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  • How DID we get here ??

    Posted by pearlized on March 7, 2021 at 8:23 am

    Hoping this is the correct place for this If not no probs i can move it.

    Make a cup of tea Grab a chair and sit back while you read My hubby amazes me every time his conversations go deep.

    While watching yesterdays pick a card video a conversation hubby and i had months back came to mind I have only told one other person about it on FB messenger. I told Bernadette i would copy and post it up on here So here it is complete as i told her.

    This morning we had a conversation that lasted almost 2 hours Something we have not done in we dont know how long Not this type.

    Started off about all this crap thats going on in the world The way way back histories the whys and wherefores then going into the start of earth after dinosaurs then onto the missing link of monkeys to humans. Yea you can see it was deep lol

    So he came up with something i did not know that some scientists had found something very obscure and minute in the dna chains of humans that are not known and have no idea where they could have come from As they have never seen them before EVER Plus hubby said they were not of this earth ??? Yea i was like REALLY

    So here is his theory. Which when you think about it makes you wonder

    We humans were here THEY brought some of their own here Those who were intent on destroying the wonderful world they had. BUT Wiped their memories of what they had been taken from. In the hope they would learn better in their future lives. And thats why there is the missing link.

    Every so often they come back to visit with hope that humans have learnt so they can now teach us the ways of their world the originals came from. But as many are still destroying a world that is beautiful in its own right They are not ready to help us move forward and only the few who are not intent on destruction in anyway shape or form are being deprived of the knowledge out there.

    He also said that we are the only living being on this earth who are not able to use our full brains Because we are too stupid to see the earth for what it is Animals can Plants can But not HUMANS

    So a lot if probably not all animals can see or know when spirits are around As SOME humans can A lot of animals have a natural instinct to know when a human needs help. In so many ways

    So if we were put her to learn to not destroy whats given to us and the aliens keep coming to check on us. Going way back the pictures found in caves and such and the way the Inca’s and such built what they did Plus add in the Mayan’s and go back way way before them even If they did it then with no tools like we have today And it was all done by hand WHERE did they get that knowledge on HOW to do it from.

    So then we go back to the Alien connection. In the beginning when we were first put on this earth. Some looked up and understood Some looked down and refused to understand. Though all had no memory of anything else but this earth they were now on. Hence the beginning of the Gods and Goddesses as we know them today. Gods and goddesses for all reasons Places and anything else you can think of. To those originally put here on earth who DID understand they looked on them as just that Thanking them for having a second chance Unfortunately too many refused the chance given.

    But if you just look at the Maya civilisation traced back to 8000 BC HOW did they know how to build and carve stone so precise and intricate.

    Maybe not in the way some are saying they can be used and all that. But an example of denial and refusing to believe Not sure if it true or not BUT A doctor in Germany i think before WWII Is said to have discovered a cure for cancer But something to do with Hitler {{Sorry details forgotten}} That he was promised so much if he continued it all with Hitler’s funding. It was all written down and was almost complete when he was either stopped due to bigger money not wanting it to be out there for all Because they could make more in their way than the Dr who did amazing research Yet today we are no where near where he had reached Like i say i dont know what is fact or fiction. But if its fact WHY not let it be there for all. Again those who refuse to believe and understand as well as share the knowledge and lessons learnt.

    If it were a story i would say so This is how our conversation EXACTLY went. But moving on we then got into The gifts from the Gods and Goddesses and how we met.

    How we met and his thoughts behind it is a continuation of the conversation above. But another story altogether His thoughts behind that will make you sit back and wonder too.

    grasshopper replied 3 years, 3 months ago 9 Members · 28 Replies
  • 28 Replies
  • wallflower

    March 7, 2021 at 8:47 am

    Very interesting. So much food for thought here Pearl. May I ask, do you or your husband feel that we humans are in some respects de-evolving due to technology and our material advancements? Did our ancestors actually have a better or deeper connection to the planet and the cosmos because their lives were tied closely to survival and existing within the eco system? These are questions that come to mind while reading your fascinating conversation. Thanks for sharing it and inspiring reflection.

  • pearlized

    March 7, 2021 at 9:13 am

    De-evolving due to technology. Good question. Hubby is actually so LOW tech its amazing. Computers forget it He has no idea how to switch one on. Cell phone Nope not going there either. Took me 6 weeks to teach him how to use our microwave. Even using house phone does his head in. Me well technology has kept me sane from his health issues going back to 2006. If it were not for my laptop and the hep and support i received through it back in the deep dark days of his illness. I am not sure where i would be today if i am honest.

