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  • I Am Grieving…

    Posted by mark-ravenheart on August 2, 2021 at 12:52 am

    I am grieving and have been for some time now, but every once in a while it feels as though my heart is being ripped out. I knew my mom and dad would probably transition before me, but I never expected that my baby brother and sister would go first. My baby brother was permanently disabled and I was my sister’s primary caretaker until the end. Losing my family has been the most difficult thing I have ever been through.

    So I was wondering if I could post a photo or two (or perhaps a music video) to honor them. When the grief hits hard like this I don’t know what else to do, so I sing, and I cry, and I remember.

    I choose to post here because you all have always been supportive of me. I figured it might be ok, but I don’t want to go against site policy. It’s just that it would help, having someone else sharing the load.

    If not I’ll understand.

    mark-ravenheart replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 14 Members · 51 Replies
  • 51 Replies
  • angelheart

    August 2, 2021 at 1:12 am

    I think that’s a wonderful way to walk in your grief. It really never goes away but eventually the memories will make you smile and be so greatful forbthevtime you did have with them. Sounds like you were all very luck to have eachother, now they guide you from the ethers!

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 2, 2021 at 1:41 am

    Thank you for your reply [USER=37]@AngelHeart[/USER], it is a lonely feeling that comes when I think that my family has gone. To have them guide me is something that never occurred to me and the thought helps to ease my grief. I think you would have liked my brother and sister, they were both quick with a joke and a smile.

  • darkshinez

    August 2, 2021 at 1:46 am

    Beautiful idea … I embrace you posting to honor your loved one’s, the grief.
    Love, hugs and all you need in the moments, and all around you. 💞 💝💖💗💓
    May your animal + clan sit with you under the clouds, and sing, and cry, and dance and …

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 2, 2021 at 1:51 am

    Thank you [USER=494]@DARKSHINEZ[/USER], I just thot I’d like to introduce you all to my brother and sister. They were both good hearts and beautiful souls.

  • tina-n

    August 2, 2021 at 1:52 am

    You’re not alone, we, as well as they, are here.. grief can be heartwrenching and long, but it does lessen enough to remember the fun ♡

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 2, 2021 at 1:57 am

    Thank you [USER=183]@Tina n[/USER] It means the world to me that everyone seems to be open to my posting pictures of them and that I am not alone. (y)

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 2, 2021 at 2:07 am

    I’m going to go ahead and post pics and if necessary they can be removed if they are against site policy. I sincerely hope it’s alright.
    My Sister Melissa[ATTACH alt=”MISSY BEST 1B.jpg”]1141[/ATTACH] and my brother Monty…[ATTACH alt=”MONTY).jpg”]1142[/ATTACH]
    They were my world.

    I think the following song was meant to be about romantic love but I see it as a song about enduring love and it is what comes up when I think of my siblings… Forever

  • angelheart

    August 2, 2021 at 3:06 am
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 5201, member: 452 wrote:
    Thank you for your reply [USER=37]@AngelHeart[/USER], it is a lonely feeling that comes when I think that my family has gone. To have them guide me is something that never occurred to me and the thought helps to ease my grief. I think you would have liked my brother and sister, they were both quick with a joke and a smile.

    Sounds like I would indeed! I am a bit of a jointer at times…okay a lot of the time😂🤪😏 I’m glad you’ve found some solace in knowing that you can still talk to them and know they are with you every step of the way! Your sister, she’s the really funny one?

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 2, 2021 at 3:39 am

    Yes, my sister’s the really funny one.

  • gayle-wyant

    August 2, 2021 at 1:21 pm

    Rave heart although missing them never goes away, I have a couple of thoughts for you. Have an ancestors altar and I have pics of lived ones in it. I talk more now to my Daddy and late husband now than when they were on this side of the veil, and yes they answer back and joke with me. 2) you are a medium and can access the other side in so so many ways 3) there is a belief that one has three deaths: when the body ceases functioning, when the spirit leaves the body, and when no one remembers their name. Clearly they are much loved and remembered so they are still with you. It is different now but you are still there for each other. I hope this helps and is of some help and comfort. In hope, joy, love, serenity and interconnectedness Gayle

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 2, 2021 at 1:57 pm

    Oh, Thank you @Gayle, I am working on getting my own apartment in the not too distant future and when I do I fully plan to have an ancestor altar complete with urns, and photos, memorabilia, candles, etc., So that I can honor them full time.

