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  • stacey

    March 4, 2021 at 6:44 pm

    Hello beautiful souls this is my story and who I am and how I came to be here for anyone wishing to have a gander. I have always had a belief in the unseen right from being a child but I didn’t follow any practices or have any reason or anyone around me that shared my perspective. I used to get random snap shots of the future quite hard to describe but in an instant I would see a picture in my mind and somehow knew the story that went with it. My most vivid one was a time that I got out of my dad’s car and as I shut the door of the car I was hit by an image of the back window broken and what was stollen from it. My dad and brother when I said thought I was being over dramatic and just had a great imagination so we laughed it off, a few hours later on return to the car we all stopped dead in the road because exactly everything I had said was now a reality and we all got chills. I didn’t really like this as it always seemed to happen for only bad things and so I told myself it wasn’t true it was an imaginary thing that happened to line up and I worked hard to block it out. In 2016 my dad got ill with flu and had a fall in the bath my mum called to tell me he was ok but just very bruised and feeling embarrassed I spoke to him on the phone he said the same thing. I was planning to go and see him the next day but as I turned off the TV I had a horrible flash and suddenly I just knew my dad had cancer and was going to die and that my life was about to have a major change. I spent the whole night trying to reason with myself after all it was just flu and a fall not one person had mentioned cancer and he was just 66, he looked much younger and was a young at heart drummer of a local band and life of the party non smoker ect no reason to think such a thing. And yet I couldn’t shake this pit of knowing so 7am the next day I called them and asked mum does dad have cancer and please don’t lie to me, she was taken back and said no well not as far as they knew but the doctors was concerned about how long he was taking to shake the flu and was doing further investigations. Long story short in March 2016 he was diagnosed with lymphoma what followed was a catalogue of disasters from hold ups and delays to even a stint in intensive care because they had tried to intubate him for a small biopsy and had accidentally ripped a hole in his throat meaning he had to have a tracheostomy and halt his chemo whilst he had it for about 6 weeks. Most annoying thing was I had asked the surgeon that morning to please be careful as I was worried they wouldn’t get the tube down his already swollen neck and the surgeon said oh don’t worry we intubate even new born babies we know what we are doing “sighhhh” after all of these blocks that were and uphill battle without my poor dad was returned home to us in March 2017 full of bed sores may I add where we cared for him until he left us on 11th March whilst he was slowly fading away I suddenly felt him standing at the side of me fully well and I couldn’t explain it but I felt so much comfort. The following weeks I still couldn’t shake the feeling that the other shoe had not yet dropped, I often felt a cool woosh through my hair as if my dad was around comforting me but I still felt off. Putting it down to just grief of how the last year had gone down I brushed it off. A friend passed away in the may and on the 1st June was his funeral and his brother was doing his eulogy which I was in awe of and actually told him how I was amazed at him being able to do that because I couldn’t imagine what that was like for him it just really stood out to me. 6 days later on the 7th June a police officer came to inform me that my own brother had taken his own life and that o was to go with her to break the news to our mum, I won’t go into details but it was as horrific as you can imagine and I thought I would loose her too. My whole world had been blown to shreds in just 88 days and on 30th of June I was up doing the one thing that had stood out to me so much 29 days before. I have a lot of stories about songs odd happenings and connections that followed which include my nickname given by my brother during our dads illness but that would see me here for a very long time and you might already be bored by now anyway. So cut to the chase I started seeing double numbers absolutely everywhere and so many odd things that it became impossible to ignore then I woke up to a cricket on my bedroom ceiling which was totally improbable and yet there it was so it which led me to start researching what it all was and here I am having had many more stories and finally knowing who I really am. I have always been super connected to animals having currently sharing their story with me in my home 4 parrots and 3 doggies along with 6 fish and I would have so many more if I had the space and money so when I came across Bs deck well it just pulled me in and here I am proud to be a part of the wild pack and happy to be sharing this time with fellow like minded beautiful souls, Hopefully together we can build a beautiful connected world with all souls xx

  • mawbbb

    March 4, 2021 at 9:37 pm
    brittneystaubin, post: 60, member: 27 wrote:
    Hi, everyone!

    My name is Brittney. Both my mom and I got introduced to Spirituality back in the beginning of 2015 through one of her previous co-workers who was then a Reiki practitioner. My mom told me about this wonderful world, and I was open to giving it a try myself!