    He is a basic give me a regular piston engine and i will fix it kind of man.

    Spiritually WOW he is growing enormously To the point i cannot always answer his questions. He is growing as an Empath but cannot handle it completely So i have to tell him to get out of the area IF it overwhelms him. He cannot do it with me because my dad and his gran are both protecting us For good reasons. This is the guy who told me it was all Hocus Pocus UNTIL he had a small problem he did not know how to handle. I sorted it for him with just Himalayan mountain salt. He was stunned but it cured his problem. There is a heck of a lot more to his story which goes back to his childhood and his gran.

    Just need to build his confidence up more now As he tells me he is too old at 60 to go deeper. Time will tell as he now takes interest when i watch Bernadette’s video’s.

  • grasshopper

    March 8, 2021 at 12:03 pm
    Pearlized, post: 159, member: 18 wrote:
    Hoping this is the correct place for this If not no probs i can move it.

    Make a cup of tea Grab a chair and sit back while you read My hubby amazes me every time his conversations go deep.

    While watching yesterdays pick a card video a conversation hubby and i had months back came to mind I have only told one other person about it on FB messenger. I told Bernadette i would copy and post it up on here So here it is complete as i told her.

    This morning we had a conversation that lasted almost 2 hours Something we have not done in we dont know how long Not this type.

    Started off about all this crap thats going on in the world The way way back histories the whys and wherefores then going into the start of earth after dinosaurs then onto the missing link of monkeys to humans. Yea you can see it was deep lol

    So he came up with something i did not know that some scientists had found something very obscure and minute in the dna chains of humans that are not known and have no idea where they could have come from As they have never seen them before EVER Plus hubby said they were not of this earth ??? Yea i was like REALLY

    So here is his theory. Which when you think about it makes you wonder

    We humans were here THEY brought some of their own here Those who were intent on destroying the wonderful world they had. BUT Wiped their memories of what they had been taken from. In the hope they would learn better in their future lives. And thats why there is the missing link.

    Every so often they come back to visit with hope that humans have learnt so they can now teach us the ways of their world the originals came from. But as many are still destroying a world that is beautiful in its own right They are not ready to help us move forward and only the few who are not intent on destruction in anyway shape or form are being deprived of the knowledge out there.

    He also said that we are the only living being on this earth who are not able to use our full brains Because we are too stupid to see the earth for what it is Animals can Plants can But not HUMANS

    So a lot if probably not all animals can see or know when spirits are around As SOME humans can A lot of animals have a natural instinct to know when a human needs help. In so many ways

    So if we were put her to learn to not destroy whats given to us and the aliens keep coming to check on us. Going way back the pictures found in caves and such and the way the Inca’s and such built what they did Plus add in the Mayan’s and go back way way before them even If they did it then with no tools like we have today And it was all done by hand WHERE did they get that knowledge on HOW to do it from.

    So then we go back to the Alien connection. In the beginning when we were first put on this earth. Some looked up and understood Some looked down and refused to understand. Though all had no memory of anything else but this earth they were now on. Hence the beginning of the Gods and Goddesses as we know them today. Gods and goddesses for all reasons Places and anything else you can think of. To those originally put here on earth who DID understand they looked on them as just that Thanking them for having a second chance Unfortunately too many refused the chance given.

    But if you just look at the Maya civilisation traced back to 8000 BC HOW did they know how to build and carve stone so precise and intricate.

    Maybe not in the way some are saying they can be used and all that. But an example of denial and refusing to believe Not sure if it true or not BUT A doctor in Germany i think before WWII Is said to have discovered a cure for cancer But something to do with Hitler {{Sorry details forgotten}} That he was promised so much if he continued it all with Hitler’s funding. It was all written down and was almost complete when he was either stopped due to bigger money not wanting it to be out there for all Because they could make more in their way than the Dr who did amazing research Yet today we are no where near where he had reached Like i say i dont know what is fact or fiction. But if its fact WHY not let it be there for all. Again those who refuse to believe and understand as well as share the knowledge and lessons learnt.

    If it were a story i would say so This is how our conversation EXACTLY went. But moving on we then got into The gifts from the Gods and Goddesses and how we met.