    I really do appreciate your reply, because grief is a lonely monster if not tempered with love, hope, and wisdom. I feel better after realizing they are not distant or separate as I have been taught to believe, rather they are with me, and a part of me, for always.

    Brightest Blessings,

    PS: [USER=75]@Gayle Wyant[/USER] I was wondering…You referred to me as a medium and I have never thought of myself in that way. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else or are aware of something that I am not. Could you please expand on that term for me. I know that I am more comfortable in the spirit world than I am in this one, but I don’t think that makes me special or different because I have always been this way. Anyway, I appreciate the sentiment, although it is a little confusing to me. Thank you.

  • lily

    August 2, 2021 at 8:24 pm

    I read your post earlier this morning but I am only replying now because a) It hit me hard and b) I had my son with me until this afternoon.
    So, now that my son is not distracting me and I have thought about all you have posted, the first thing I would like to say is how wonderful it is that you reached out for help. Often times asking for help is the biggest hurdle to overcome (at least in my present incarnation here on Earth).

    I think what you are doing is a beautiful thing in SO many ways. Although the way I lost my family is different than yours, I can empathize with the pain and often times overwhelming sadness, mixed in with other feelings too. Some days it’s hard to function. I hope that over time you find peace, and in the meantime I hope the memories provide you with comfort. I love what [USER=75]@Gayle Wyant[/USER] said. Especially about having more of a relationship now that they are on the other side of the vail. I joked with a friend the other day that most of my closest friends are on the other side. It seems always the kindest, funniest, best people leave us too soon….I have been grieving many people as well as just ends of meaningful relationships and have just started to read a book about it that seems great. If you want to know more about it let me know and I can give you the title and authors.

    I think posting photos is beautiful and I am curious as to what music video you wanted to include with it (unless you did post it and i missed it?). I have a guide who uses music and lyrics to help me so I was just wondering because maybe it would help a lot of other people too.

    I think what I just wrote is a little rambly but please know that I am holding space for you for love and healing, and that you are not alone in your grief; you cannot see me but I am walking beside you.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 2, 2021 at 8:54 pm

    [USER=38]@Lily[/USER] thank you for your reply, I consider that a precious gift of your time and energy. I like what you said about some days it’s hard to function, I suppose I get overwhelmed. I was really close with my sister. My mother involved me with the pregnancy and I knew for several months that I was to be a big brother before my sister was even born.

    Yes, I would really like the book title and author if you don’t mind posting it for me.

    If you look underneath the photo of my sister it says “Forever” that is the link to the music video that says the things I long to say. It expresses very well the things that are on my mind and in my heart. And thank you very much for walking with me through this process. I think that it is awesome that you want to help me with this. I appreciate you and I’m extremely grateful.

  • snowwolf

    August 2, 2021 at 9:12 pm
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 5196, member: 452 wrote:
    I am grieving and have been for some time now, but every once in a while it feels as though my heart is being ripped out. I knew my mom and dad would probably transition before me, but I never expected that my baby brother and sister would go first. My baby brother was permanently disabled and I was my sister’s primary caretaker until the end. Losing my family has been the most difficult thing I have ever been through.

    So I was wondering if I could post a photo or two (or perhaps a music video) to honor them. When the grief hits hard like this I don’t know what else to do, so I sing, and I cry, and I remember.

    I choose to post here because you all have always been supportive of me. I figured it might be ok, but I don’t want to go against site policy. It’s just that it would help, having someone else sharing the load.

    If not I’ll understand.

    I feel your pain. On this the day of the dove I wish your heart peace. The dove also symbolises the pure love and spiritual link between those who’ve crossed the rainbow bridge and those of us who remain here.

    I too have experienced the grief of losing a much loved brother and I try to be the best ‘me’ I can to honour him.
    Wishing you love, light and peace. Di aka Snowwolf x

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 3, 2021 at 12:25 am

    Thank you [USER=49]@Snowwolf[/USER], I have more peace in my heart than I had when I started writing about my loss and I will take any progress as a blessing. I am sorry that you lost your brother and I think it is admirable that you want to be the best you can be to honour him. Beautiful to say the least.

    I am coming to understand that my sister is still with me as is my younger brother and that I am blessed to still have them by my side although not in the physical sense. Thank you for the reply and the kindness it is not lost on me.

    I am wishing you love, light, and peace as well.

    Mark RH

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