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  • Bernadette Sunday Gathering

    Posted by snowwolf on March 7, 2021 at 3:34 pm

    Hi Bernadette
    I really enjoyed this Sunday’s Bernadiction and joined you on your guided meditation – a beautiful tiger showed up for me and looked straight at me so, so close. He stayed around awhile then just sauntered off to the left, then reappeared walking to the right slowly. I was not afraid just overcome with awe at his majestic beauty. We just looked at each other, acknowledged each other, respected each other and then he went on his way.
    Then a bird of prey appeared head on, very, very close huge golden eyes, brown beak and black and brown flecked feathers. I only saw his head but it was very intense.
    My question was about life’s purpose can anyone help me with what this might mean?
    Thank you Bernadette for this platform for expansion of like minded souls.

    rosebud replied 3 years, 3 months ago 15 Members · 46 Replies
  • 46 Replies
  • c-c

    March 7, 2021 at 4:13 pm

    After Sunday service I went for my walk…three hawks came flying in over my head screaming it seemed as if two were defending their nest! Then I seen three dragon fly’s and a little bird idk what kind beautiful has a yellow belly tiny beak! Interesting they all made sure I took notice 🥰

  • akashaman

    March 7, 2021 at 4:18 pm

    Hail the Bernadiction! Took a trip to the plains during Sunday’s Gathering. Met with the wolf, buffalo and prairie dog. Skirted the woods, sort of hiding and maybe feeling a little hunted where I dove into an ant hill. There I found the amount of motion and action astounding! I encountered one of the generals, awaiting orders and assuring me whatever I come up with that he and his team have it handled, not to worry. As we returned from our journey, I was able to step from the woods into the Summer, June, with the wolf at my side, the buffalo running ahead, the praise dog observing from his post.
    Enjoyed the ceremony! Thanks so much, Bernadette!

  • rosebud

    March 7, 2021 at 4:23 pm

    Hi dear this was a wonderful meditation ceremony with our beloved spirit animals And our tribe I am one who sees open eyed thank you for acknowledging this type of seeing I have felt left out at times when all the groups see with eyes closed feeling like I was strange . I saw after it was done a cobra formed in my bush outside my window in the north direction . Hawk and turkey vulture and crow have been with me this week in a big way . I pulled the card from my Isis deck and it had 2 cobras on the card. I have been guided to connect with them for my personal healing and awakening transformation not sure where i am being guided after. I am in full surrender thank you so much for this beautiful offering and gathering of the mystics love that name resonates strongly.

  • loisdewaard

    March 7, 2021 at 4:45 pm

    In today’s ceremony I had the bison, hawk, bear, wolf and turtle come to me. The messages they gave me were exactly what I needed at this time in my life. Thank you Bernadette for this group and your daily animal ally videos.

  • rosebud

    March 7, 2021 at 5:12 pm
    Snowwolf, post: 182, member: 49 wrote:
    Hi Bernadette
    I really enjoyed this Sunday’s Bernadiction and joined you on your guided meditation – a beautiful tiger showed up for me and looked straight at me so, so close. He stayed around awhile then just sauntered off to the left, then reappeared walking to the right slowly. I was not afraid just overcome with awe at his majestic beauty. We just looked at each other, acknowledged each other, respected each other and then he went on his way.
    Then a bird of prey appeared head on, very, very close huge golden eyes, brown beak and black and brown flecked feathers. I only saw his head but it was very intense.
    My question was about life’s purpose can anyone help me with what this might mean?
    Thank you Bernadette for this platform for expansion of like minded souls.

    Hi hun when I connect to tiger he brings the strength energy of the solar plexus to step into my power and connects to Goddess Durga and fire energy. Birds of prey go after what they want very fast and there is a message coming when I encounter hawk. This is just what I encounter dear wonderful visions.

  • rosebud

    March 7, 2021 at 5:16 pm
    C c, post: 184, member: 35 wrote:
    After Sunday service I went for my walk…three hawks came flying in over my head screaming it seemed as if two were defending their nest! Then I seen three dragon fly’s and a little bird idk what kind beautiful has a yellow belly tiny beak! Interesting they all made sure I took notice 🥰

    The number 3 is popping out to me dear and when I see hawk he reminds me to focus and that a message is coming. Lovely walk

  • thelastchancecrone

    March 7, 2021 at 5:24 pm

    Thank you for a lovely peaceful moment with the Ceremony, Bernadette.

    I had Elephant and Giraffe come to me, actually they took me to the watering hole where they meet with others. The smell was ….interesting, but not something I couldn’t deal with. But it was pungent enough to make my nose wrinkle up. The colors were mud grey, browns mostly.

