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  • Moon/Owl Video from Today

    Posted by maureen-jones on March 6, 2021 at 10:08 pm

    Greetings All,
    I haven’t posted my introduction yet. I haven’t figured out yet what I want to write. I also haven’t had a lot of time to spend orienting myself to this platform, still feeling a bit awkward. But I want to write some about today’s video. I wrote in the comments on YouTube, and I decided I wanted to start to write something here. I say start, because there is so much from today’s message, that I can’t get into it all in one post. That’s true, in part, because there are a combination of areas and a lot of things in each area. Plus, I am kind of starting a conversation.
    One thing, because it was brought up about the Moon phase, and being encouraged to focus on the new growth and new birth, etc. Interestingly, for some time, and it’s been stronger this past year, I feel drawn to specifically honor and do work associated with the New Moon additional to the Full Moon. The New Moon, or course, relates to the release of what no longer serves, and growth and “birthing” something new in place of what was released, and releasing makes room for the new growth and birth. Though I haven’t necessarily been as diligent with that as I would like, or need to be, I have noticed that doing something to honor and work with each, the Full and New Moons, distinctly, and being aware, even peripherally, of the phases in between, has been having an impact on my life, making a significant difference. Hearing this today, with the New Moon being a week from today, on the 13th, I am heeding the call to “step it up” and go deeper with that. Truthfully, that connects with yesterday’s message about answering The Call, and that I have been delving more into hearing, accepting, and going deeper while responding with my “Yes”.
    I mentioned in my comments on YouTube that while I discovered this past year that Owl is my Native American Birth Totem Animal, Owl has had some importance for me for many years, and early in my Shamanic experience, a Snowy Owl introduced himself. I shared there about a new experience, based on a suggestion in a course, that I talked about last week in another comment post on YouTube, I went on a Shamanic Journey to the brightest Quasar on our Universe, Quasar P352-15. (This was a suggested Journey that we didn’t do as a group in the course, but something to do on our own if we wanted to.) Though Snowy Owl doesn’t guide me on all my Journeys, I asked if he would join me on this one. I also asked the goddess Isis, so she, Snowy, and Wolf, guided me as we traveled to Quasar P352-15. That was an amazing experience for me, and nothing like I had done before. The only thing I had done that was similar, was to Journey to my soul’s experience of creation, and to inquire of a name that I could refer to my Creator as if I wanted to do so. That was rather “mind-blowing” too. (I felt drawn to do a little research afterwards and discovered these people I had no knowledge of prior to this Journey, an ancient tribe of Mali called the Dogon, have a similar creation story and name for Creator. Though cool and affirming, that really blew me away.) These experiences have been expanding my consciousness while other things come into my “radar” with information relating to Quantum science, etc., has also been expanding my mind and connecting with my spiritual experience and expansion. Some of that has been learning more about who we are, our DNA, how all those things relate to and connect with Ancient Civilizations and knowledge, and so on, and what Ancient Civilizations did, and Indigenous cultures have been teaching for millennia. I have even, in more recent times, been learning about the terms “Lightworkers” and “Starseeds” and things along that line, including things like the “rainbow body” etc. So, today’s message was like another piece of enlightening information in a string of connections of information, besides the other applications to my life and what I needed to hear.
    Sometimes, especially in more recent months, despite being a spiritually focused person, and having been on the Metaphysical path, which includes Wicca and Shamanism, for quite some time, I feel like I just crawled out from under a rock, or something. I used to want to learn deeper things, and did, but even as I have grown and evolved, I still feel like I must have been walking around clueless or something. In all fairness to myself, despite my learning and growth, much of the last 20 years I spent in Dark Night types of experiences, surrounded, literally, by death and destruction, and one health crisis after another.
    On a somewhat lighter side to this, last night, I found out something was worked out, and I began a course today. The first class today was the beginning of an amazing and interesting, as well as a bit challenging journey. Though not an advanced course, it involves some deep Shamanic work, and was recommended to me by one of my teachers. In case anyone is curious, the course, taught by a colleague and friend of my teacher, is called “The Shadow Transformation Protocol” and is taught by Christina Pratt. Anyway, until now, I had never heard of her, so I’m not familiar with her work, but she comes highly recommended by several reputable teachers. Well, as I discovered last night, cramming to get signed up and connected to the course, because things came through and were worked out last minute, a key component that we will be working with, integrally woven into it, is the Archetype of what encompasses deities like Athena, Kali, Durga, Pele, etc. She, as the Archetype, manifested in those, and other goddesses, is known as “Crazy Woman”. I kid you not. So, as I delve into deeper Shamanic work and transformational shadow work, and develop in Shamanic practice, I will be embracing and working with “Crazy Woman”, and I love this because of today’s video message, in working with “Crazy Woman” to keep it out of our head and anchor some aspects on this realm, we, as we begin to develop our relationship with her, need to erect some type of small shrine for her. Ok, so this all sounds “out there” but I am not giving you all the information either. But think about it…”Crazy Woman” and instructions to build a shrine (aka temple) in the context of transformational shadow work. I think Spirit is enjoying a chuckle or two over this, I know I am. Spirit has an interesting sense of humor.