    How we met and his thoughts behind it is a continuation of the conversation above. But another story altogether His thoughts behind that will make you sit back and wonder too.

    I’m with Sagan. If we are “it” – talk about a waste of space. There is no question we lost touch with the Divine, particularly during the industrial revolution and forward. Science and magic can (and do) work together, but it’s a mindful melding.

  • witch1969

    March 8, 2021 at 12:43 pm

    Bring on more noetic science and spiritual practice🤗👍

  • mama-bear

    March 12, 2021 at 12:52 am
    Pearlized, post: 159, member: 18 wrote:
    Hoping this is the correct place for this If not no probs i can move it.

    Make a cup of tea Grab a chair and sit back while you read My hubby amazes me every time his conversations go deep.

    While watching yesterdays pick a card video a conversation hubby and i had months back came to mind I have only told one other person about it on FB messenger. I told Bernadette i would copy and post it up on here So here it is complete as i told her.

    This morning we had a conversation that lasted almost 2 hours Something we have not done in we dont know how long Not this type.

    Started off about all this crap thats going on in the world The way way back histories the whys and wherefores then going into the start of earth after dinosaurs then onto the missing link of monkeys to humans. Yea you can see it was deep lol

    So he came up with something i did not know that some scientists had found something very obscure and minute in the dna chains of humans that are not known and have no idea where they could have come from As they have never seen them before EVER Plus hubby said they were not of this earth ??? Yea i was like REALLY

    So here is his theory. Which when you think about it makes you wonder

    We humans were here THEY brought some of their own here Those who were intent on destroying the wonderful world they had. BUT Wiped their memories of what they had been taken from. In the hope they would learn better in their future lives. And thats why there is the missing link.

    Every so often they come back to visit with hope that humans have learnt so they can now teach us the ways of their world the originals came from. But as many are still destroying a world that is beautiful in its own right They are not ready to help us move forward and only the few who are not intent on destruction in anyway shape or form are being deprived of the knowledge out there.

    He also said that we are the only living being on this earth who are not able to use our full brains Because we are too stupid to see the earth for what it is Animals can Plants can But not HUMANS

    So a lot if probably not all animals can see or know when spirits are around As SOME humans can A lot of animals have a natural instinct to know when a human needs help. In so many ways

    So if we were put her to learn to not destroy whats given to us and the aliens keep coming to check on us. Going way back the pictures found in caves and such and the way the Inca’s and such built what they did Plus add in the Mayan’s and go back way way before them even If they did it then with no tools like we have today And it was all done by hand WHERE did they get that knowledge on HOW to do it from.

    So then we go back to the Alien connection. In the beginning when we were first put on this earth. Some looked up and understood Some looked down and refused to understand. Though all had no memory of anything else but this earth they were now on. Hence the beginning of the Gods and Goddesses as we know them today. Gods and goddesses for all reasons Places and anything else you can think of. To those originally put here on earth who DID understand they looked on them as just that Thanking them for having a second chance Unfortunately too many refused the chance given.

    But if you just look at the Maya civilisation traced back to 8000 BC HOW did they know how to build and carve stone so precise and intricate.

    Maybe not in the way some are saying they can be used and all that. But an example of denial and refusing to believe Not sure if it true or not BUT A doctor in Germany i think before WWII Is said to have discovered a cure for cancer But something to do with Hitler {{Sorry details forgotten}} That he was promised so much if he continued it all with Hitler’s funding. It was all written down and was almost complete when he was either stopped due to bigger money not wanting it to be out there for all Because they could make more in their way than the Dr who did amazing research Yet today we are no where near where he had reached Like i say i dont know what is fact or fiction. But if its fact WHY not let it be there for all. Again those who refuse to believe and understand as well as share the knowledge and lessons learnt.

    If it were a story i would say so This is how our conversation EXACTLY went. But moving on we then got into The gifts from the Gods and Goddesses and how we met.

    How we met and his thoughts behind it is a continuation of the conversation above. But another story altogether His thoughts behind that will make you sit back and wonder too.

