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Homepage Forums What is My Spirit Animal Spirit Animal Community Fire Healing LIVE Tarot Reading – Weds. July 21, 2021

  • pearlized

    July 21, 2021 at 3:32 pm

    Hi all The Whitby lucky duck that Mama bear showed you is the Harlequin one, because i did not know her birth month. . They do them for all months, different colours for each. All had made Many other animals too. Ask her to show you the Bear. If anyone want to know a bit more about them You can read about them here. You can also see a video of them being made at the bottom of the page. They used to make them there in the shop for all to see, but due to the Safety regulations now, its not allowed anymore. Which is a shame as its fascinating to see Then have a look round You never know which animal you will find. Oh and the original Pavilion he first made them is down on the Paved part of the Cleveland way, that runs just up from the beach on the West Cliff part of Whitby.

    From the lucky duck, to Unicorns they have them all. Plus lots more. Unfortunately they only post out the original Lucky ducks.

  • mark-ravenheart

    July 21, 2021 at 8:28 pm

    I only caught the last part of the video, so I will likely go back and watch it all, but I wanted to comment about the last card that Mama Bear drew, …Eagle.

    The first trauma healer that I worked with, some 20 years ago, I called ‘momma Eagle’ because of the story about the Eagle that she told me. She said that the mother Eagle has to kick her offspring out of the nest or they will never learn to fly. She then went on to explain that her job as my therapist was like that, …she wanted to encourage me to “take the leap and build my wings on the way down.” As a matter of fact, she had this phrase emblazoned on a sign, on a wall in her office. I used to hate that darn sign…at least I did before I came to understand the full story.

    I had just been telling some friends about this when I caught the video and Eagle came forward. I just wanted to mention it, as it was a very healing experience and I enjoy working with Eagle spirit. Eagle also appeared as a prominent figure in the dream I had of the Native American Shaman, where I saw the bird skull necklace. Not only were there Eagles flying overhead in the dream but a song by the rock group The Eagles was also playing in the background no less. hahaha

    I remember going to a summer solstice gathering back in the early ’90s with 300 pagans and witches and druids (oh my) Anyway I will never forget that after the directions were called and it came time to call Spirit, a bald eagle flew overhead and let out a shriek as if on cue. It was a beautiful experience. It was in North Carolina.

    Sorry to ramble, I just wanted to share.

  • darkshinez

    July 22, 2021 at 6:42 am
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 4760, member: 452 wrote:
    I only caught the last part of the video, so I will likely go back and watch it all, but I wanted to comment about the last card that Mama Bear drew, …Eagle.

    The first trauma healer that I worked with, some 20 years ago, I called ‘momma Eagle’ because of the story about the Eagle that she told me. She said that the mother Eagle has to kick her offspring out of the nest or they will never learn to fly. She then went on to explain that her job as my therapist was like that, …she wanted to encourage me to “take the leap and build my wings on the way down.” As a matter of fact, she had this phrase emblazoned on a sign, on a wall in her office. I used to hate that darn sign…at least I did before I came to understand the full story.

    I had just been telling some friends about this when I caught the video and Eagle came forward. I just wanted to mention it, as it was a very healing experience and I enjoy working with Eagle spirit. Eagle also appeared as a prominent figure in the dream I had of the Native American Shaman, where I saw the bird skull necklace. Not only were there Eagles flying overhead in the dream but a song by the rock group The Eagles was also playing in the background no less. hahaha

    I remember going to a summer solstice gathering back in the early ’90s with 300 pagans and witches and druids (oh my) Anyway I will never forget that after the directions were called and it came time to call Spirit, a bald eagle flew overhead and let out a shriek as if on cue. It was a beautiful experience. It was in North Carolina.

    Sorry to ramble, I just wanted to share.s and thank you for being you and brave to share all …

    Love the way you connected Eagle within this reading, and ways it showed up around you, your life …

    Thank you much for sharing all you do Mark Ravenheart ~ you are brave, as you see others brave. :))

  • darkshinez

    July 22, 2021 at 7:10 am

    I hear Mama Bear on the lives “state” to be specific, many times.

    In some moments, it seems / feels neutral, other times it seems / feels frustrated or something like that.

    Any tips, support, etc. around “being specific” and with Mama Bear?
    Anything in this forum around this subject matter that I have missed?

    In watching this replay of the live, wondering … what is going on with Mama Bear and this particular reading?
    Much is HARD, HARSH … GET IT OR GET OUT … ??? …

  • karalyn

    July 22, 2021 at 4:29 pm

    hello Darkshinez ☺️

    Is it possible that perhaps an unexplored trigger has showed up for you within this live session? Are you being called to heal a past trauma or hurt? It is after all a “Healing” live reading 😉.

    As to Mama Bears request for specifics, my understanding is that she’s aiming verify that “yes” the right message is reaching the right person and the specifics she’s looking for are also an essential component to being an evidential psychic medium…she’s a person of integrity and wants to be sure that she’s delivering accurate messages from Spirit, loved ones who’ve passed on, and Animals everywhere (and that includes us humans😜).

    In terms of Mama Bears facial/body language expressions and what may be perceived as frustration, my understanding is that she is deep in psychic energy (and receiving messages that show up in all different ways). So she’s listening to multiple messages coming through, while talking to her audience, while also engaging with those of us participating in the chat…I don’t believe she is frustrated or annoyed, but simply deep into what she loves best, deep in her soul mission and she loves us all so much❤️

  • darkshinez

    July 22, 2021 at 7:18 pm
    Karalyn, post: 4787, member: 126 wrote:
    hello Darkshinez ☺️

    Is it possible that perhaps an unexplored trigger has showed up for you within this live session? Are you being called to heal a past trauma or hurt? It is after all a “Healing” live reading 😉.

