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  • Coolness happened last night during my New Moon Ritual

    Posted by thelastchancecrone on March 22, 2023 at 6:31 pm

    I shared some of this with [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] late last night – but a lot more happened after I went to sleep

    I was doing a new moon Ritual and was meditating when Tiger appear (big face dark orange red with black stripes)) right in front of me. At first I thought okay?

    So, I asked Tiger what did he bring. I felt to grabbed the big book of smack (aka Wisdom of the Wild Ones), opened it up and went straight to Tiger page. And immediately read Tiger prayer & intentions. Then was guided to read the section called Tiger power. It fit so wonderfully with my ritual as it was about “What plans and ideas did I dream about over the Winter?” and What did I want to start this spring building?

    Anyway, so I meditated more on this, including what Power does Tiger bring to me for this ritual – and went to bed.

    Then I don’t know maybe 3 – 4 hours into the night I felt this warm breath on my neck and this… well less than pleasant smelling breath (I have been with a tiger – close up and personal as we used to clean cages for Cat Haven in California, so I recognized the smell)

    [ATTACH type=”full”]2464[/ATTACH]

    Anyway, I was brought back to this above memory and spent time really in that moment. I remember how this dude followed me around the outside of the cage, and when we sat down for lunch – he came over and laid down – as you can see how close we were to him.

    It was surreal then, and it is surreal today, as I am reminded as a Big Cat myself – there is a lot of power we keep locked away because of trauma and fear.

    [ATTACH type=”full”]2465[/ATTACH]

    So I pulled out my tiger eye necklace, wearing my tiger shirt, and found a real cool Fire Tiger picture that resonated with me – so I am going to immerse myself into Tiger and let Tiger guide me.

    Laser focused, honed, magickal

    [ATTACH type=”full” width=”635px”]2466[/ATTACH]

    thelastchancecrone replied 1 year, 3 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • keith20222002

    March 22, 2023 at 9:21 pm
    TheLastChanceCrone, post: 9144, member: 82 wrote:
    I shared some of this with [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] late last night – but a lot more happened after I went to sleep

    I was doing a new moon Ritual and was meditating when Tiger appear (big face dark orange red with black stripes)) right in front of me. At first I thought okay?

    So, I asked Tiger what did he bring. I felt to grabbed the big book of smack (aka Wisdom of the Wild Ones), opened it up and went straight to Tiger page. And immediately read Tiger prayer & intentions. Then was guided to read the section called Tiger power. It fit so wonderfully with my ritual as it was about “What plans and ideas did I dream about over the Winter?” and What did I want to start this spring building?

    Anyway, so I meditated more on this, including what Power does Tiger bring to me for this ritual – and went to bed.

    Then I don’t know maybe 3 – 4 hours into the night I felt this warm breath on my neck and this… well less than pleasant smelling breath (I have been with a tiger – close up and personal as we used to clean cages for Cat Haven in California, so I recognized the smell)

    [ATTACH type=”full” alt=”cathaven19.jpg”]2464[/ATTACH]

    Anyway, I was brought back to this above memory and spent time really in that moment. I remember how this dude followed me around the outside of the cage, and when we sat down for lunch – he came over and laid down – as you can see how close we were to him.

    It was surreal then, and it is surreal today, as I am reminded as a Big Cat myself – there is a lot of power we keep locked away because of trauma and fear.

    [ATTACH type=”full” alt=”cathaven16.jpg”]2465[/ATTACH]

    So I pulled out my tiger eye necklace, wearing my tiger shirt, and found a real cool Fire Tiger picture that resonated with me – so I am going to immerse myself into Tiger and let Tiger guide me.

    Laser focused, honed, magickal

    [ATTACH type=”full” width=”635px” alt=”fire-tiger.jpg”]2466[/ATTACH]

    Wow love that, yesterday, I picked 2 cards and one of them was tiger. Ty fir sharing this. Love and hugs.

  • mawbbb

    March 23, 2023 at 12:24 pm

    Love this! I had a black wolf appear last night and will look up that meaning in my Wisdom of the Wild Ones book.