    All these theories and more could be absolutely true. It’s why I spend so much of time “wondering”. LOL I KNEW there were other like me, out there…somewhere… LOL

  • mama-bear

    March 12, 2021 at 12:55 am
    Pearlized, post: 162, member: 18 wrote:
    De-evolving due to technology. Good question. Hubby is actually so LOW tech its amazing. Computers forget it He has no idea how to switch one on. Cell phone Nope not going there either. Took me 6 weeks to teach him how to use our microwave. Even using house phone does his head in. Me well technology has kept me sane from his health issues going back to 2006. If it were not for my laptop and the hep and support i received through it back in the deep dark days of his illness. I am not sure where i would be today if i am honest.

    He is a basic give me a regular piston engine and i will fix it kind of man.

    Spiritually WOW he is growing enormously To the point i cannot always answer his questions. He is growing as an Empath but cannot handle it completely So i have to tell him to get out of the area IF it overwhelms him. He cannot do it with me because my dad and his gran are both protecting us For good reasons. This is the guy who told me it was all Hocus Pocus UNTIL he had a small problem he did not know how to handle. I sorted it for him with just Himalayan mountain salt. He was stunned but it cured his problem. There is a heck of a lot more to his story which goes back to his childhood and his gran.

    Just need to build his confidence up more now As he tells me he is too old at 60 to go deeper. Time will tell as he now takes interest when i watch Bernadette’s video’s.

    He may be low tech but he’s just the kind of person I want around during the Zombie apocalypse – won’t freak when the tech goes down and if he’s a tradesman so much the better!

  • pearlized

    March 12, 2021 at 6:20 am
    Mama Bear, post: 423, member: 1 wrote:
    He may be low tech but he’s just the kind of person I want around during the Zombie apocalypse – won’t freak when the tech goes down and if he’s a tradesman so much the better!

    Never thought of it like that but YES He would definitely be able to get that truck running with a basic kit and haul us all out of there.

  • c-c

    March 12, 2021 at 9:48 pm

    [ATTACH type=”full”]55[/ATTACH]
    I just stumbled on this…has anyone met people who use to do light work and now think it’s demon work?

  • maureen-jones

    March 13, 2021 at 3:29 am
    Wallflower, post: 160, member: 73 wrote:
    Very interesting. So much food for thought here Pearl. May I ask, do you or your husband feel that we humans are in some respects de-evolving due to technology and our material advancements? Did our ancestors actually have a better or deeper connection to the planet and the cosmos because their lives were tied closely to survival and existing within the eco system? These are questions that come to mind while reading your fascinating conversation. Thanks for sharing it and inspiring reflection.

    I actually heard some information, through something Gregg Braden was referencing in something he was teaching about, which related to Quantum Science and other things, about how there is technology being worked on that would implant a chip into, I think it was the human brain, but body anyway, that would allow the person to interact with their computer using a technology similar to Bluetooth. He said that the technology actually exists, it’s not entirely in the realm of ideas. He was speaking some, at that time, on some of the dangers of where we are taking technology. He was suggesting that while using technology along that idea to help a person with, say an artificial limb have more natural use, would have some positive impact on that person’s life, there are all sorts of dangers to implanting chips to allow us to interact with our computers. One thing, not even getting into ethical issues and the potential issues there, he was saying that it would interfere with the function of certain neurons and other things in the brain, causing us to not use them because we wouldn’t need to use them (since the chip would essentially be overriding the natural process and working from the chip itself), or as frequently, and what we don’t use, we potentially lose. So, thinking along those lines, I think there is a potential that in our advancements and hubris, we could, in some respects, as you put it, de-evolve “due to technology and our material advancements”.

  • maureen-jones

    March 13, 2021 at 3:55 am
    C c, post: 484, member: 35 wrote:
    I just stumbled on this…has anyone met people who use to do light work and now think it’s demon work?

