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  • maureen-jones

    March 13, 2021 at 11:58 am
    C c, post: 484, member: 35 wrote:
    [ATTACH type=”full” alt=”1615585616951.jpeg”]55[/ATTACH]
    I just stumbled on this…has anyone met people who use to do light work and now think it’s demon work?

    To my other comments I would like to add something else to consider. Where is the Love? The people who put forth this rhetoric are making claims and suggestions based in their interpretations and beliefs, but I don’t see that they are coming from a place of Love. As I mentioned in my original comments, the people saying this sort of thing are also saying the same about other Christians whose interpretations of Jesus and The Bible differ from theirs. So, again I as, where is the Love? They come across as representing Jesus, but if you examine what Jesus taught, he came from a place of Love, not using fear and divisiveness to control and manipulate others to follow him or listen to his point of view.

  • maureen-jones

    March 13, 2021 at 12:18 pm
    C c, post: 501, member: 35 wrote:
    I read something else from her where she said everything metaphysics was demon work 😢 because she read the Bible 🙄

    I know. See my additional comment that I just posted about the lack of Love, and the how people like her are using fear and coming from a place of divisiveness and not the Love they claim to be. Try to not allow it to upset you. What I do is, first and foremost, I respect their beliefs and the fact they are true for them and I respect their right to those beliefs. I genuinely love comparative religious studies, and things along that line, and sincerely respect all of them whether I resonate with what they believe and teach or not. Secondly, I go to my heart. In coming from a place of love and respect for what others believe and practice, I ask myself, in my heart, how does what this statement or suggestion make me feel in my heart? Is the other person or are the other people coming from a place of Love because they honestly believe what they are saying? Are they sharing their beliefs and hoping to “shed light” on a topic that differs from mine from a place of love and respect, or is it from a place of using fear and are they coming from a place of divisiveness? If it’s from a place of Love, they won’t be using fear and divisiveness, and though they may want me to believe what they do, they would respect that we can “agree to disagree” and leave it. If there is not Love or respect and not willingness to “agree to disagree” then I stop listening to them and walk away. I don’t walk away in anger or judgement, but understanding that while this may be their belief, I do not agree and am not interested in engaging in fearful and divisive conversation. I feel sad that some people choose to be that way, but I don’t have to “roll in the mud” with them.

  • c-c

    March 13, 2021 at 12:19 pm
    Maureen Jones, post: 502, member: 30 wrote:
    To my other comments I would like to add something else to consider. Where is the Love? The people who put forth this rhetoric are making claims and suggestions based in their interpretations and beliefs, but I don’t see that they are coming from a place of Love. As I mentioned in my original comments, the people saying this sort of thing are also saying the same about other Christians whose interpretations of Jesus and The Bible differ from theirs. So, again I as, where is the Love? They come across as representing Jesus, but if you examine what Jesus taught, he came from a place of Love, not using fear and divisiveness to control and manipulate others to follow him or listen to his point of view.

    So true!! I find it hurtful…

  • c-c

    March 13, 2021 at 12:24 pm
    Maureen Jones, post: 505, member: 30 wrote:
    I know. See my additional comment that I just posted about the lack of Love, and the how people like her are using fear and coming from a place of divisiveness and not the Love they claim to be. Try to not allow it to upset you. What I do is, first and foremost, I respect their beliefs and the fact they are true for them and I respect their right to those beliefs. I genuinely love comparative religious studies, and things along that line, and sincerely respect all of them whether I resonate with what they believe and teach or not. Secondly, I go to my heart. In coming from a place of love and respect for what others believe and practice, I ask myself, in my heart, how does what this statement or suggestion make me feel in my heart? Is the other person or are the other people coming from a place of Love because they honestly believe what they are saying? Are they sharing their beliefs and hoping to “shed light” on a topic that differs from mine from a place of love and respect, or is it from a place of using fear and are they coming from a place of divisiveness? If it’s from a place of Love, they won’t be using fear and divisiveness, and though they may want me to believe what they do, they would respect that we can “agree to disagree” and leave it. If there is not Love or respect and not willingness to “agree to disagree” then I stop listening to them and walk away. I don’t walk away in anger or judgement, but understanding that while this may be their belief, I do not agree and am not interested in engaging in fearful and divisive conversation. I feel sad that some people choose to be that way, but I don’t have to “roll in the mud” with them.

    I think it triggered for me all these feelings from when I was a child feeling like I was bad or something was wrong with me and avoiding my abilities. I don’t think people realize they should be respectful and thoughtful on how they express their beliefs!

  • mama-bear

    March 13, 2021 at 1:50 pm
    C c, post: 484, member: 35 wrote:
    [ATTACH type=”full” alt=”1615585616951.jpeg”]55[/ATTACH]
    I just stumbled on this…has anyone met people who use to do light work and now think it’s demon work?