  • mama-bear

    March 27, 2023 at 4:44 pm
    TheLastChanceCrone, post: 9144, member: 82 wrote:
    I shared some of this with [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] late last night – but a lot more happened after I went to sleep

    I was doing a new moon Ritual and was meditating when Tiger appear (big face dark orange red with black stripes)) right in front of me. At first I thought okay?

    So, I asked Tiger what did he bring. I felt to grabbed the big book of smack (aka Wisdom of the Wild Ones), opened it up and went straight to Tiger page. And immediately read Tiger prayer & intentions. Then was guided to read the section called Tiger power. It fit so wonderfully with my ritual as it was about “What plans and ideas did I dream about over the Winter?” and What did I want to start this spring building?

    Anyway, so I meditated more on this, including what Power does Tiger bring to me for this ritual – and went to bed.

    Then I don’t know maybe 3 – 4 hours into the night I felt this warm breath on my neck and this… well less than pleasant smelling breath (I have been with a tiger – close up and personal as we used to clean cages for Cat Haven in California, so I recognized the smell)

    [ATTACH type=”full” alt=”cathaven19.jpg”]2464[/ATTACH]

    Anyway, I was brought back to this above memory and spent time really in that moment. I remember how this dude followed me around the outside of the cage, and when we sat down for lunch – he came over and laid down – as you can see how close we were to him.

    It was surreal then, and it is surreal today, as I am reminded as a Big Cat myself – there is a lot of power we keep locked away because of trauma and fear.

    [ATTACH type=”full” alt=”cathaven16.jpg”]2465[/ATTACH]

    So I pulled out my tiger eye necklace, wearing my tiger shirt, and found a real cool Fire Tiger picture that resonated with me – so I am going to immerse myself into Tiger and let Tiger guide me.

    Laser focused, honed, magickal

    [ATTACH type=”full” width=”635px” alt=”fire-tiger.jpg”]2466[/ATTACH]

    There’s something hugemongous brewing for you with this. Another syncronicity is we just finished the Tiger card in my new deck…last week at the same time you’re having these experiences! Keep your Third Eye open for more Tiger power and syncronicities. Let me know if I may deliver you a message from Tiger. I’d like to put it here.

  • mama-bear

    March 27, 2023 at 4:47 pm
    mawbbb, post: 9146, member: 20 wrote:
    Love this! I had a black wolf appear last night and will look up that meaning in my Wisdom of the Wild Ones book.

    Black Wolf. Now that’s specific. Let us know what you determined S/He was telling you. If I may, I can completely see you walking with Wolf energy. something has shifted in you since the last time we talked. You’re walking with more confidence and a renewed sense of purpose. You’re also becoming more carefu and shrewd…if that makes sense.

  • mama-bear

    March 27, 2023 at 4:48 pm
    Keith20222002, post: 9145, member: 520 wrote:
    Wow love that, yesterday, I picked 2 cards and one of them was tiger. Ty fir sharing this. Love and hugs.

    WHAT is going on with Tiger energy last week?!!! Insane!

  • mawbbb

    March 27, 2023 at 7:15 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 9153, member: 1 wrote:
    Black Wolf. Now that’s specific. Let us know what you determined S/He was telling you. If I may, I can completely see you walking with Wolf energy. something has shifted in you since the last time we talked. You’re walking with more confidence and a renewed sense of purpose. You’re also becoming more carefu and shrewd…if that makes sense.

    I was walking down a set of stairs and a black cat ran down beside me. When it passed a light switch on the wall, it turned into a black wolf and it playfully bounded ahead of me. Someone said “he does that all the time when he gets to that light switch” – but there was nobody else with me. Maybe that was me saying that? At the bottom of the stairs was a basement and he was looking up at a statue of Isis. Then in my typical dreaming fashion, I was suddenly in a huge white hall at a dining table. So that was all that I dreamt about the wolf. I was so comfortable with him – never afraid. All I felt was that he was playful and friendly. I’m really not sure what he was trying to tell me.

  • thelastchancecrone

    March 28, 2023 at 4:48 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 9152, member: 1 wrote:
    Let me know if I may deliver you a message from Tiger. I’d like to put it here.

    OOOOOH now I am totally open for this.

