dad. You know those signs on people’s front doors. I put one up on the entire house like wrapping paper LOL. Seems to work pretty well.

  • pearlized

    March 26, 2022 at 3:44 pm

    There was another occurance that i forgot about. [USER=4]@Grasshopper[/USER] That happened the day before.

    We had gone looking for some shops i had a list for, 3 altogether which we found 2 of. 1 of them was your typical metaphysical shop, with purple paintwork outside and all the usual goods in the window. I went in and i thought he was behind me. Nope, he said at that point that the smell was too strong for him, which confused me as it was just a mild smell of an insence.

    He later told me that when tried to follow me in, something seemed to stop him. He said he could not get past the threshold. He felt he had to look up and could feel something not right about the upper floor. Something dark about it. As the shop was only on the ground floor, i can only asume that at some point way way back in time, something had happened and he felt the residual energy of whatever went on up there. Oh and that way before lunch so no drinking.

    There are a lot of old building where we were, so thats all i could think of, as he has not reacted so strongly to anything like this before. No matter how old.

  • grasshopper

    March 27, 2022 at 2:47 pm

    That experience sounds like a “recording” of energy – a memory, feeling, energy that doesn’t dissipate because of its intensity. If your husband hasn’t had a lot of ways of separating types of spirits, this might help:

  • mama-bear

    March 27, 2022 at 4:08 pm

    [USER=18]@Pearlized[/USER] The list of reasons ‘why’ is pretty long and none of them ‘proveable’. Below you’ll find an abbreviated list of possibilities. Sure hope it helps.

    Hubby might have increased psychic and medium experiences while drinking because:

    1. His inhibitions and doubts are dulled meaning his Third Eye might be more open.

    2. Because he is not in a protected state it’s ‘might’ be easier for spirits to connect but be careful – that means good and harmful can make better contact.

    3. There is a whole science between alcohol and how it affects brain wave patterns. Theta state is the most conducive to psychic activity. It’s one of the theories of why children can easily see and hear spirit until they hit maybe 4 or 5 years old. Children’s brain wave function is in permanent Theta state till they around those ages. That said, alcohol has been noted to decrease Theta waves by half of a person who has ingested no alcohol. BUT I have read studies that show alcohol increases Theta state so I’m unsure which is correct. That said, alcohol impairs motor function and congnitive ability. Sometimes when we can take our attention of what we think is reality we can see what is really there.

    4. Sounds like the places y’all visited are powerful centers for activity. I mean, it’s England and the whole country is chock full of that kind of thing.

    5. At the shop where he wouldn’t go in – could be a past life of his or he encountered the ‘memory’ of that place.

    Stay wild,
    Mama Bear

  • mark-ravenheart

    March 28, 2022 at 11:27 pm

    I have the job of explaining what an evidential psychic medium is, to my niece, and I want to be correct in my description. [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] would you please briefly explain, what is an evidential medium? I would much rather you explain if you would not mind.

    Thank you,
    M. Ravenheart

  • pearlized

    March 29, 2022 at 10:36 am
    Mama Bear, post: 8025, member: 1 wrote:
    [USER=18]@Pearlized[/USER] The list of reasons ‘why’ is pretty long and none of them ‘proveable’. Below you’ll find an abbreviated list of possibilities. Sure hope it helps.

    Hubby might have increased psychic and medium experiences while drinking because:

    1. His inhibitions and doubts are dulled meaning his Third Eye might be more open.

    2. Because he is not in a protected state it’s ‘might’ be easier for spirits to connect but be careful – that means good and harmful can make better contact.

    3. There is a whole science between alcohol and how it affects brain wave patterns. Theta state is the most conducive to psychic activity. It’s one of the theories of why children can easily see and hear spirit until they hit maybe 4 or 5 years old. Children’s brain wave function is in permanent Theta state till they around those ages. That said, alcohol has been noted to decrease Theta waves by half of a person who has ingested no alcohol. BUT I have read studies that show alcohol increases Theta state so I’m unsure which is correct. That said, alcohol impairs motor function and congnitive ability. Sometimes when we can take our attention of what we think is reality we can see what is really there.

    4. Sounds like the places y’all visited are powerful centers for activity. I mean, it’s England and the whole country is chock full of that kind of thing.