    wallflower replied 3 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • mama-bear

    March 6, 2021 at 11:10 pm
    Maureen Jones, post: 118, member: 30 wrote:
    Greetings All,
    I haven’t posted my introduction yet. I haven’t figured out yet what I want to write. I also haven’t had a lot of time to spend orienting myself to this platform, still feeling a bit awkward. But I want to write some about today’s video. I wrote in the comments on YouTube, and I decided I wanted to start to write something here. I say start, because there is so much from today’s message, that I can’t get into it all in one post. That’s true, in part, because there are a combination of areas and a lot of things in each area. Plus, I am kind of starting a conversation.
    One thing, because it was brought up about the Moon phase, and being encouraged to focus on the new growth and new birth, etc. Interestingly, for some time, and it’s been stronger this past year, I feel drawn to specifically honor and do work associated with the New Moon additional to the Full Moon. The New Moon, or course, relates to the release of what no longer serves, and growth and “birthing” something new in place of what was released, and releasing makes room for the new growth and birth. Though I haven’t necessarily been as diligent with that as I would like, or need to be, I have noticed that doing something to honor and work with each, the Full and New Moons, distinctly, and being aware, even peripherally, of the phases in between, has been having an impact on my life, making a significant difference. Hearing this today, with the New Moon being a week from today, on the 13th, I am heeding the call to “step it up” and go deeper with that. Truthfully, that connects with yesterday’s message about answering The Call, and that I have been delving more into hearing, accepting, and going deeper while responding with my “Yes”.
    I mentioned in my comments on YouTube that while I discovered this past year that Owl is my Native American Birth Totem Animal, Owl has had some importance for me for many years, and early in my Shamanic experience, a Snowy Owl introduced himself. I shared there about a new experience, based on a suggestion in a course, that I talked about last week in another comment post on YouTube, I went on a Shamanic Journey to the brightest Quasar on our Universe, Quasar P352-15. (This was a suggested Journey that we didn’t do as a group in the course, but something to do on our own if we wanted to.) Though Snowy Owl doesn’t guide me on all my Journeys, I asked if he would join me on this one. I also asked the goddess Isis, so she, Snowy, and Wolf, guided me as we traveled to Quasar P352-15. That was an amazing experience for me, and nothing like I had done before. The only thing I had done that was similar, was to Journey to my soul’s experience of creation, and to inquire of a name that I could refer to my Creator as if I wanted to do so. That was rather “mind-blowing” too. (I felt drawn to do a little research afterwards and discovered these people I had no knowledge of prior to this Journey, an ancient tribe of Mali called the Dogon, have a similar creation story and name for Creator. Though cool and affirming, that really blew me away.) These experiences have been expanding my consciousness while other things come into my “radar” with information relating to Quantum science, etc., has also been expanding my mind and connecting with my spiritual experience and expansion. Some of that has been learning more about who we are, our DNA, how all those things relate to and connect with Ancient Civilizations and knowledge, and so on, and what Ancient Civilizations did, and Indigenous cultures have been teaching for millennia. I have even, in more recent times, been learning about the terms “Lightworkers” and “Starseeds” and things along that line, including things like the “rainbow body” etc. So, today’s message was like another piece of enlightening information in a string of connections of information, besides the other applications to my life and what I needed to hear.
    Sometimes, especially in more recent months, despite being a spiritually focused person, and having been on the Metaphysical path, which includes Wicca and Shamanism, for quite some time, I feel like I just crawled out from under a rock, or something. I used to want to learn deeper things, and did, but even as I have grown and evolved, I still feel like I must have been walking around clueless or something. In all fairness to myself, despite my learning and growth, much of the last 20 years I spent in Dark Night types of experiences, surrounded, literally, by death and destruction, and one health crisis after another.
    On a somewhat lighter side to this, last night, I found out something was worked out, and I began a course today. The first class today was the beginning of an amazing and interesting, as well as a bit challenging journey. Though not an advanced course, it involves some deep Shamanic work, and was recommended to me by one of my teachers. In case anyone is curious, the course, taught by a colleague and friend of my teacher, is called “The Shadow Transformation Protocol” and is taught by Christina Pratt. Anyway, until now, I had never heard of her, so I’m not familiar with her work, but she comes highly recommended by several reputable teachers. Well, as I discovered last night, cramming to get signed up and connected to the course, because things came through and were worked out last minute, a key component that we will be working with, integrally woven into it, is the Archetype of what encompasses deities like Athena, Kali, Durga, Pele, etc. She, as the Archetype, manifested in those, and other goddesses, is known as “Crazy Woman”. I kid you not. So, as I delve into deeper Shamanic work and transformational shadow work, and develop in Shamanic practice, I will be embracing and working with “Crazy Woman”, and I love this because of today’s video message, in working with “Crazy Woman” to keep it out of our head and anchor some aspects on this realm, we, as we begin to develop our relationship with her, need to erect some type of small shrine for her. Ok, so this all sounds “out there” but I am not giving you all the information either. But think about it…”Crazy Woman” and instructions to build a shrine (aka temple) in the context of transformational shadow work. I think Spirit is enjoying a chuckle or two over this, I know I am. Spirit has an interesting sense of humor.

