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Homepage Forums What is My Spirit Animal Spirit Animal Community Fire MAKE YOUR TAIL WORK FOR YOU! Pick a Card Tarot Reading – Sat. March 13, 2021

  • pearlized

    March 13, 2021 at 1:11 pm

    LOL YEA love the energy today. I mean its bright its clear and its happening. You sang Saturday Saturday. Then the tail ROFL Yep i got “” Bend over and shake your tail feather “” Blues brothers song. Oh i know exactly what that means right now and am howling with laughter. Might explain if asked Maybe not 🤣 😉💓But yes i have been hanging on in the choppy waters for the last few days. Add this into the “”Say nothing for 8 mins” And the dots are still connecting.

    Wondering also if my ancestors are connected with future plans. Past knowledge says so. Will have look further back and ask questions. 🦋

  • mollymole

    March 13, 2021 at 1:37 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 508, member: 1 wrote:

    Yaaaay! I’m finally on the forum! I just left a bunch of comments on the YouTube page, but wanted to let you know that I’ve been taking the call to connect with past lives seriously. Your purple plaid reminds me of the Montgomery tartan of my ancestors! I’ve been wanting to get a shawl, so I will do that and keep listening. And you aren’t crazy about how powerful the energy is this week. Another tarot reader I follow got the 4 of wands 3 days in a row from 3 different decks this week. Lots of 6 of cups on his readings too, come to think about it.

  • moonbow

    March 13, 2021 at 1:43 pm

    Woohoooo! CAN’T WAIT for Sunday Ceremony! I’ll be meditating on that “one thing” tonight during my New Moon ceremony, ready to see what my past lives need to show me on Sunday. LOVE YOU! Have I told you that before?? LOL
    Well, I do! ❤️❤️

  • maureen-jones

    March 13, 2021 at 1:52 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 508, member: 1 wrote:

    Love this!! Thank you!! So deep (pun intended). I also love how you make the deep of this topic something enjoyable and inviting. By the way, I don’t want you to “face plant” either. LOL So, I am going to do “due diligence” and follow what I’ve been getting regarding all of that. I hear and accept what is for me in this message, and I will do what is being asked of me.
    I’ve been getting various things that all relate and connect to this message. There’s an aspect of connecting with ancestors of this lifetime, relating to gaining insight as well as intergenerational healing. Also, there are different things I’ve been feeling drawn to regarding past lives, soul contracts for this life and possible connecting from past lives, and other things. While some on the surface seem like going in different directions, there is, in fact, I think some connections, or at least something of a thread I need to find and follow.
    Interestingly, I received an email with a brief video teaching on the subject of “Flow” and “Releasing Resistance”. I haven’t viewed the video yet, but based on the written content of the email, and how this includes a connection with talking about Sacred Feminine in that topic, I already see the connection with aspects of this message.
    Seahorse has also come in relation to some more subtle things that, while not the main focus of this particular message, were part of this message and something meaningful for me.
    Thanks for bringing this out today. It seems many of us are embarking on a “spirit adventure”. It’s exciting to know I am not the only one being drawn into these areas. Also, it’s exciting to think about what we will gain from sharing about it with each other.

  • c-c

    March 13, 2021 at 3:30 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 508, member: 1 wrote:

    I had a dream and right before I woke up loudly I heard “TANAKA” I started doing some research and it’s a language from Shona in Zimbabwe meaning state of gratitude! Makes me think I have some ancestor ties?! Or I live really close to the sugar cane plantation ruins in Ormond Beach Fl 🤷‍♀️

  • maureen-jones

    March 13, 2021 at 4:07 pm
    C c, post: 522, member: 35 wrote:
    I had a dream and right before I woke up loudly I heard “TANAKA” I started doing some research and it’s a language from Shona in Zimbabwe meaning state of gratitude! Makes me think I have some ancestor ties?! Or I live really close to the sugar cane plantation ruins in Ormond Beach Fl 🤷‍♀️

    That’s cool! That seems like a good place to start. You can investigate that idea further and see where it takes you. Also, I can’t help but think that it’s also a message for you. I’ve been learning about the brain/heart connection, and how being in a state of gratitude helps bring healing of all kinds down to the DNA level. Also, I am thinking that it connects to yesterday’s message we received about raising our vibration and frequency, as being in a state of gratitude relieves the cramping within the DNA that occurs from stress and other related things. Those things tend to lower our frequency and being in a state of gratitude releases that “DNA Cramp” and will also raise our vibration and frequency.
    Ok, maybe a little too much information, but your one word “Tanaka” brought out a couple of things that are helpful and useful for you. Reading your post brought that to mind for me and is a reminder to me to do that intentional practice of gratitude. That practice isn’t only about having an attitude of gratitude, which is a wonderful thing, but it’s more about what you wrote that “Tanaka” means, being in a state of gratitude.
    Thanks for sharing this. I am looking forward to future shares on where your continued investigation takes you.

  • mama-bear

    March 13, 2021 at 6:42 pm
    Pearlized, post: 509, member: 18 wrote:
    LOL YEA love the energy today. I mean its bright its clear and its happening. You sang Saturday Saturday. Then the tail ROFL Yep i got “” Bend over and shake your tail feather “” Blues brothers song. Oh i know exactly what that means right now and am howling with laughter. Might explain if asked Maybe not 🤣 😉💓But yes i have been hanging on in the choppy waters for the last few days. Add this into the “”Say nothing for 8 mins” And the dots are still connecting.

    Wondering also if my ancestors are connected with future plans. Past knowledge says so. Will have look further back and ask questions. 🦋

    IMHO ancestors are connected to everything past, present, and future…

  • mama-bear

    March 13, 2021 at 6:45 pm
    C c, post: 522, member: 35 wrote:
    I had a dream and right before I woke up loudly I heard “TANAKA” I started doing some research and it’s a language from Shona in Zimbabwe meaning state of gratitude! Makes me think I have some ancestor ties?! Or I live really close to the sugar cane plantation ruins in Ormond Beach Fl 🤷‍♀️

    It could be both of those things and more. And, you can ask the spirits to talk with you more about this…

  • mama-bear

    March 13, 2021 at 6:46 pm
    MoonbowGypsy, post: 511, member: 41 wrote:
    Woohoooo! CAN’T WAIT for Sunday Ceremony! I’ll be meditating on that “one thing” tonight during my New Moon ceremony, ready to see what my past lives need to show me on Sunday. LOVE YOU! Have I told you that before?? LOL
    Well, I do! ❤️❤️

    Oooo…maybe you would be willing to share what you do for your New Moon ceremony! LOVE YOU!

  • pearlized

    March 15, 2021 at 5:25 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 529, member: 1 wrote:
    IMHO ancestors are connected to everything past, present, and future…

    They have come up today But its going to be a “”Tread carefully for a while”” Until i can get to the bottom of it all.

    Oh and the tail feathers have finally been shaken. ;)😁🦋

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