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  • Lets Get 2023 Off To A Buzzing Start.

    Posted by pearlized on January 1, 2023 at 3:23 pm

    I had planned to post this up yesterday, or earlier this morning. My own life issues had to come first though. Yea some of those issues do get in the way when you least expect them.

    Instead of the usual Razza Matazz of New Year this and thats, i thought i would keep it simple. No “” OOO What New Years Resolutions are you setting yourself this year “” Nope, none of that from me, as i have not done that for years and years. What i have done is to say, “” I will do whats best for me and mine, as the year unfolds “” This way you can write your own pages, day by day.

    All the above said, i realy would like to see more of you being active on the forum. More questions, more interaction. Lets get it all buzzing for when [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] comes back. Its not just [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER]’s forum, its ours too. Ours to make use of anytime we CHOOSE. In safety and peace, for knowlege and support, with anything connected to animals.

    [ATTACH type=”full” width=”243px”]2367[/ATTACH][ATTACH type=”full” width=”488px”]2368[/ATTACH][ATTACH type=”full” width=”276px”]2369[/ATTACH]

    pearlized replied 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • tina-n

    January 2, 2023 at 12:58 pm

    Very true @ pearlized, one of the things I miss most with mama bear not being live is the communication with all of the wonderful people I’ve come to regard as friends.. really miss all that chatter :)

  • pearlized

    January 2, 2023 at 1:48 pm
    Tina n, post: 8944, member: 183 wrote:
    Very true @ pearlized, one of the things I miss most with mama bear not being live is the communication with all of the wonderful people I’ve come to regard as friends.. really miss all that chatter :)

    Yea me too [USER=183]@Tina n[/USER] Thats why i am trying to get more interacting again, so that we can all come together before [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] gets back.

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