    Reiki has saved my life (literally), and I love practicing Divination. I am currently trained on the first level of Reiki, but would love to complete that training in the future. I use my Oracle and Tarot cards every day. I used to work at a Holistic shop, so I have well over 100 crystals in my collection!

    I have a twin sister, and today is our birthday! Happy Pisces season! I have one orange cat with my mom named Axl (his name before my mom changed it was Günther, which I find hilarious, for some reason.) Axl is definitely my protector. I live in the Upper Midwest. My favorite thing to do outside of Spiritualism is watch YouTube videos!

    Glad to be a part of this community!

    Happy birthday to you and your sister Brittney!

  • grasshopper

    March 4, 2021 at 9:47 pm
    QueenBee, post: 58, member: 16 wrote:

    Bernadette has been the best “fire starter” for me to get manifesting with my spiritual gifts! Thank you Bernadette!

    Welcome and thank you so much for joining us. You are quite right. Bernadette is what some might call a “pistol” a few decades ago (smile)

  • grasshopper

    March 4, 2021 at 9:47 pm
    brittneystaubin, post: 60, member: 27 wrote:
    Hi, everyone!

    My name is Brittney. Both my mom and I got introduced to Spirituality back in the beginning of 2015 through one of her previous co-workers who was then a Reiki practitioner. My mom told me about this wonderful world, and I was open to giving it a try myself!

    Reiki has saved my life (literally), and I love practicing Divination. I am currently trained on the first level of Reiki, but would love to complete that training in the future. I use my Oracle and Tarot cards every day. I used to work at a Holistic shop, so I have well over 100 crystals in my collection!

    I have a twin sister, and today is our birthday! Happy Pisces season! I have one orange cat with my mom named Axl (his name before my mom changed it was Günther, which I find hilarious, for some reason.) Axl is definitely my protector. I live in the Upper Midwest. My favorite thing to do outside of Spiritualism is watch YouTube videos!

    Glad to be a part of this community!

    OOH you will want to participate in the divination forum. Share your tips!

  • grasshopper

    March 4, 2021 at 9:49 pm
    mawbbb, post: 59, member: 20 wrote:
    Hi, Mary Ann here! I’ve been following Bernadette for a couple of years now and just LOVE her enthusiasm and inspiring messages. I am a HUGE animal lover and nature lover and follow the creed “harm none”. I actually prefer the company of animals over most people. LOL. I’m so excited to be a part of this forum!

    Heh, I love the company of animals and trees (you always know where they stand…buh duh bump)

  • grasshopper

    March 4, 2021 at 9:50 pm
    LarryB, post: 51, member: 10 wrote:
    Hola Wild Ones

    Larry here, and I have visited Bernadettes’ site every day for a little over a year. And I can’t express how greatful I am to have stumbled onto it. I live in Ajijic Mexico.

    [JUSTIFY]My Partner of 33 years, Jim and I moved here from Houston Texas in June 2011 after I retired and Jim had been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. The Cancer was in remission at the time we moved to Mexico and did not return until his final two weeks here with me. Jim was best thing that ever happened to me.

    We were accompanied in the move by two rescue dogs,brother and sister Beau and Cait and one cat, Amy. We rescued two more dogs here in Ajijic, Diega and Eva.[/JUSTIFY]

    Beau and Cait passed away in August,2020.

    I love the fact that you’re looking at all the forums here! I think you’ll not only enjoy it but be able to add a great deal to the conversation