    OK so I’m falling out of my chair. I am bursting at the seams to tell you about how INSANE the timing of “Crazy Woman/building a “temple” is but I can’t! ARGGGHHH!!! It’s killing me but I thank you a zillion times for being my messenger today! The amount of knowledge you take in during any given week is astounding!

  • wallflower

    March 7, 2021 at 3:05 am
    Maureen Jones, post: 118, member: 30 wrote:
    Greetings All,
    I haven’t posted my introduction yet. I haven’t figured out yet what I want to write. I also haven’t had a lot of time to spend orienting myself to this platform, still feeling a bit awkward. But I want to write some about today’s video. I wrote in the comments on YouTube, and I decided I wanted to start to write something here. I say start, because there is so much from today’s message, that I can’t get into it all in one post. That’s true, in part, because there are a combination of areas and a lot of things in each area. Plus, I am kind of starting a conversation.
    One thing, because it was brought up about the Moon phase, and being encouraged to focus on the new growth and new birth, etc. Interestingly, for some time, and it’s been stronger this past year, I feel drawn to specifically honor and do work associated with the New Moon additional to the Full Moon. The New Moon, or course, relates to the release of what no longer serves, and growth and “birthing” something new in place of what was released, and releasing makes room for the new growth and birth. Though I haven’t necessarily been as diligent with that as I would like, or need to be, I have noticed that doing something to honor and work with each, the Full and New Moons, distinctly, and being aware, even peripherally, of the phases in between, has been having an impact on my life, making a significant difference. Hearing this today, with the New Moon being a week from today, on the 13th, I am heeding the call to “step it up” and go deeper with that. Truthfully, that connects with yesterday’s message about answering The Call, and that I have been delving more into hearing, accepting, and going deeper while responding with my “Yes”.
    I mentioned in my comments on YouTube that while I discovered this past year that Owl is my Native American Birth Totem Animal, Owl has had some importance for me for many years, and early in my Shamanic experience, a Snowy Owl introduced himself. I shared there about a new experience, based on a suggestion in a course, that I talked about last week in another comment post on YouTube, I went on a Shamanic Journey to the brightest Quasar on our Universe, Quasar P352-15. (This was a suggested Journey that we didn’t do as a group in the course, but something to do on our own if we wanted to.) Though Snowy Owl doesn’t guide me on all my Journeys, I asked if he would join me on this one. I also asked the goddess Isis, so she, Snowy, and Wolf, guided me as we traveled to Quasar P352-15. That was an amazing experience for me, and nothing like I had done before. The only thing I had done that was similar, was to Journey to my soul’s experience of creation, and to inquire of a name that I could refer to my Creator as if I wanted to do so. That was rather “mind-blowing” too. (I felt drawn to do a little research afterwards and discovered these people I had no knowledge of prior to this Journey, an ancient tribe of Mali called the Dogon, have a similar creation story and name for Creator. Though cool and affirming, that really blew me away.) These experiences have been expanding my consciousness while other things come into my “radar” with information relating to Quantum science, etc., has also been expanding my mind and connecting with my spiritual experience and expansion. Some