    Interestingly, today I saw something that was suggesting that all things like Light Work, and Metaphysical, was demon work made to appear like it isn’t as a deception, but that it was all from demons. While I respect that person’s choice to believe that, I do not. I can’t get into everything here and now, but I once on my Journey had that indoctrination, and I understand where they are coming from and how the justify it. However, limiting beliefs and teachings that suggest that everything that doesn’t line up exactly with their interpretation of Jesus and The Bible being demonized and it’s all “of the devil” are thoughts and beliefs that, again I respect them and their choices and understand their choices, but I have issues with them because everyone in the entire World is following demons and going to Hell, except for them and whoever does exactly as they say and believes what they say. (Also, these same people are saying that other Christians who aren’t lined up exactly with their specific ways are also being deceived by demons.)
    Something else I find interesting, is suggesting Metatron is a demon. One specific thing I find interesting about what is written here is that this comes from Hebrew seminary professor, along with the 2 ex-new agers. The existence of Metatron, in particular, is found in the Talmud and Kabbalistic ancient Hebrew teachings and writings. A reference, that I quote in part here from Britannica, ” Metatron, the greatest of angels in Jewish myths and legends. Metatron is not a figure of the Hebrew Bible, but his name appears briefly in several passages of the Talmud. His legends are predominantly found in mystical Kabbalistic texts.” (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Metatron | Archangel & Description). So, I have to ask myself, why would a Hebrew seminary professor, someone knowledgeable in the ancient teaching and writings of the Talmud and Kabbala, decide that an Archangel, this specific Archangel, is a demon?
    So, again, while I respect that everyone’s beliefs are valid for them, and I respect everyone has a choice to have a belief or not to have one, I respectfully decline to believe this suggestion.

  • wallflower

    March 13, 2021 at 4:07 am
    Maureen Jones, post: 494, member: 30 wrote:
    I actually heard some information, through something Gregg Braden was referencing in something he was teaching about, which related to Quantum Science and other things, about how there is technology being worked on that would implant a chip into, I think it was the human brain, but body anyway, that would allow the person to interact with their computer using a technology similar to Bluetooth. He said that the technology actually exists, it’s not entirely in the realm of ideas. He was speaking some, at that time, on some of the dangers of where we are taking technology. He was suggesting that while using technology along that idea to help a person with, say an artificial limb have more natural use, would have some positive impact on that person’s life, there are all sorts of dangers to implanting chips to allow us to interact with our computers. One thing, not even getting into ethical issues and the potential issues there, he was saying that it would interfere with the function of certain neurons and other things in the brain, causing us to not use them because we wouldn’t need to use them (since the chip would essentially be overriding the natural process and working from the chip itself), or as frequently, and what we don’t use, we potentially lose. So, thinking along those lines, I think there is a potential that in our advancements and hubris, we could, in some respects, as you put it, de-evolve “due to technology and our material advancements”.

    Very interesting and a little scary. Reminds me sci-fi shows where populations get plugged in and essentially become slaves because life without the machine is unmanageable. Let us hope it never gets there. 🌸

  • wallflower

    March 13, 2021 at 4:22 am
    C c, post: 484, member: 35 wrote:
    [ATTACH type=”full” alt=”1615585616951.jpeg”]55[/ATTACH]
    I just stumbled on this…has anyone met people who use to do light work and now think it’s demon work?

    This does not surprise me… sadly.

  • c-c

    March 13, 2021 at 11:32 am
    Wallflower, post: 497, member: 73 wrote:
    This does not surprise me… sadly.

    I was saddened because this is part of why I struggled with my abilities as a child 😢

  • maureen-jones

    March 13, 2021 at 11:44 am
    Wallflower, post: 496, member: 73 wrote:
    Very interesting and a little scary. Reminds me sci-fi shows where populations get plugged in and essentially become slaves because life without the machine is unmanageable. Let us hope it never gets there. 🌸

    I agree Wallflower.

  • c-c

    March 13, 2021 at 11:50 am
    Maureen Jones, post: 494, member: 30 wrote:
    I actually heard some information, through something Gregg Braden was referencing in something he was teaching about, which related to Quantum Science and other things, about how there is technology being worked on that would implant a chip into, I think it was the human brain, but body anyway, that would allow the person to interact with their computer using a technology similar to Bluetooth. He said that the technology actually exists, it’s not entirely in the realm of ideas. He was speaking some, at that time, on some of the dangers of where we are taking technology. He was suggesting that while using technology along that idea to help a person with, say an artificial limb have more natural use, would have some positive impact on that person’s life, there are all sorts of dangers to implanting chips to allow us to interact with our computers. One thing, not even getting into ethical issues and the potential issues there, he was saying that it would interfere with the function of certain neurons and other things in the brain, causing us to not use them because we wouldn’t need to use them (since the chip would essentially be overriding the natural process and working from the chip itself), or as frequently, and what we don’t use, we potentially lose. So, thinking along those lines, I think there is a potential that in our advancements and hubris, we could, in some respects, as you put it, de-evolve “due to technology and our material advancements”.

    I read something else from her where she said everything metaphysics was demon work 😢 because she read the Bible 🙄

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