  • grasshopper

    March 4, 2021 at 9:54 pm
    Stacey, post: 61, member: 24 wrote:
    Hello beautiful souls this is my story and who I am and how I came to be here for anyone wishing to have a gander. I have always had a belief in the unseen right from being a child but I didn’t follow any practices or have any reason or anyone around me that shared my perspective. I used to get random snap shots of the future quite hard to describe but in an instant I would see a picture in my mind and somehow knew the story that went with it. My most vivid one was a time that I got out of my dad’s car and as I shut the door of the car I was hit by an image of the back window broken and what was stollen from it. My dad and brother when I said thought I was being over dramatic and just had a great imagination so we laughed it off, a few hours later on return to the car we all stopped dead in the road because exactly everything I had said was now a reality and we all got chills. I didn’t really like this as it always seemed to happen for only bad things and so I told myself it wasn’t true it was an imaginary thing that happened to line up and I worked hard to block it out. In 2016 my dad got ill with flu and had a fall in the bath my mum called to tell me he was ok but just very bruised and feeling embarrassed I spoke to him on the phone he said the same thing. I was planning to go and see him the next day but as I turned off the TV I had a horrible flash and suddenly I just knew my dad had cancer and was going to die and that my life was about to have a major change. I spent the whole night trying to reason with myself after all it was just flu and a fall not one person had mentioned cancer and he was just 66, he looked much younger and was a young at heart drummer of a local band and life of the party non smoker ect no reason to think such a thing. And yet I couldn’t shake this pit of knowing so 7am the next day I called them and asked mum does dad have cancer and please don’t lie to me, she was taken back and said no well not as far as they knew but the doctors was concerned about how long he was taking to shake the flu and was doing further investigations. Long story short in March 2016 he was diagnosed with lymphoma what followed was a catalogue of disasters from hold ups and delays to even a stint in intensive care because they had tried to intubate him for a small biopsy and had accidentally ripped a hole in his throat meaning he had to have a tracheostomy and halt his chemo whilst he had it for about 6 weeks. Most annoying thing was I had asked the surgeon that morning to please be careful as I was worried they wouldn’t get the tube down his already swollen neck and the surgeon said oh don’t worry we intubate even new born babies we know what we are doing “sighhhh” after all of these blocks that were and uphill battle without my poor dad was returned home to us in March 2017 full of bed sores may I add where we cared for him until he left us on 11th March whilst he was slowly fading away I suddenly felt him standing at the side of me fully well and I couldn’t explain it but I felt so much comfort. The following weeks I still couldn’t shake the feeling that the other shoe had not yet dropped, I often felt a cool woosh through my hair as if my dad was around comforting me but I still felt off. Putting it down to just grief of how the last year had gone down I brushed it off. A friend passed away in the may and on the 1st June was his funeral and his brother was doing his eulogy which I was in awe of and actually told him how I was amazed at him being able to do that because I couldn’t imagine what that was like for him it just really stood out to me. 6 days later on the 7th June a police officer came to inform me that my own brother had taken his own life and that o was to go with her to break the news to our mum, I won’t go into details but it was as horrific as you can imagine and I thought I would loose her too. My whole world had been blown to shreds in just 88 days and on 30th of June I was up doing the one thing that had stood out to me so much 29 days before. I have a lot of stories about songs odd happenings and connections that followed which include my nickname given by my brother during our dads illness but that would see me here for a very long time and you might already be bored by now anyway. So cut to the chase I started seeing double numbers absolutely everywhere and so many odd things that it became impossible to ignore then I woke up to a cricket on my bedroom ceiling which was totally improbable and yet there it was so it which led me to start researching what it all was and here I am having had many more stories and finally knowing who I really am. I have always been super connected to animals having currently sharing their story with me in my home 4 parrots and 3 doggies along with 6 fish and I would have so many more if I had the space and money so when I came across Bs deck well it just pulled me in and here I am proud to be a part of the wild pack and happy to be sharing this time with fellow like minded beautiful souls, Hopefully together we can build a beautiful connected world with all souls xx

    Vision can be a gift, a curse, a burden, and a blessing. I have inklings from time to time, but nothing like yours. I’m more of an empath (who really needs a dimmer switch). Do you have ways of managing all the input you get? Synchronicity is definitely afoot in your life.

  • trish-telesco

    March 4, 2021 at 10:05 pm

    Greetings! I’m Trish Telesco… you may have read a few of my books. I was blessed to bump into Bernadette some 8 years ago, and it changed my life forever in all the right ways. My totem for general life is the bee, but the Owl is attached to my writing. I miss traveling and meeting y’all. Initially, I slowed down on event appearances to deal with teenagers, then my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer. Talk about turning your life upside down. We have found patterns and paths, ways of coping (not perfect but..). If you ever notice I stop making jokes you KNOW something is wrong (particularly puns – too much fun!). I will say I’m looking forward to more online events for our community at large. This allows people who cannot travel for whatever reason to participate. Anywho… hi and how ya doin’?

  • shelleyst

    March 5, 2021 at 3:00 am
    brittneystaubin, post: 60, member: 27 wrote:
    Hi, everyone!

    My name is Brittney. Both my mom and I got introduced to Spirituality back in the beginning of 2015 through one of her previous co-workers who was then a Reiki practitioner. My mom told me about this wonderful world, and I was open to giving it a try myself!