    5. At the shop where he wouldn’t go in – could be a past life of his or he encountered the ‘memory’ of that place.

    Stay wild,
    Mama Bear

    Thanks [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER]

    I agree with all of the above. I have explained in my own way similar things.

    The shop he refused to go into is possibly Residual energy from centuries ago, though not sure how old the building actually is.

    The pub we do know is old as in 1500 old and a Grade II listed building

    Now the Alcohol and Theta and brain wave patterns do come into play. As he has PTSD and I know that those with PTSD, the Neurons dont always fire correctly. A bit like watching a Plazma ball’s energy dancing. It can be steady, then completely chaotic when touched. He does not drink as a coping stratagy. Just social, unless somethin hits the fan, but not like it was many years ago, as he knows when to stop.

    When he feels a negative energy he tells me it feels dark and i have been know to drag him out of that atmosphere before it can take hold. The lighter ones he can get giddy over, wanting to know more, still not fully realising he still has to be careful, just in case.

    The one that really made me sit up and watch was about 4 years ago now. This was the early days of him knowing what he could do. We had gone out for the afternoon to our usual pub, and were just chilling out and chatting. When a lady walked in and hubby was instantly drawn to her energy.

    He looked down and picked something up, then said I need to talk to her and talk to her now. I was like “”No you can’t do that, you don’t know her”” He ignotred me and quietly went and stood beside her. She listened to what he said and took what he had in his hand. Well blow me. It was a pink elestic band all knotted up and he told her that “” He felt that was her, all knotted up inside, not knowing which way to turn. When it un knotted itself she would be more settled and know which way to go with everything.”” He was spot on and yes she was in turmoil of what to do and where to go next with her life. We then found out she was the daughter of someone we knew there.

    Still friends today and she still listens to anything he feels about her. Like months later he told me to tell her to go to the Dr as she was suffering from the same thing i had years ago, but not something he could tell her as it was a women’s health issue. Yep he was spot on again and she was seeing the Dr about it the following week.

    So many things and he want to be able to do this without issues to himself or anyone else.

  • mama-bear

    April 4, 2022 at 4:40 pm
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 8026, member: 452 wrote:
    I have the job of explaining what an evidential psychic medium is, to my niece, and I want to be correct in my description. [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] would you please briefly explain, what is an evidential medium? I would much rather you explain if you would not mind.

    Thank you,
    M. Ravenheart

    Thanks for your patience. Here’s what I think I know about exactly what an evidential psychic medium is:

    1. Evidence – This is the psychic medium who can give evidence that they are really in touch with the loved one or energy. Example:

    Me: Your grandmother is showing me a pinata and telling me there is a celebration coming up within a week.
    Client: My grandmother was Mexican. This weekend is her birthday. She loved pinatas so we are having a celebration of her life complete with pinata.

    2. Psychic – There are literally over 800 terms that define ‘psychic’. I just think of it as naturally intuitive because, well, that’s the simple answer while we are in our host bodies during the time we are here on this mud ball. BUT then there is the eternal source that we are part of so what we think of as psychic can easily be just us tapping into the universal consciousness and recognizing the info we knew was there all along.

    3. Medium – A person who taps into energies that are discarnate. Meaning – the energy is no longer in a body here on earth but has gone back to source. Now, that said, I can’t prove that’s who it works. Some will tell you that there is no such thing as spirit communication but, rather, you’re just tapping into the Akashic Records and reading the imprint that energy left behind in their diary.

    Allll that said – those descriptions are super quick because if we went truly in-depth I’d be writing for a year to cover all thoughts on these labels (evidential psychic medium). But, the above is currently what I think. Tomorrow, if I discover more I’ll think differently.

    Hope that helps!

    Stay wild,

  • mama-bear

    April 4, 2022 at 4:41 pm
    Pearlized, post: 8027, member: 18 wrote:
    Thanks [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER]

    I agree with all of the above. I have explained in my own way similar things.

    The shop he refused to go into is possibly Residual energy from centuries ago, though not sure how old the building actually is.

    The pub we do know is old as in 1500 old and a Grade II listed building

    Now the Alcohol and Theta and brain wave patterns do come into play. As he has PTSD and I know that those with PTSD, the Neurons dont always fire correctly. A bit like watching a Plazma ball’s energy dancing. It can be steady, then completely chaotic when touched. He does not drink as a coping stratagy. Just social, unless somethin hits the fan, but not like it was many years ago, as he knows when to stop.

