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Homepage Forums What is My Spirit Animal Spirit Animal Community Fire Opinions wanted! Do you feel/think/believe humans can be Spirit Animals?

  • maureen-jones

    March 14, 2021 at 11:46 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 645, member: 1 wrote:
    What flavor? I’m waiting for them to make double stuffed LEMON! Of course, in the meantime I’m wolfin’ the other kind down! LOL

    All flavors. But right now, Peanut Butter comes to mind. LOL

  • thelastchancecrone

    March 14, 2021 at 11:47 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 639, member: 1 wrote:
    SO cool you know what ‘animal’ you were in past lives!

    I was shunned out very long in the past life communities/metaphysical because I really knew what I had experienced. It’s one of the reasons I found kinship within the Furry Community, but was very disgusted by the level of smut. So I fringed but made some very deep connections with those that actually took the metaphysical/spiritual aspect of the community. This below is Taisia. She’s an a Xarian Panther. She’s one of my pasts and not of this planet

    [ATTACH type=”full” alt=”Taisia-2.png”]70[/ATTACH]

  • thelastchancecrone

    March 14, 2021 at 11:57 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 636, member: 1 wrote:
    If you’re comfortable – will you please expand on “Maybe eating blessings were meant to be more….”? That really piques my curiosity.

    After this morning’s experience, and my own growing experiences back here since we moved out of Silicon Cement (Lived in Silicon Valley for 25 years.), I truly feel an energy difference all around me. When I walk barefoot in the back yard, I feel the different energies that are under my feet. When we get fresh right out of the ground veggies or pick berries, apples, or what not I am becoming more aware of the lingering energy that is what food.

    MY House has essence, in fact it blew me away the first week we were here. NO, he’s not a ghost, he’s actually 100 year old home that has gained so much energy that it’s aware of himself. He’s called Reggie but that’s his short name.

    We always said grace – for each meal. I grew up catholic, and the ritual sorta stuck. But I have gone hunting with friends who are very deep spiritualists, and know they say a blessing and a prayer of passing after they kill the animal. I remember watching Avatar and feeling that same feeling, to ask permission, thank and bless the energy.

    So I started thinking again today that – maybe with energy – to say a blessing and thank you for the energy the water is providing when I drink, or the food is giving me. _ really _ be in the moment with it.

    Not sure if that is going to make any sense

  • thelastchancecrone

    March 15, 2021 at 12:00 am
    Mama Bear, post: 639, member: 1 wrote:
    I can tell you they are as individual as we humans are.

    I love the feel of my baby in the backyard. I talk to her, she’s youngster – but she is so beautiful. She hasn’t shared with me her name, but she does let me hug her. I promised her this year I was going to make a place so I can sit with her.

    [ATTACH type=”full”]71[/ATTACH]

  • maureen-jones

    March 15, 2021 at 12:02 am
    TheLastChanceCrone, post: 647, member: 82 wrote:
    I was shunned out very long in the past life communities/metaphysical because I really knew what I had experienced. It’s one of the reasons I found kinship within the Furry Community, but was very disgusted by the level of smut. So I fringed but made some very deep connections with those that actually took the metaphysical/spiritual aspect of the community. This below is Taisia. She’s an a Xarian Panther. She’s one of my pasts and not of this planet

    [ATTACH type=”full” alt=”Taisia-2.png”]70[/ATTACH]

    Beautiful!! Taisia is beautiful, as is your artwork! Thank you very much for sharing this! Personally, I am touched that you posted this amazing image here to share with us. Where is she from? Please excuse my lack of knowledge. I don’t know too much (yet) on other races from other planets. By saying she is a Xarian Panther, does that mean there is a planet named Xarian and that’s where she’s from? Or, is that like we categorize species on this planet? I would love to learn more should you choose to write more.

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