    As to Mama Bears request for specifics, my understanding is that she’s aiming verify that “yes” the right message is reaching the right person and the specifics she’s looking for are also an essential component to being an evidential psychic medium…she’s a person of integrity and wants to be sure that she’s delivering accurate messages from Spirit, loved ones who’ve passed on, and Animals everywhere (and that includes us humans😜).

    In terms of Mama Bears facial/body language expressions and what may be perceived as frustration, my understanding is that she is deep in psychic energy (and receiving messages that show up in all different ways). So she’s listening to multiple messages coming through, while talking to her audience, while also engaging with those of us participating in the chat…I don’t believe she is frustrated or annoyed, but simply deep into what she loves best, deep in her soul mission and she loves us all so much❤️

    Hello Karalyn.
    Yes, it is, in an answer to your question.
    Thank you for responding and questioning and offering your understanding’s with the reading.
    Your post / response is helpful.
    I also appreciate that I could post what I was experiencing here.
    I was certainly feeling extra sensitive and tender when first watching the replay.
    I shall re-watch this healing reading and delve into my trigger.
    Again, thank you Karalyn for your response to my post. 💞

    I re-watched with a fresh perspective.
    It was my cr*p.
    Mama Bear was NOT harsh or hard.
    I was wrong.
    My apologies.

  • pearlized

    July 23, 2021 at 3:05 pm

    I have had to come back and comment again, as i was telling my hubby about this live video yesterday. He then went on to tell me the following.

    “” You bought that particular Lucky Duck because you did not have Bernadette’s birth month. Yet you could have got it if you really thought you should have done. Instead of waiting until the next day to buy it, you bought THAT Duck on that day, because is was not meant to be specific. It was meant to be used for anything or anyone connected to Bernadette when she received it , where Ducks in particular were involved. The other lady being in showbiz was just the icing on the cake””

    He then went on to tell me that I am more than i think i am. Can do more than i think or believe i can. He also reminded me about some of the things i have told people, when there is no way i could know about them.

    So was he surprised. No not really. Impressed but not surprised

    He never is.

  • karalyn

    July 23, 2021 at 4:00 pm
    DARKSHINEZ, post: 4789, member: 494 wrote:
    Hello Karalyn.
    Yes, it is, in an answer to your question.
    Thank you for responding and questioning and offering your understanding’s with the reading.
    Your post / response is helpful.
    I also appreciate that I could post what I was experiencing here.
    I was certainly feeling extra sensitive and tender when first watching the replay.
    I shall re-watch this healing reading and delve into my trigger.
    Again, thank you Karalyn for your response to my post. 💞

    I re-watched with a fresh perspective.
    It was my cr*p.
    Mama Bear was NOT harsh or hard.
    I was wrong.
    My apologies.

    Hi again Darkshinez 💛✨

    I’m so glad my response was helpful to you:)
    And I just wanted to add that I am only now (as in the past few years out of nearly 40 😝) getting more proficient at recognizing triggers in myself and others after years of being triggered all the time and not realizing that my perceptions were frequently high-jacked by my nervous system. I completely understand how painful it is for one’s past wounds to catch a person off guard and all the more so when we come across hidden/less examined past wounds; I didn’t want you to feel alone in that space of fear ❤️
    I hope your feeling super proud of yourself for having the courage to:
    a) say something in the first place, even if potentially critical to someone everyone on this site adores! That takes serious guts! And from where you were at in that moment, what you were perceiving was real to you…and you stayed present here and didn’t just detach, which shows you care!
    and b) you were so brave to allow yourself the opportunity to reassess the accuracy of your perception, not only individually but in a group context! So freaking brave (in my mind anyway ☺️)
    and c) you gifted yourself with the opportunity to heal!!! and in my humble opinion, there’s nothing more powerful and important to our world at this time than individual and collective healing.

    So much love and peace of mind and heart to you Darkshinez 💜😘

  • darkshinez

    July 24, 2021 at 6:51 pm
    Karalyn, post: 4816, member: 126 wrote:
    Hi again Darkshinez 💛✨

    I’m so glad my response was helpful to you:)
    And I just wanted to add that I am only now (as in the past few years out of nearly 40 😝) getting more proficient at recognizing triggers in myself and others after years of being triggered all the time and not realizing that my perceptions were frequently high-jacked by my nervous system. I completely understand how painful it is for one’s past wounds to catch a person off guard and all the more so when we come across hidden/less examined past wounds; I didn’t want you to feel alone in that space of fear ❤️
    I hope your feeling super proud of yourself for having the courage to:
    a) say something in the first place, even if potentially critical to someone everyone on this site adores! That takes serious guts! And from where you were at in that moment, what you were perceiving was real to you…and you stayed present here and didn’t just detach, which shows you care!
    and b) you were so brave to allow yourself the opportunity to reassess the accuracy of your perception, not only individually but in a group context! So freaking brave (in my mind anyway ☺️)
    and c) you gifted yourself with the opportunity to heal!!! and in my humble opinion, there’s nothing more powerful and important to our world at this time than individual and collective healing.

    So much love and peace of mind and heart to you Darkshinez 💜😘

    Hello again Karalyn. 🥰
    Deepest appreciation again for your response / post to me, and in relation to me being triggered and my actions, mistakes and messy moments.
    It has been an excellent learning / teaching / healing experience on my end.
    Your responses and insights and inquiries have been highly inspiring and graceful and supportive. 🌈🌟💝
    Feeling the love and peace of mind and heart sent my way from you.
    So much love + right back to you, dearest Karalyn. 💞💖💗

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