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  • Big, Big Energy… *What The Heck Was That?

    Posted by mark-ravenheart on August 12, 2023 at 4:55 pm

    I was sitting outside on the patio at my good friends’ house. We had been discussing the dreams and visions I have had concerning what I call “Native American Spirit People”.

    I was telling her about the safety and protection that I had experienced when N.A.S.P., (Native American Spirit People), performed a healing ritual on me in a vivid dream that I’d had.

    …When all of a sudden this big energy shows up and walks up beside me and plants its “feet”.

    My friend said, “OMG, that is some big, big energy.”

    It was peaceful energy but its presence was strongly felt. There was nothing that I needed protection from at the time, at least nothing I was aware of.

    My sense is that it was protective Ancestral energy from my past life as a Native American.

    Yes, I have accepted the idea of past lives, and tho I think the main focus should be on this life, it certainly has its place. And it explains a lot of Dreams and Visions that I’ve had where NASPs have interacted with me in the spirit world.

    It was definitely major guardian energy, but I am open to others interpretations of this experience. Have you ever experienced anything similar?

    mark-ravenheart replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • pearlized

    August 12, 2023 at 6:29 pm

    Could be that it was reminding you that they are there, whenever you need them. BUT you need to ask, they are not just going to turn up unannounced.

    So the Feet Planting, was probably a very strong reminder.

    They have an Etiquette to follow and barging in without being asked is not polite by anyone’s standards.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 12, 2023 at 7:57 pm
    Pearlized, post: 9315, member: 18 wrote:
    Could be that it was reminding you that they are there, whenever you need them. BUT you need to ask, they are not just going to turn up unannounced.

    That makes sense.

    Pearlized, post: 9315, member: 18 wrote:
    So the Feet Planting, was probably a very strong reminder.

    I agree. *(I think that is the spirit brother that I know as ‘Bear’. He is huge, stoic, and protective of me). He is a shapeshifter but appears to me as a big, brown, grizzly bear.

    I appreciate your insight about etiquette, it makes good sense to me.

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