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  • Do All Living Beings Have A Soul. ???

    Posted by pearlized on July 31, 2023 at 2:40 pm

    Ok everyone, a serious question and am looking to hear your opinions on this. I have come here asking this, as its the only place i know, where i will get honest answers and opinions.

    Do you Think, Believe or Know that all living beings have a Soul.

    I am asking because i certainly believe they have, Science is almost convinced they have, yet some humans and society’s say no they do not. They say that animals have a spirit, but this dies when they die.

    If they don’t have a Soul, how can they react towards each other and us. Surely just because their DNA is different, that does not mean they cannot react as they do.

    We have all seen and felt emotions from animals, so does that not come under the presence of a Soul being their in them, as it is for us ??

    mark-ravenheart replied 10 months, 4 weeks ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • thelastchancecrone

    August 2, 2023 at 2:16 pm

    I believe I am an everlasting energy entity, part of the great Divine – a spirit who resides in a human body at this moment. Some refer to it as a soul, but I see it more the reverse – I have a physical body that is human this round that I use to interact with the physical realm.

    I have also resided in the bodies of a cougar, panther, jaguar, jackal, hawk of some kind, a very large cat who lived in a large palace.
    That’s just here on this planet.

    I have very distinct memories of a Large 8 foot cat like creature with wings and the sensation of a prehensile tail.
    I also have very clear memories of being a ‘very old tree’ thing. (Eons) and the sensation of wind through the leaves which to this very day make me uncontrollably shiver from overload sensation.

  • mama-bear

    August 3, 2023 at 6:10 pm

    Oooo…this convo could go on for eons all over the world. Oh. Wait. It already has. LOL

    It really depends on what one believes to be a ‘soul’. If you mean an infinite part of an infinite energy source then Mama Bear votes “YES!”.

    Even without getting into the science/belief conversation everything has a death and rebirth cycle so how could pieces/parts (ie a soul) not be a ‘thing’?

    Further, if we do create our own reality (and I believe we do), then if we create a soul then we have one. And who’s to say we can’t/don’t create several or more at a time? Maybe we don’t have just one?

    OMG! Somebody stop me! I’ll be here writing a qouting from scientists all day!

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 9, 2023 at 8:24 pm

    I am a believer that all life forms have souls…, especially animals! If they have feelings, which they so obviously do, then they can love, if they love then they can know loss and I believe only souls can do those things!!!

    I know that those whom I have loved, continue to exist within my heart and mind. I believe that is for eternity, because they and I have souls, just as animals do.

    I have no great argument as to why I believe as I do, call it “animal” instinct, if you will!!!

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