    However, it became very interesting because in the watering hole were white / orange splotch carp/Koi fish who were swimming slowly within the reedy area of the pond. Upon a reed was a brilliant green grasshoppper. Moving upward onto land still in over brush – something else (big cat of some kind) clearly not wanting to be seen, but more wanting their presence to be felt. It was definitely arid /warm but not sure of season.

    Thank you for the lovely moment today for my sacred purpose.

  • wallflower

    March 7, 2021 at 5:42 pm

    This was wonderful and fulfilling Bernadette. Thank you. Posted on YouTube, but deleted because it felt a bit too personal. May share a little later after absorbing it more. 💜 Saved it so I can do it whenever.

  • snowwolf

    March 7, 2021 at 6:47 pm
    Rosebud, post: 191, member: 78 wrote:
    Hi hun when I connect to tiger he brings the strength energy of the solar plexus to step into my power and connects to Goddess Durga and fire energy. Birds of prey go after what they want very fast and there is a message coming when I encounter hawk. This is just what I encounter dear wonderful visions.

    Thank you so much for the interpretation. Its wonderful to experience these visions and also great to know that others do too!

  • white-raven

    March 7, 2021 at 7:55 pm

    Thank you so much for starting our day off in such a beautiful and tranquil way, it was the start of a magical day that’s for sure…afterwards the beach (Atlantic coast of Canada and its winter, we didn’t stay long but the sea air and the glimpse of the water ahhh beauty), a puppy, some ducks, a frozen pond, two new feathers glide to our feet, and come home to hear an owl calling…a blessed and sacred day so far…and it warmed up from minus who knows what and I’ve been sitting in the sun listening to the owl and crows chatter since we got home.

  • pearlized

    March 7, 2021 at 8:19 pm

    It was around 6pm UK time before i caught up with today’s video. I was in awe at it all Its been a long long time since i have followed a guided meditation. I had forgotten how deep i could go Even with sounds going on around me here at home.

    So as soon as i asked the animals what i need right now A chimpanzee instantly sat before me Deep in thought looking at me. He stayed for quite a while Just looking, not telling me anything Still as if deep in thought. He changed then into a small cat Just an everyday cat. Who was wanting to share cuddles Nothing else Just soft snuggly cuddles. She left to be replaced by a dog An excited happy dog who just wanted to go for a LONG LONG walk.

    So i checked out all 3 of them to see what i was needing to know today.

    WOW So Chimpanzee Yes i do need to be on my A game quite often A little compassion and forgiveness is also needed. I need to make sure my boundaries are also up to strength. Humour is a big part of our lives IT HAS TO BE.

    The Cat LOL now this is funny because even though i felt it was offering to give me a cuddle Yes i can take that but i was only telling hubby this morning That CAT napping in his chair is better than no sleep at all for him right now. Adaptability comes easy to me too Being a mystery to others is amazingly good. They want to know how to get what i have. They see it yet they dont learn So i stay mysterious.

    Oh boy and the dog was telling me to take a long walk so i dont go down the Burnout trail. Basically get back taking more care of myself or i will not be able to care for hubby when he needs it. I KNOW THIS It was one of the first things i was taught many years ago.

    So i have had some reminders of some life lessons today. THAT I SHOULD KNOW TO DO

  • mlee7000

    March 7, 2021 at 10:55 pm

    Today’s Sacred Life Purpose Meditation was so beautiful. Hawk has been my totem for at least 2 decades. Love that it came through for all of us as Bernadette started today. As I went into the meditation, Hawk came to sit on my right shoulder and stayed on my shoulder throughout the meditation. Hawk helps me see the big picture. Its medicine is especially strong when I’m focused on or worried about something and not seeing the big picture. Hawk always sees the big picture.

    During the meditation, I’m in the woods. It’s spring. Mother Earth has shed its winter blanket. Earth is lush and green. I’m sitting in a circle outlined with gorgeous stones. A beautiful, gentle doe comes over to me. She bends her head down and nudges at the back of my neck in a very loving way. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a buck standing guard. He is her mate. He is protective of the doe, but gives her the freedom to explore and check things out on her own. He finally comes over and stands beside her. They are such a loving, respectful pair. They show me how beautiful and respectful partnership can be. One doesn’t have to give up their sovereignty to be in relationship.

  • white-raven

    March 7, 2021 at 11:15 pm
    TheLastChanceCrone, post: 194, member: 82 wrote:
    Thank you for a lovely peaceful moment with the Ceremony, Bernadette.

    I had Elephant and Giraffe come to me, actually they took me to the watering hole where they meet with others. The smell was ….interesting, but not something I couldn’t deal with. But it was pungent enough to make my nose wrinkle up. The colors were mud grey, browns mostly.

    However, it became very interesting because in the watering hole were white / orange splotch carp/Koi fish who were swimming slowly within the reedy area of the pond. Upon a reed was a brilliant green grasshoppper. Moving upward onto land still in over brush – something else (big cat of some kind) clearly not wanting to be seen, but more wanting their presence to be felt. It was definitely arid /warm but not sure of season.

