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  • hajnal23

    March 6, 2021 at 6:05 pm

    I actually just had a dream a few days ago where it was like everyone was getting infected with a virus but the virus was causing people to turn wild. I went down these very long ancient stone steps and into a forest and became wild with them and as I did a wolf appeared right in front to me and almost like smiles at me and then I woke up. It was sooo beautiful!

  • mama-bear

    March 6, 2021 at 10:57 pm
    Hajnal23, post: 107, member: 76 wrote:
    I actually just had a dream a few days ago where it was like everyone was getting infected with a virus but the virus was causing people to turn wild. I went down these very long ancient stone steps and into a forest and became wild with them and as I did a wolf appeared right in front to me and almost like smiles at me and then I woke up. It was sooo beautiful!

    Oh I’m so thrilled you joined us! And OMG that dream!!!! Woooowwwww…OK now that’s some incredibly powerful dreamwork, right there! I have goosebumps!

  • wallflower

    March 7, 2021 at 8:56 am

    I have a question. The Coydogs just started yipping and cavorting in the woods beside the house. What is known about these guys? I mean I’ve been able to find information on Wolves and Coyotes, but Coydogs seem to be a mixture of wild canines all together. Does anyone have insight into what their messages may be?
    Yep… I’m a night creature. It is 4am and I am just now thinking about sleep. CRAZY lol.
    Night everyone.

  • c-c

    March 7, 2021 at 12:56 pm

    I had a dream I was just walking and ended up walking through a lumber yard and a pack of wolf’s were all around and I thought no need in running they could catch me anyways and one came up behind me mouth my leg and I fainted or was in this unconscious state for awhile when I woke the wolf’s were people I had saw earlier! Like the people were people then wolf’s then people I wasn’t hurt and while unconscious I was feverish but on some kinda spiritual work thing! Idk 🤷‍♀️

  • mama-bear

    March 7, 2021 at 2:50 pm
    Wallflower, post: 161, member: 73 wrote:
    I have a question. The Coydogs just started yipping and cavorting in the woods beside the house. What is known about these guys? I mean I’ve been able to find information on Wolves and Coyotes, but Coydogs seem to be a mixture of wild canines all together. Does anyone have insight into what their messages may be?
    Yep… I’m a night creature. It is 4am and I am just now thinking about sleep. CRAZY lol.
    Night everyone.

    Ooo, 4AM. I feel your sleeplessness! Insomnia is strong in this one. When we look for the Spirit Animal meanings and symbolism of a hybrid critters it’s important to consider both animals’ symbolic meaning. When I read your question I got still for a moment and asked the Animal Allies to show me what the Coydog medicine is at this time. Here’s what I got…

    Coydogs are super rare. Much of this has to do with Coyote’s dislike/mistrust of Dogs in general. Now that’s not all Coyotes, of course. But, in general Coydog can mean the following:

    [*]Determining if what you want to ‘breed’ with is right or best for you. This can mean a job, animal companion, home purchase, class you want to take, relationships, and more;
    [*]Because Coyotes will/can breed with domestic dogs the symbolic meaning here could be that it’s time for you to pay attention to which side of yourself (wild or domesticated) might need dialing back or giving more power to;
    [*]If you see a Coydog and can tell what breed of Dog it mated with then you can get additional insight by reading up on that breed of Dog.

    Hope that helps!
    Mama Bear


  • wallflower

    March 7, 2021 at 3:16 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 168, member: 1 wrote:
    Ooo, 4AM. I feel your sleeplessness! Insomnia is strong in this one. When we look for the Spirit Animal meanings and symbolism of a hybrid critters it’s important to consider both animals’ symbolic meaning. When I read your question I got still for a moment and asked the Animal Allies to show me what the Coydog medicine is at this time. Here’s what I got…

    Coydogs are super rare. Much of this has to do with Coyote’s dislike/mistrust of Dogs in general. Now that’s not all Coyotes, of course. But, in general Coydog can mean the following:

    [*]Determining if what you want to ‘breed’ with is right or best for you. This can mean a job, animal companion, home purchase, class you want to take, relationships, and more;
    [*]Because Coyotes will/can breed with domestic dogs the symbolic meaning here could be that it’s time for you to pay attention to which side of yourself (wild or domesticated) might need dialing back or giving more power to;
    [*]If you see a Coydog and can tell what breed of Dog it mated with then you can get additional insight by reading up on that breed of Dog.