of that has been learning more about who we are, our DNA, how all those things relate to and connect with Ancient Civilizations and knowledge, and so on, and what Ancient Civilizations did, and Indigenous cultures have been teaching for millennia. I have even, in more recent times, been learning about the terms “Lightworkers” and “Starseeds” and things along that line, including things like the “rainbow body” etc. So, today’s message was like another piece of enlightening information in a string of connections of information, besides the other applications to my life and what I needed to hear.
    Sometimes, especially in more recent months, despite being a spiritually focused person, and having been on the Metaphysical path, which includes Wicca and Shamanism, for quite some time, I feel like I just crawled out from under a rock, or something. I used to want to learn deeper things, and did, but even as I have grown and evolved, I still feel like I must have been walking around clueless or something. In all fairness to myself, despite my learning and growth, much of the last 20 years I spent in Dark Night types of experiences, surrounded, literally, by death and destruction, and one health crisis after another.
    On a somewhat lighter side to this, last night, I found out something was worked out, and I began a course today. The first class today was the beginning of an amazing and interesting, as well as a bit challenging journey. Though not an advanced course, it involves some deep Shamanic work, and was recommended to me by one of my teachers. In case anyone is curious, the course, taught by a colleague and friend of my teacher, is called “The Shadow Transformation Protocol” and is taught by Christina Pratt. Anyway, until now, I had never heard of her, so I’m not familiar with her work, but she comes highly recommended by several reputable teachers. Well, as I discovered last night, cramming to get signed up and connected to the course, because things came through and were worked out last minute, a key component that we will be working with, integrally woven into it, is the Archetype of what encompasses deities like Athena, Kali, Durga, Pele, etc. She, as the Archetype, manifested in those, and other goddesses, is known as “Crazy Woman”. I kid you not. So, as I delve into deeper Shamanic work and transformational shadow work, and develop in Shamanic practice, I will be embracing and working with “Crazy Woman”, and I love this because of today’s video message, in working with “Crazy Woman” to keep it out of our head and anchor some aspects on this realm, we, as we begin to develop our relationship with her, need to erect some type of small shrine for her. Ok, so this all sounds “out there” but I am not giving you all the information either. But think about it…”Crazy Woman” and instructions to build a shrine (aka temple) in the context of transformational shadow work. I think Spirit is enjoying a chuckle or two over this, I know I am. Spirit has an interesting sense of humor.

    This is cool. I took the temple thing to kind of mean a sacred space within myself. Yes I first thought of a spot on a table where I could set up an altar of sorts for metaphysical work, but then I reflected on my body being that place. I’m not a medium and have never channeled, but in opening up to the universe on a spiritual level I feel very different and my body is doing strange things when it comes to energy lol. If that makes sense.
    I love the “Crazy Woman” idea. In many cultures the crone is represented as a crazed old lady so it kind of makes sense. Wisdom can frazzle ones hair? lol Once one sees, it is hard to go back ;). Good luck on your journey.

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