    I’m sorry you’re experiencing fear. Based solely on the graphic you posted I would say this comes from is when Doreen Virtue did an about-face as an Angel person/New Ager/Lightworker and went to a more lucrative market (even though I have been told by VERY credible sources she was among the top three highest grossing authors at Hay House) – the Christian market. That was some years ago but maannnyyyy folks are still talking about it. There will ALWAYS be folks out there who rebuke what we do in the name(s) of their “lord(s)” …. right up till they suspect their husband or wife is cheating or are terrified when their doc tells them they (or someone they love) has cancer and they want to know if they’re going to live or die or their beloved has transitioned to the other side – then they come see me for a psychic medium reading or other type of service. Also, some (not all) graphics like the one shared here are created by folks who just want to watch folks get riled up. Sure hope that helps.

  • witch1969

    March 13, 2021 at 2:09 pm
    Maureen Jones, post: 495, member: 30 wrote:
    Interestingly, today I saw something that was suggesting that all things like Light Work, and Metaphysical, was demon work made to appear like it isn’t as a deception, but that it was all from demons. While I respect that person’s choice to believe that, I do not. I can’t get into everything here and now, but I once on my Journey had that indoctrination, and I understand where they are coming from and how the justify it. However, limiting beliefs and teachings that suggest that everything that doesn’t line up exactly with their interpretation of Jesus and The Bible being demonized and it’s all “of the devil” are thoughts and beliefs that, again I respect them and their choices and understand their choices, but I have issues with them because everyone in the entire World is following demons and going to Hell, except for them and whoever does exactly as they say and believes what they say. (Also, these same people are saying that other Christians who aren’t lined up exactly with their specific ways are also being deceived by demons.)
    Something else I find interesting, is suggesting Metatron is a demon. One specific thing I find interesting about what is written here is that this comes from Hebrew seminary professor, along with the 2 ex-new agers. The existence of Metatron, in particular, is found in the Talmud and Kabbalistic ancient Hebrew teachings and writings. A reference, that I quote in part here from Britannica, ” Metatron, the greatest of angels in Jewish myths and legends. Metatron is not a figure of the Hebrew Bible, but his name appears briefly in several passages of the Talmud. His legends are predominantly found in mystical Kabbalistic texts.” (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Metatron | Archangel & Description). So, I have to ask myself, why would a Hebrew seminary professor, someone knowledgeable in the ancient teaching and writings of the Talmud and Kabbala, decide that an Archangel, this specific Archangel, is a demon?
    So, again, while I respect that everyone’s beliefs are valid for them, and I respect everyone has a choice to have a belief or not to have one, I respectfully decline to believe this suggestion.
  • mama-bear

    March 13, 2021 at 2:15 pm
    C c, post: 501, member: 35 wrote:
    I read something else from her where she said everything metaphysics was demon work 😢 because she read the Bible 🙄

    If you’re speaking of Ms. Virtue, yes. She said something like that. Now, I do not personally know her so I cannot personally vouch for whether she truly had a change of heart or followed the money – the Christian market is incredibly lucrative.

  • witch1969

    March 13, 2021 at 3:05 pm

    Common sense and trusting intuition on engaging with information from meditation,prayer,dreams could be maybe something to agree on?

    My own thought on the matter is if we are employing sensible establishment of boundaries, going into/out of spiritual practices/using tools,(I.e.could be as simple as a prayer before/after making it clear, along with giving thanks that only information from highest Source/Spirit/God etc is welcome) that the quality of guidance received should usually be sane and cogent.If however you are a little thrown with what you receive trust that feeling,really evaluate is it harmful?Is it bargaining or censorious,making demands? This could indicate you may unwittingly have something of low form in the vicinity which needs to be dealt with.
    (n.b.sometimes good to check this is not coming from our inner turmoil or even physical exhaustion or depression)

    A loving Spiritual message from whatever ‘good’source would never coerce,bully or defame-if that is the case red flags should be flying…however,if one is approaching spiritual growth and development coming from the position of strong self esteem,support,boundaries and good health (mentally and physically)this is generally viewed as a good and safe foundation from which to explore and receive spiritual guidance and from which most negative or low level energies would be repelled.
    In short if you think you feel ‘off’ in any way or are unpracticed in what you are approaching,work on your own inner strength and well being first, and then find an excellent teacher or mentor, who is recognised not just in reputation, but also who you personally judge as having integrity in their actions/deeds, to help you access information/spiritual practices,after all we would not go to an untrained disreputable plumber to fix a tap -no different to going to someone to help us in these matters!