    Thank you for the lovely moment today for my sacred purpose.

    mlee7000, post: 204, member: 34 wrote:
    Today’s Sacred Life Purpose Meditation was so beautiful. Hawk has been my totem for at least 2 decades. Love that it came through for all of us as Bernadette started today. As I went into the meditation, Hawk came to sit on my right shoulder and stayed on my shoulder throughout the meditation. Hawk helps me see the big picture. It’s medicine is especially strong when I’m focused or worried about just on the issues in front of me and not seeing the big picture. Hawk always sees the big picture.

    During the meditation, I’m in the woods. It’s spring. Mother Earth has shed its winter blanket. Earth is lush and green. I’m sitting a circle outlined with gorgeous stones. A beautiful, gentle doe comes over to me. She bends her head down and nudges at the back of my neck in a very loving way. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a buck standing guard. He is her mate. He is protective of the doe, but gives her the freedom to explore and check things out on her own. He finally comes over and stands beside her. They are such a loving, respectful pair. They show me how beautiful and respectful partnership can be. One doesn’t have to give up their sovereignty to be in relationship.

    Absofreakinglutley beautiful!

  • sunny

    March 8, 2021 at 12:51 am

    I was able to do this beautiful meditation early this afternoon. I’m not sure I completely understand all that happened but it was very peaceful….

    Sacred Purpose Meditation:

    I was out on the tip of the white place in Abiquiu, NM (where I’ve never been.) It was warm and comfortable, it felt like the time was now.

    1st crow/raven landed on my right elbow, then Dall sheep appeared on my left and nudged my arm lovingly, then Bob cat climbed up, slightly behind and to the left, he stood back a tiny bit, and then a butterfly, electric blue and magenta with black landed on my nose.
    I thanked them all for coming and asked for my sacred purpose, Bobcat said: Heal, teach; then dall sheep and raven said, teach others, show them the glory of coming to the light and then down in the field below, Wolf appeared- his power was palpable, the strength emanated from him and he spoke, the echo was everywhere. He said You must create! ….and then suddenly, Hawk came. And he was HUGE and he cut through and cut through the air, like the speed of light, he was slashing at the air. I didn’t understand it at all. Finally, Bear appeared. He was gloriously kind and strong and he stood on two legs, waved his claw over his chest and stomach, it turned a lighter brown, almost beige and it said in dark brown, Heal. He waved his arm again and it said, Teach. He waved his arm for the last time and it said, Create. As I was pulling away, to come back, I saw a beautiful emerald green dragon, she was sleeping, all of her scales reflecting like diamonds. She opened one eye and looked at me. I came back to her and she rolled so that part of her belly was exposed and then she started to go back to sleep. I remember worrying that she was injured and then I was back.

  • wallflower

    March 8, 2021 at 5:32 am

    Wow so many of these experiences sound so fulfilling and beautiful.
    While keeping busy all day I’ve been avoiding the vulnerability that has come up since this mornings meditation. A bit confused by it. Feeling very insecure all of a sudden. So I’m just going to share what happened during my meditation. The experience was fulfilling and completely beautiful, the vulnerability comes when I consider sharing it. Any thoughts on this? Yep I have trust issues and yep I still have self esteem issues, so that may be where this is coming from, but I feel it goes much deeper then that.

    I was in a special glade that I always go to when I meditate. It was summer, lush green everywhere with a thick grove of trees surrounding my special place. To my back was a pool of the purest blue with a waterfall running into it. Owl, then wolf immediately appeared sitting in the grass before me, then Lion. As I drifted with the music and the breathing more and more animals began to emerge from between the trees. I started to cry because I’ve always felt protected and guided, but was shocked by how many animals I could see. Then one of my guides stood beside me. I asked what I needed to do and on a heartbeat the panther hissed, “Practice.” This word issued through the animals like a chorus.
    Glancing at my guardian I asked him what it meant and he said that I need to practice connecting, learning, and trusting. The colors I saw were green that shifted to blue, then purple and finally white. When blue appeared I felt a wave of sadness and knew it was loneliness. My guide reassured me that I am not alone and gestured to those in the glade. Then the meditation was ending and I began to move backward. The glade withdrew and I was over a vast ocean. Looking down I saw dolphins and giant whales in the waves then a voice telling me to “Practice, learn, and soar.”

    This was emotional and very powerful for me. I did share a bit on the channel, but deleted my comment because at the time it was all a little too fresh and very intimate. I’ve been feeling it all day. Healing is my focus right now. Healing my heart. Grief and sadness linger in some places, but the meditation is a practice I intend to do more regularly. I think it will help.

    Blessings everyone

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