    Tiger has been curled up with me. It’s a very interesting power to allow the calmness confidence of Tiger power as well as the focus, but play mentality… if that makes any sense.

    More so I know this is an amazon tiger because it (not sure of the gender) brought Jaguar to the space, and both of them have been inviting me to carve a new path, as they sit at the opening of what appears a jungle oasis.

    I hear many many birds btw…. — It’s not quite evening – so when I came over here and read that your offer I thought of sure!

  • mama-bear

    March 28, 2023 at 9:23 pm
    mawbbb, post: 9157, member: 20 wrote:
    I was walking down a set of stairs and a black cat ran down beside me. When it passed a light switch on the wall, it turned into a black wolf and it playfully bounded ahead of me. Someone said “he does that all the time when he gets to that light switch” – but there was nobody else with me. Maybe that was me saying that? At the bottom of the stairs was a basement and he was looking up at a statue of Isis. Then in my typical dreaming fashion, I was suddenly in a huge white hall at a dining table. So that was all that I dreamt about the wolf. I was so comfortable with him – never afraid. All I felt was that he was playful and friendly. I’m really not sure what he was trying to tell me.

    Well a Cat turning into a Wolf (which is our modern day Dogs’ ancestor) is really interesting. It trades traditionally feminine energy for masculine AND does so when the light ‘comes on’. Then the Wolf is looking up at a statue of Isis. I wonder if that ‘Wolf’ is actually Annubis – long thought to be a Jackall, now proven (maybe) to be an African Wolf.

    Here’s a quick article about the connection between Isis and Anubis: Anubis: The Jackal God of Ancient Egypt

    So, there’s a good deal to unpack in this dream. Only you will know what it ultimately means.

  • thelastchancecrone

    March 31, 2023 at 7:00 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 9152, member: 1 wrote:
    There’s something hugemongous brewing for you with this. Another syncronicity is we just finished the Tiger card in my new deck…last week at the same time you’re having these experiences! Keep your Third Eye open for more Tiger power and syncronicities. Let me know if I may deliver you a message from Tiger. I’d like to put it here.

    You perked my curiosity….. I would love to hear what message came through, because Tiger still hasn’t gone away.

    Fair warning if you’re not into hard rock don’t click the links but – I woke up hearing the sing Eye of the Tiger and then shortly as I sat down at the computer – Lunatic Fringe (I was hoping Twilight Zone or The Zoo would show up, given I know the era these songs were very powerful for me)

    There are a few times in my life that I actually felt totally in sync with everything, even if I was submerged in some deep trauma. Everything ran off me like I was Teflon, so long I had my Walkman and earphones.

    Once when I was in my early 20s I worked nights for a time period. I was working for a specialty firm that did custom ceramics items for companies. I ran the pour department. I didn’t have to dress up, I could wear my overalls and just be, working and listening to my music, feeling the power and strength.

    Another time was 1995 – where I worked for a multi-media company but I loved working evenings since most folks would be gone. I would again listen to my music, walk 4 miles home from the train station, in a long leather trench coat, headset and now a cd player. I felt the power and energy of the night.

    Now, it’s a quiet peace, very different energy. The Strength I feel is mostly from wisdom. The Power I feel is like the softness of a gentle breeze, but you know that wind can become a force to be reckoned with. However, I feel I am on the hunt, watching patiently for something…. but I don’t quite know what it is, and it feels like I am straddling two worlds…. in between realms. Not chapters, but a new book is about to start for me. But I need to be patient….calm, watchful.

    Now that I have rambled on, this year for me is about identifying, unraveling and resolving the TRUTH (universal/divine/universe), Truth (Us/Spirit/3D+) and the lies we are taught to believe that become truths.

    Mama Bear, post: 9163, member: 1 wrote:
    It trades traditionally feminine energy for masculine AND does so when the light ‘comes on’. Then the Wolf is looking up at a statue of Isis. I wonder if that ‘Wolf’ is actually Annubis

    I have both Isis and Anubis (along with Bastet and Ma’at) as some of the Egyptian Deities energy that I follow. I too wondered if the ‘wolf’ was Anubis. He sometimes is referred to as the night wolf.

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