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  • Message from a Dragonfly.

    Posted by pearlized on August 8, 2021 at 7:01 am

    I have only ever seen 2 Dragonflies here. Though there is a small marsh land conservation area not far from us. I would have thought that it too far for Dragonflies to venture this far away. Maybe i am wrong.

    Friday night hubby and i had a blow out. We argued about nothing that important and the saying “”Dont sweat the small stuff came into my mind”” When i say a blow out, he was pushing me to say things that would have destroyed us. I was wanting to say things that would have destroyed us. It was intense Volcanic intense. We were almost at breaking point.

    Now this is NOT us. This is NOT who we are.

    We did put it right yesterday morning. Made some positive decisions and moved on past it all.

    Then yesterday evening while stood outside around i spotted a Dragonfly zig zagging across the back street. It was quite away down but i spotted it instantly. It zig zagged closer and closer until it was opposite our house. Then it made its way back the way it came, zig zagging all the way. Until it disappeared where i first saw it.

    I did point it out to my hubby and he was fascinated that it was so far from the marshes.

    So i needed to know this morning WHY this Dragonfly had turned up like this. So i hopped onto What is my spirit animal to find out.

    OK YES i get the message. Turn it all around as fast as the Dragonfly does, but you only have a short amount of time. Embrace the changes to come, but also be true to yourself Walk your talk {{ That i can do }} Live life to the fullest We do try to do that as best we can

    Lots of the Dragonfly message makes perfect sense in so many ways.


    pearlized replied 2 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • gayle-wyant

    August 8, 2021 at 1:17 pm

    Dragonflies in native American lore can mean that you’re a spirit in both this world and the sacred worlds. They were said to carry messages between this world and the summer lands as one of a few animals that could travel in both. Also dragonflies ask that you see the interconnectedness of the elements especially air and water. That is being careful with your words and emotions for both can get carried away and are a thing of beauty in and of themselves with many colors, shades, shapes and sizes. So that you saw them after your argument and you were careful with your words and actions was a spiritual message and validation to that effect. It would be interesting to hear mama bears take on dragonfly and your encounter.

  • grasshopper

    August 8, 2021 at 2:17 pm

    Did you zig when you should have zagged?
    Not getting directly to the point?

  • pearlized

    August 8, 2021 at 5:10 pm
    Grasshopper, post: 5340, member: 4 wrote:
    Did you zig when you should have zagged?
    Not getting directly to the point?

    I think we were zigging and zagging in the opposite directions.

    The Dragonfly disappeared at the same point i first saw it. As if it was saying, “” Go back to the starting point””

    [USER=75]@Gayle Wyant[/USER] Yes i was being very careful with my words. Because i know the damage the wrong words can do to a PTSD brain like hubby’s. Not that i walk on egg shells, i just am aware of how i say things.

    Never thought about the Dragonfly actually being there to validate how it was all handled.

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