    Hope that helps!
    Mama Bear

    Whoa… That is awesome. Now I’m wondering if they are really coydogs. That is what we call them up here, but I’ve only seen them once or twice at twilight and it was always on the road in the low hanging trees so seeing the Breed was difficult. But I hear them all the time. I live on the edge of a national forest and the coy chase deer along the length of the valley. I can hear them during their hunt, their yipping moves around the house as the nights go on, it is fascinating, but I’ve never gotten a specific feeling or message. The sound can be eerie, but the truly beautiful part… usually twenty minutes before there is one lone voice just howling to the night, then the group chimes in with their chorus about twenty minutes later. lol Could this actually be wolf behavior and not coydog? Now I’m curious lol.
    Great use of the word Breed Bernadette. I started laughing insanely and pictured every available bachelor I know lol. Damn… and I do think I’m past the breeding age :p. Too funny.
    BTW After going to sleep, their chorus woke me up. It was closer to the neighborhood and loud. What hit my mind was that they all STOP at the same time. Their singing gets loud as the group joins together then with unbelievable tact they all just whine down at the same time. It is amazing pack behavior.
    Thank you 🌸💜

  • aprilmorningstar

    March 7, 2021 at 9:47 pm

    I dreamed of walking with a white wolf. He told me he was going to take me to where the crow feather is. Not long after that, a white husky that looked just like a wolf showed up at my doorstep. Turns out the wolf is my spirit guardian. I have been dreaming about white animals and then encountering them ever since.

  • grasshopper

    March 8, 2021 at 12:07 pm
    aprilmorningstar, post: 203, member: 96 wrote:
    I dreamed of walking with a white wolf. He told me he was going to take me to where the crow feather is. Not long after that, a white husky that looked just like a wolf showed up at my doorstep. Turns out the wolf is my spirit guardian. I have been dreaming about white animals and then encountering them ever since.

    White Animals represent powerful changes coming to your threshold and beyond. Get ready for heightened psychic awareness and probably more dreams (do you keep a dream journal?)

  • hajnal23

    March 8, 2021 at 6:21 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 121, member: 1 wrote:
    Oh I’m so thrilled you joined us! And OMG that dream!!!! Woooowwwww…OK now that’s some incredibly powerful dreamwork, right there! I have goosebumps!

    There a funny story to this too Bernadette! I was in a journey about a week ago and sitting at my tree a tons of grasshoppers came up to me, all over me and I felt very welcomed by them. The video you posted a few days ago mentioned grasshopper being the moderator and all I could do was chuckle.

  • hajnal23

    March 8, 2021 at 6:22 pm
    Hajnal23, post: 263, member: 76 wrote:
    There a funny story to this too Bernadette! I was in a journey about a week ago and sitting at my tree a tons of grasshoppers came up to me, all over me and I felt very welcomed by them. The video you posted a few days ago mentioned grasshopper being the moderator and all I could do was chuckle.

    Yes I do feel from this dream that the collective is experiencing this “coming to wildness” from the pandemic. But I am not sure what the wolf’s message was.

  • aprilmorningstar

    March 8, 2021 at 7:37 pm
    Grasshopper, post: 225, member: 4 wrote:
    White Animals represent powerful changes coming to your threshold and beyond. Get ready for heightened psychic awareness and probably more dreams (do you keep a dream journal?)

    I write them down when I remember them. Incidentally at some point after that I ran into this crow holding a crow feather

  • hajnal23

    March 8, 2021 at 9:58 pm
    aprilmorningstar, post: 277, member: 96 wrote:
    I write them down when I remember them. Incidentally at some point after that I ran into this crow holding a crow feather

    I really need to be better about writing them down. I write down all of my journeys but havent consistently done the dreams. My dreams have become very vivid the past month. What a beautiful crow and I wonder what it means to hold its own feather?

  • wallflower

    March 8, 2021 at 11:39 pm
    aprilmorningstar, post: 277, member: 96 wrote:
    I write them down when I remember them. Incidentally at some point after that I ran into this crow holding a crow feather

    That is so cool… lol There must be information out there about feathers. I know some use them in smudging and wand making. Will have to look into that. Nice picture.

  • grasshopper

    March 9, 2021 at 12:49 pm
    Hajnal23, post: 263, member: 76 wrote:
    There a funny story to this too Bernadette! I was in a journey about a week ago and sitting at my tree a tons of grasshoppers came up to me, all over me and I felt very welcomed by them. The video you posted a few days ago mentioned grasshopper being the moderator and all I could do was chuckle.

    Honest! It wasn’t my fault LOL 200.gif

  • aprilmorningstar

    March 9, 2021 at 7:04 pm
    Hajnal23, post: 280, member: 76 wrote:
    I really need to be better about writing them down. I write down all of my journeys but havent consistently done the dreams. My dreams have become very vivid the past month. What a beautiful crow and I wonder what it means to hold its own feather?

    That’s funny, I’m worse at writing my journeys down. The really significant dreams seem to stick with me. I wondered too, about why the crow was holding the feather-aside from it being a sign for me. I’ve seen parrots use their own feathers to scratch themselves with.

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