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  • mark-ravenheart

    August 15, 2023 at 5:24 pm

    This morning’s breakfast was a chocolate nutrition drink, a banana, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, pineapple, and grapes. And for lunch, I had chicken tenders and hushpuppies in honey mustard sauce. I am beginning to like this new diet. However, I am still learning what I can and cannot eat. Spicey and greasy foods are definitely out. This means a lot of my favorites have fallen by the wayside but I am still gonna be a big spaghetti fan even if it doesn’t like me back. 😉

    What about the rest of you? Are you loving yourselves and taking good care of yourselves? Eating right? Getting proper sleep/rest? Are you treating yourself gently and well? I certainly hope you are. There is only one of you in all time, ya know?

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 16, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    I have really missed all of you. I don’t see many people on the forums and if memory serves me, most people only would show up for Mama Bear’s lives, and not many would post here on the forum. Still, it seems like many people are missing. But in all fairness, I haven’t been back long, so what do I know? :)

    I hope you guys are having a good day :coffee::coffee::coffee:

    Lotsa Love,
    M Raven

  • pearlized

    August 16, 2023 at 4:49 pm

    It has been very quiet to be honest [USER=452]@Mark Ravenheart[/USER], only a few dropping in regularly.

    [USER=183]@Tina n[/USER] , [USER=20]@mawbbb[/USER] , [USER=344]@don[/USER] , [USER=82]@TheLastChanceCrone[/USER] Last chance crone being the most seen for a while. Hopefully once [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] is fully recovered, we can get it back to how it should be. I do know she has quite a few ideas about a lot of things.

    All i can do is be here and add in threads, like you are doing that might raise a bit more interest. We are not [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] though and that’s who they want. Just a shame more are not joining in to keep it going stronger for her but we can but try.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 16, 2023 at 6:04 pm
    Pearlized, post: 9335, member: 18 wrote:
    It has been very quiet to be honest [USER=452]@Mark Ravenheart[/USER], only a few dropping in regularly.

    That’s a shame, really. There is so much we can learn from one another and it gives us a place to rally round the animal spirits.

    Pearlized, post: 9335, member: 18 wrote:

    [USER=183]@Tina n[/USER] , [USER=20]@mawbbb[/USER] , [USER=344]@don[/USER] , [USER=82]@TheLastChanceCrone[/USER] Last chance crone being the most seen for a while.

    Well, at least some of the regular Wild Pack are still out and about. That is a good sign.

    Pearlized, post: 9335, member: 18 wrote:
    Hopefully once [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] is fully recovered, we can get it back to how it should be. I do know she has quite a few ideas about a lot of things.

    I will be happy when she is able to be here more often, I miss her as well.

    Pearlized, post: 9335, member: 18 wrote:
    All i can do is be here and add in threads, like you are doing that might raise a bit more interest. We are not [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] though and that’s who they want.

    Mama Bear please report to “the dance floor”. 🐻 You are wanted!!!

    Pearlized, post: 9335, member: 18 wrote:
    a shame more are not joining in to keep it going stronger for her but we can but try.

    I am definitely gonna give it the old college try, …(I graduated Phi Theta Kappa) 😉

  • pearlized

    August 16, 2023 at 6:24 pm

    Mama Bear please report to “the dance floor”. 🐻 You are wanted!!!

    I have no idea how long it will yet, as far as i know, she is still in the physical rehab facility. It will not be for a few more weeks before she will be totally up and running.

    I have a feeling mid to late September we will be seeing and hearing her loud and clear again.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 16, 2023 at 7:01 pm

    Ya know, ya can’t help but love ❤️ 🐻 ❤️ Mama Bear, she is one of a kind. I’ll be happy when she is fully recovered and we are seeing and hearing her loud and clear again.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 16, 2023 at 9:54 pm

    I hope that posting this is not a problem. I saw it and wanted to share…

    [ATTACH type=”full”]2538[/ATTACH]

  • tina-n

    August 17, 2023 at 2:32 pm
    Pearlized, post: 9335, member: 18 wrote:
    It has been very quiet to be honest [USER=452]@Mark Ravenheart[/USER], only a few dropping in regularly.

    [USER=183]@Tina n[/USER] , [USER=20]@mawbbb[/USER] , [USER=344]@don[/USER] , [USER=82]@TheLastChanceCrone[/USER] Last chance crone being the most seen for a while. Hopefully once [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] is fully recovered, we can get it back to how it should be. I do know she has quite a few ideas about a lot of things.

    All i can do is be here and add in threads, like you are doing that might raise a bit more interest. We are not [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] though and that’s who they want. Just a shame more are not joining in to keep it going stronger for her but we can but try.

    It’s true , most want @mamabear, as do I, this is her site and i think she is here in spirit as she has a great deal going on and cannot be all places all the time, but I love all of you just the same and learn and grow from all you have to share.. ♡♡♡

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 17, 2023 at 6:11 pm
    Tina n, post: 9347, member: 183 wrote:
    It’s true , most want @mamabear, as do I, this is her site and i think she is here in spirit as she has a great deal going on and cannot be all places all the time

    This is true. I would not ever try to take Mama Bear’s place even if I could, which I cannot. This site will always be her “baby” and I totally respect her, especially for all the hard work she has put into this place!!! She is def here in spirit, her presence lingers long after she has “left the building” so to speak.

    Tina n, post: 9347, member: 183 wrote:
    but I love all of you just the same and learn and grow from all you have to share.. ♡♡♡

    That was my hope and wish… that you guys would be able to learn and grow from what I have to share and to learn more myself from what others have to share. That is what makes this place work…we lovingly support and care for one another like a wild wolf pack and I am happy to be a part of that!!!

  • thelastchancecrone

    August 26, 2023 at 6:12 am

    I’m around, just I have some serious medical issues. I see my hip surgeon next week – to start planning my hip replacement.

  • tina-n

    August 26, 2023 at 11:13 am
    TheLastChanceCrone, post: 9364, member: 82 wrote:
    I’m around, just I have some serious medical issues. I see my hip surgeon next week – to start planning my hip replacement.

    Holding positive thoughts for you last chance ♡♡♡

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 29, 2023 at 2:29 am

    [USER=82]@TheLastChanceCrone[/USER] I am sorry to hear that you are having medical problems. I am sending you peace, healing, and comfort energy and I just lit a candle for you! Hope you are well soon.

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