    Reiki has saved my life (literally), and I love practicing Divination. I am currently trained on the first level of Reiki, but would love to complete that training in the future. I use my Oracle and Tarot cards every day. I used to work at a Holistic shop, so I have well over 100 crystals in my collection!

    I have a twin sister, and today is our birthday! Happy Pisces season! I have one orange cat with my mom named Axl (his name before my mom changed it was Günther, which I find hilarious, for some reason.) Axl is definitely my protector. I live in the Upper Midwest. My favorite thing to do outside of Spiritualism is watch YouTube videos!

    Glad to be a part of this community!

    Happy birthday sweetie❤️❤️❤️

  • shelleyst

    March 5, 2021 at 3:08 am

    Hi everyone! I have been interested and following a spiritual path for about 5 years and I am truly amazed at all I have learned and experienced, and I look forward to continuing to explore the psychic realm. I share this interest with my daughter Brittney and it really bonds us.
    I live in the upper Midwest and I love it here so I can be close to family. I have a big (huge) orange cat named Axl. He is the quarantine cat that saved me ❤️ I love animals and I love music (all kinds, but I am really a rocker)!
    I can’t wait to get to know everyone!

  • angelheart

    March 5, 2021 at 1:56 pm
    Bernadette, post: 30, member: 1 wrote:

    Welcome to the #WildPack! Let’s rub noses and get to know each other.

    Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you’re seeking.

    I’ll start…

    Y’all will never know how long it took me to figure out how to introduce myself. LOL Really, I’m a pretty simple gal. If you know anything about Bears, you know about me. I love to hide away in my cave (Scorpio), have a sugar addiction, have the most fun paddlin’ ’round in some water, and there’s a reason I’m called Mama Bear. ;)

    My hobbies include pretending I’m going to start all my art projects one day, talking to spirits who’ve crossed over, changing the world so it’s better for all living things, and seeking the perfect Chai.

    SO much love to you all! Thank you for being here! Let me know if I may be of service or let you know about my latest adventure at Publix.

    Mama Bear

    Bernadette, post: 30, member: 1 wrote:

    Welcome to the #WildPack! Let’s rub noses and get to know each other.

    Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you’re seeking.

    I’ll start…

    Y’all will never know how long it took me to figure out how to introduce myself. LOL Really, I’m a pretty simple gal. If you know anything about Bears, you know about me. I love to hide away in my cave (Scorpio), have a sugar addiction, have the most fun paddlin’ ’round in some water, and there’s a reason I’m called Mama Bear. ;)

    My hobbies include pretending I’m going to start all my art projects one day, talking to spirits who’ve crossed over, changing the world so it’s better for all living things, and seeking the perfect Chai.

    SO much love to you all! Thank you for being here! Let me know if I may be of service or let you know about my latest adventure at Publix.

    Mama Bear

    Hello everyone! I am so excited to be here! I live in Ohio, married with 4 amazing kids and a crazy busy life right now! Love animals and nature and have been a mystic all my life… it’s definately had its ups and downs! Lol! Taking a few minutes for myself each day and watching Bernadette’s daily readings are the only way I have remained grounded! I am so greatful beyond words that you have decided to share your journey with us, Bernadette! I feel like this forum will be an amazing group of folks who support eachother, learn and grow together!

  • trish-telesco

    March 5, 2021 at 2:15 pm
    White Raven, post: 47, member: 9 wrote:
    Hi Wild Ones!

    Krista here, I’ve been part of the wild pack since 2017 when I was the recipient of Divine Intervention, and started to go through my spiritual awakening, and found Bernadette’s site.

    In 2018 someone I love very dearly attempted suicide. I walked in as he kicked the chair out, he refused to put his feet down so I got under him and held him on my shoulder while screaming like a banshee for help for 20 minutes.
    In those moments when my world was upside down I also had a magnificent black Friesian Stallion come to assist me, and I knew without a doubt that everything I was learning about was true.

    My heart, my love, survived the attempt, however his memory has been greatly affected due a noxious brain injury. From the best they could tell he went without O2 for 8 minutes.
    He can walk and talk but all memory of Us our dogs and our life together were wiped.
    Since this time it has become apparent to me that even though he was alive, it was not the same soul, even his eyes were different, so I started digging deeper and I have been given more signs than I need to know that my love, the version of him I knew transitioned to the other side, he is now my guardian always watching over me, while another lost soul was given a redemption in this life to finish out the time in the body of someone who was so depressed he attempted suicide (I’m pretty sure that’s the definition of an Earth Angel?) anywho I get long winded…so here I am gobbling up everything I can metaphysical, and other dimensionally regarding soul transfer walk ins ect. at the same time I’m trying to get my creative wings back under me….it’s been a lot.

