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  • aprilmorningstar

    March 9, 2021 at 7:09 pm
    Wallflower, post: 285, member: 73 wrote:
    That is so cool… lol There must be information out there about feathers. I know some use them in smudging and wand making. Will have to look into that. Nice picture.

    Thank you, I can’t believe I actually got a picture of it. Normally I don’t, like when I saw two crows chasing a white (leucistic) bald eagle, or when I was standing at the edge of the bay on a wall, about two feet above the water, and I greeted a dolphin and it came over to me! Not that I need pictures, I’ll never forget it just would have been fun to document it and share it.

  • mama-bear

    March 11, 2021 at 4:26 am
    C c, post: 165, member: 35 wrote:
    I had a dream I was just walking and ended up walking through a lumber yard and a pack of wolf’s were all around and I thought no need in running they could catch me anyways and one came up behind me mouth my leg and I fainted or was in this unconscious state for awhile when I woke the wolf’s were people I had saw earlier! Like the people were people then wolf’s then people I wasn’t hurt and while unconscious I was feverish but on some kinda spiritual work thing! Idk 🤷‍♀️

    Wow. That’s quite a dream. I’m wondering if you have people around you who ‘aren’t true’ – like, “wolves in sheep’s clothing”?

  • mama-bear

    March 11, 2021 at 4:28 am
    Wallflower, post: 285, member: 73 wrote:
    That is so cool… lol There must be information out there about feathers. I know some use them in smudging and wand making. Will have to look into that. Nice picture.

    On feather symbolism – here’s a really in-depth article about feather meanings from my site: Feather Symbolism & Meaning: The Complete Guide – What Is My Spirit Animal | Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals

    Hope it helps!

  • c-c

    March 11, 2021 at 4:18 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 380, member: 1 wrote:
    Wow. That’s quite a dream. I’m wondering if you have people around you who ‘aren’t true’ – like, “wolves in sheep’s clothing”?

    First person that comes to my mind is my husband…I know that doesn’t sound very nice but that’s what pops in! 🤷‍♀️?

  • wallflower

    March 12, 2021 at 6:12 am
    Mama Bear, post: 381, member: 1 wrote:
    On feather symbolism – here’s a really in-depth article about feather meanings from my site: Feather Symbolism & Meaning: The Complete Guide – What Is My Spirit Animal | Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals

    Hope it helps!

    Definitely checking that out. Thank you.

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