    When he feels a negative energy he tells me it feels dark and i have been know to drag him out of that atmosphere before it can take hold. The lighter ones he can get giddy over, wanting to know more, still not fully realising he still has to be careful, just in case.

    The one that really made me sit up and watch was about 4 years ago now. This was the early days of him knowing what he could do. We had gone out for the afternoon to our usual pub, and were just chilling out and chatting. When a lady walked in and hubby was instantly drawn to her energy.

    He looked down and picked something up, then said I need to talk to her and talk to her now. I was like “”No you can’t do that, you don’t know her”” He ignotred me and quietly went and stood beside her. She listened to what he said and took what he had in his hand. Well blow me. It was a pink elestic band all knotted up and he told her that “” He felt that was her, all knotted up inside, not knowing which way to turn. When it un knotted itself she would be more settled and know which way to go with everything.”” He was spot on and yes she was in turmoil of what to do and where to go next with her life. We then found out she was the daughter of someone we knew there.

    Still friends today and she still listens to anything he feels about her. Like months later he told me to tell her to go to the Dr as she was suffering from the same thing i had years ago, but not something he could tell her as it was a women’s health issue. Yep he was spot on again and she was seeing the Dr about it the following week.

    So many things and he want to be able to do this without issues to himself or anyone else.

    So, is working toward an end goal? Meaning, does he specifically want to develop his psychic abilities?

  • pearlized

    April 4, 2022 at 4:58 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 8055, member: 1 wrote:
    So, is working toward an end goal? Meaning, does he specifically want to develop his psychic abilities?

    Yes he does want to, but he is scared. He does not want to be over taken by it all. He wants to be able to quietly tell them, Yes or No if they approach him.

    Hence the up-turned glass on our kitchen table. While ever it is up-turned, NO ONE is allowed into our home. His Grandmother knows this and seems to drag out any who try. This has only happened once, by an old friend of his who had passed and did not know the rule. Hubby said that he was there one minute, then seemed to woosh out. The he heard/felt his Gran say. He will learn now, to respect your space. This was my idea, as to me its an open signal to all.

  • mark-ravenheart

    April 6, 2022 at 9:53 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 8054, member: 1 wrote:
    Thanks for your patience. Here’s what I think I know about exactly what an evidential psychic medium is:

    1. Evidence – This is the psychic medium who can give evidence that they are really in touch with the loved one or energy. Example:

    Me: Your grandmother is showing me a pinata and telling me there is a celebration coming up within a week.
    Client: My grandmother was Mexican. This weekend is her birthday. She loved pinatas so we are having a celebration of her life complete with pinata.

    2. Psychic – There are literally over 800 terms that define ‘psychic’. I just think of it as naturally intuitive because, well, that’s the simple answer while we are in our host bodies during the time we are here on this mud ball. BUT then there is the eternal source that we are part of so what we think of as psychic can easily be just us tapping into the universal consciousness and recognizing the info we knew was there all along.

    3. Medium – A person who taps into energies that are discarnate. Meaning – the energy is no longer in a body here on earth but has gone back to source. Now, that said, I can’t prove that’s who it works. Some will tell you that there is no such thing as spirit communication but, rather, you’re just tapping into the Akashic Records and reading the imprint that energy left behind in their diary.

    Allll that said – those descriptions are super quick because if we went truly in-depth I’d be writing for a year to cover all thoughts on these labels (evidential psychic medium). But, the above is currently what I think. Tomorrow, if I discover more I’ll think differently.

    Hope that helps!

    Stay wild,

    [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER], you are the best…, Thank you so much for taking the time to write, describe, and explain. I have a better understanding as does my niece who along with me finds it all very fascinating.

    Much love and light always,
    M. Raven

  • vesseloflight

    April 7, 2022 at 9:21 pm

    I am an animal communicator finally embracing her gifts. I was outside the other day and saw a dark animal running my way. I turned my head and it was gone. I didn’t feel threatened. I was thinking “oh good. We are doing this now.” Haha
    Do you see animals from the other side? I see my own that have passed but not generally ones that are not known to me.

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