    Prior to meeting my love I was in the Canadian Navy for 8 years as a Sonar Operator, yes I love the pictures painted by frequency…my love was an electrician…oh the conversations we had when we started our spiritual awakening together.

    When I left the Navy I started my own business as an artist, I know the animal allies were with me as I created baby animals until they were coming out of my ears under the name K Pawz Creations.

    I know I was in stasis for those 12 years creating in my workshop gaining an education from the animals for what was to come and for now…

    Then I met my love he became my muse, he became part of my artwork….and since he has been gone I’ve been stumbling to get my feet back under me and get the magic flowing again…a few months back Bernadette and I worked on some Shadow work, I didn’t even know it was still lingering…in January my puppy came into my life and guess what?

    Today I see clear work space, a brilliant sparkly studio inviting me to come in and play, and a new endeavour waiting to be born…and “Named”.
    So I’m setting the intention with everything in my being to do everything in my effort for the Animal Allies and get “Elevenation Ink” off the ground, “where the spirits come to have their portraits drawn”….branching off of this is also going to be Here Be Dragons, as I re enter the world of One Of A Kind Sculpture artistry as a Dragon Artist.

    I look forward to getting to know you all, and sharing many tales or is that tails? 😉

    Krista & Raven (My Galaxy Gliding Pup)

    Bernadette, post: 30, member: 1 wrote:

    Welcome to the #WildPack! Let’s rub noses and get to know each other.

    Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you’re seeking.

    I’ll start…

    Y’all will never know how long it took me to figure out how to introduce myself. LOL Really, I’m a pretty simple gal. If you know anything about Bears, you know about me. I love to hide away in my cave (Scorpio), have a sugar addiction, have the most fun paddlin’ ’round in some water, and there’s a reason I’m called Mama Bear. ;)

    My hobbies include pretending I’m going to start all my art projects one day, talking to spirits who’ve crossed over, changing the world so it’s better for all living things, and seeking the perfect Chai.

    SO much love to you all! Thank you for being here! Let me know if I may be of service or let you know about my latest adventure at Publix.

    Mama Bear

    Shelleyst, post: 70, member: 26 wrote:
    Hi everyone! I have been interested and following a spiritual path for about 5 years and I am truly amazed at all I have learned and experienced, and I look forward to continuing to explore the psychic realm. I share this interest with my daughter Brittney and it really bonds us.
    I live in the upper Midwest and I love it here so I can be close to family. I have a big (huge) orange cat named Axl. He is the quarantine cat that saved me ❤️ I love animals and I love music (all kinds, but I am really a rocker)!
    I can’t wait to get to know everyone!
  • moonbow

    March 5, 2021 at 2:18 pm

    Hello everyone! My name is Aimee, living in Gainesville, FL with my hubby, 3 year old, and sweet little doggy Abby. I also have a grown baby who attends UF here, and I cherish every second I get with her, because you know – college/job/boyfriend/etc. So incredibly proud of that strong, young lady.
    I stumbled upon Bernadette about 5 years ago..? Wow, I can’t believe it’s been that long. I was searching for a local psychic medium for my mom and me to visit. I had always, for as long as I can remember, had inklings and interest in everything woo-woo, but I wasn’t raised that way, know what I mean? Now, I’m doing some freelance work (mostly for Ms. B!!) and working on my practice to get myself going. I just quit my corporate job on Feb.12th and have not looked back (with ZERO plans to)! My goal/dream is to be a psychic medium, focusing on healing. I have the best mentor anyone could ever ask for, and so grateful she started this forum! Love to all of you!

  • grasshopper

    March 5, 2021 at 2:19 pm

    Greetings Shelleyst – tell Axl we said meow

  • bernettadawn

    March 5, 2021 at 2:27 pm

    Hello, I’m new to a lot of this, including how to do forums. I was drawn to the Ark, it is so much easier for me to connect to the messages from the animals than from plain tarot. I rely on the animal messages to help me navigate my journey and figure out my purpose. It’s overwhelming at times. I am so grateful for those who are more stable in their sacred purpose and have taken the time to help those of us still working through.

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