    Also,if unfamiliar with discarnate messages,using folks who have properly studied and trained in mediumship may also be a way forward especially if one is fearful or perhaps not sure what they are accessing under their own steam, is what they believe they thought they were accessing(for whatever reason)

    Put it this way-I could be confident in using tarot or oracle for personal growth ,inner work and as an interface to access with the numinous-I may start to form impressions or gain messages of a fashion from some other dimension/Spirit.
    I am not a medium, just a seeker, so good practice maybe to find someone like Bernadette, who has negotiated and trained herself to put in checks and measures,so when she is receiving messages she is clear on what /who that may be, including anything that may be not wanted, why that may be and how to deal with it. Researching,reading and getting information from well regarded sources and being in supportive knowledgeable company ,wanting to help with the spirit of enquiry, not dictate or browbeat, is also helpful in mustering up a good sense of rigour about spiritual practices and to enable discernment of truth from reality re:potential lower order forms/entities masquerading as higher order beings/auntie Mildred or all knowing being.

    just my toot on the matter-feel free to disregard; it is very complex however studying spiritual matters and can be fraught with ‘bear pits’ in the form of opinions,instituations,dogma and questionable founts of all knowledge,my only conclusion so far on that is the safe advice’ know thyself’ ,as to do that properly means you have to practice self love, forgiveness etc and to do that automatically makes you far less vulnerable to negative/harmful influences🪶🐾

  • stipton31

    March 13, 2021 at 11:14 pm
    Maureen Jones, post: 495, member: 30 wrote:
    Interestingly, today I saw something that was suggesting that all things like Light Work, and Metaphysical, was demon work made to appear like it isn’t as a deception, but that it was all from demons. While I respect that person’s choice to believe that, I do not. I can’t get into everything here and now, but I once on my Journey had that indoctrination, and I understand where they are coming from and how the justify it. However, limiting beliefs and teachings that suggest that everything that doesn’t line up exactly with their interpretation of Jesus and The Bible being demonized and it’s all “of the devil” are thoughts and beliefs that, again I respect them and their choices and understand their choices, but I have issues with them because everyone in the entire World is following demons and going to Hell, except for them and whoever does exactly as they say and believes what they say. (Also, these same people are saying that other Christians who aren’t lined up exactly with their specific ways are also being deceived by demons.)
    Something else I find interesting, is suggesting Metatron is a demon. One specific thing I find interesting about what is written here is that this comes from Hebrew seminary professor, along with the 2 ex-new agers. The existence of Metatron, in particular, is found in the Talmud and Kabbalistic ancient Hebrew teachings and writings. A reference, that I quote in part here from Britannica, ” Metatron, the greatest of angels in Jewish myths and legends. Metatron is not a figure of the Hebrew Bible, but his name appears briefly in several passages of the Talmud. His legends are predominantly found in mystical Kabbalistic texts.” (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Metatron | Archangel & Description). So, I have to ask myself, why would a Hebrew seminary professor, someone knowledgeable in the ancient teaching and writings of the Talmud and Kabbala, decide that an Archangel, this specific Archangel, is a demon?
    So, again, while I respect that everyone’s beliefs are valid for them, and I respect everyone has a choice to have a belief or not to have one, I respectfully decline to believe this suggestion.

    Thank you for sharing this. I have mentioned that I am a christian and am trying to figure out how my other beliefs such as chakras healing psychics mediums witches spirit animals etc fits into my other beliefs. I’m working my way through it slowly but surely. However, I do not like when christians or any other religion believe they are the only right ones and everyone else is wrong and going to hell….in my beliefs (yes I believe in God Jesus and The Holy Spirit) we are not the judge and jury (even though our human side does judge) we do not decide who goes where. I don’t think that is right for others to do. I never have. I believe that everything is connected and was put here for our use and to work together….anyway that’s a small part of how I believe. Funny I believe in God and everything I said above but also believe my mom possibly Grandma (God rest her soul) and myself all have witchery, mediums, psychic abilities, shamanic healers, and other gifts in our blood line…..

  • dragonfly101

    March 14, 2021 at 2:49 am
    Maureen Jones, post: 502, member: 30 wrote:
    To my other comments I would like to add something else to consider. Where is the Love? The people who put forth this rhetoric are making claims and suggestions based in their interpretations and beliefs, but I don’t see that they are coming from a place of Love. As I mentioned in my original comments, the people saying this sort of thing are also saying the same about other Christians whose interpretations of Jesus and The Bible differ from theirs. So, again I as, where is the Love? They come across as representing Jesus, but if you examine what Jesus taught, he came from a place of Love, not using fear and divisiveness to control and manipulate others to follow him or listen to his point of view.

    I agree Maureen, I find alot of people are hypocritical, that it’s their way or the highway. This doesn’t sit right with me. Where is the love? Live and let live. Although having been brought up in the RC religion, all I see of all religions is they are man made and have an agenda – usually power or money.

  • witch1969

    March 14, 2021 at 1:01 pm
    dragonfly101, post: 554, member: 87 wrote:
    I agree Maureen, I find alot of people are hypocritical, that it’s their way or the highway. This doesn’t sit right with me. Where is the love? Live and let live. Although having been brought up in the RC religion, all I see of all religions is they are man made and have an agenda – usually power or money.
  • witch1969

    March 14, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Good points raised here- coming from love and non judgement sounds like a good plan🤗👍

  • grasshopper

    March 14, 2021 at 3:06 pm

    I have a mantra, so to speak. “If it’s truth, it will keep returning to you.” One day, I might get a message, but it feels really odd, so I ignore it. A bit later, the message comes again, then again. Repetition is one of the ways the Universe gets our attention even about stuff we don’t want to accept.

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