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  • Owls the Moon and Aliens or should that be High strangeness

    Posted by witch1969 on March 6, 2021 at 7:52 pm

    Hi everyone
    Lovely to be here-I have followed the wild ones tarot journey for a while now and am always captivated by Bernadette’s reading/messages on behalf of the animals and genorosity of spirit🐞🤗
    I ought to have joined sooner but for whatever reason did not until today…that reading😲🌈💫Saturday 06/03/21-big synchronicity…-so thought I ought to get a message up as validation, and by way of introduction
    Being quite direct-I should say I have had a ‘knowing’ of other realities so to speak my whole life, and amongst more usual world matters, have informally studied all things alternative/esoteric for the best part of 45years and am still enthralled…imagine then the quiver of OMG! From today’s Saturday reading-bearing in mind the following:

    Last two months (due to research through audio/kindle/text and podcast ) I have intensified my part time study (as usually happens in the winter ❄️ Dark nights being conducive) and revisited high strangeness at depth, particularly in looking at connections between actual events/spiritual development/indigenous knowledge and wisdom and why the scientism approach of parapsychology as applied to actual psi phenomena does not work all that well -rather we should be embracing the ‘Trickster’ definition from other cultures by way of understanding things such as portals,abductions,ET’s,Cryptids,folklore,quantum events, or to really look at the happenings at say ‘Skin Walker Ranch’ or as also evidenced by Trey Hudson’s recent reporting on an area know as ‘The Meadow’- (and there are many others all reporting on portal areas and connections between all psi phenomena, including animals as messengers 🦊👽by way of precursor/heads up to folks experiencing the numinous(by way of these events/experiences)
    Ok -what does this have to do with the reading today🙈💫
    This week,after having listened to my usual MU podcast instalment ,I was inspired to go back over Mike Clelland’s book’Stories from the Messengers’( in my audio book store from studies 6months ago) From there I went onto his ‘Hidden Experiences’ Blog-he is indeed an excellent researcher/writer and is genuine, engaging and a true find,for anyone researching their own experiences or wishing to know more-I recommend going through the ‘timeline’ on his blog -fascinating in the context of this reading
    Anyways,I totally sat up and took notice when Owl/Moon came up today with Bernadette!- and then mentioned her own research on Mike who is the Owl-alien connection expert! His work is also all about his journey to make sense of his own experiences, latterly through blogging
    And interviewing others with similar experiences-culminating in two brilliant books and ongoing research that are both insightful and compassionate to those needing to understand and use their experiences with owls (and deer) as a prelude to high strangeness🦉
    It seems in general if I have understood his current ongoing conclusion, to be less to do with the events themselves,than being a call to transcend one’s current perception of existence/or a need to enter new beginning/new life-from what I have gathered from his presentations of this work to date)similar thoughts to Yung?/Streiber/John Mack?
    It struck a chord with Bernadette’s reading which I only watched an hour ago😲,especially when she said that the owl had shown up to signify that we need to make a sacred space within or without,to correspond with the new moon 🌙 sentiment of setting intention, rather than working with a 🌕 notion of culmination-in essence ,’other worldly’ presences using owl today were perhaps guiding those listening to making a leap transcendentally to help make a difference in their part of the world and/or life to help collective betterment?
    Be good to know what came up for any other folks, when you get a minute?

    And there is more synchronicity,early this am after letting the cat out-I dozed back off (before getting up time) and had an odd dream -one of those where your surroundings are ‘home’ but look nothing like …anyhow,amongst all the other weird dream stuff (some meaningful and some not so) two things stood out:
    2 foxes-one ok running across a shared yard between houses in the dream, but one not ok- a female with what looked to be an injured leg ,with fur missing-the skin patch had a triangular scar made up of three tiny scoop marks…..
    Also for some reason an odd couple, who seemed to represent neighbours(though not my real neighbours,I hasten to add!) were talking to me ,still within the dream, about nothing in particular, but I remembered on waking that the woman had an odd lump on her forehead in the middle(where her third eye should have been),It looked as if it had a plaster on it but a bit of bone or white hard stuff was sticking out of it…I swear you could not make this up!!!!
    That’s about all for now folks,hope you all have a great rest of the day but any feedback gratefully received and also thanks for reading my jumbled notes, just had to get it down as all too connected in my mind not to comment-🤗🌺

    white-raven replied 3 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 31 Replies
  • 31 Replies
  • white-raven

    March 6, 2021 at 8:36 pm
    Witch1969*, post: 113, member: 79 wrote:
    Hi everyone
    Lovely to be here-I have followed the wild ones tarot journey for a while now and am always captivated by Bernadette’s reading/messages on behalf of the animals and genorosity of spirit🐞🤗
    I ought to have joined sooner but for whatever reason did not until today…that reading😲🌈💫Saturday 06/03/21-big synchronicity…-so thought I ought to get a message up as validation, and by way of introduction
    Being quite direct-I should say I have had a ‘knowing’ of other realities so to speak my whole life, and amongst more usual world matters, have informally studied all things alternative/esoteric for the best part of 45years and am still enthralled…imagine then the quiver of OMG! From today’s Saturday reading-bearing in mind the following:

    Last two months (due to research through audio/kindle/text and podcast ) I have intensified my part time study (as usually happens in the winter ❄️ Dark nights being conducive) and revisited high strangeness at depth, particularly in looking at connections between actual events/spiritual development/indigenous knowledge and wisdom and why the scientism approach of parapsychology as applied to actual psi phenomena does not work all that well -rather we should be embracing the ‘Trickster’ definition from other cultures by way of understanding things such as portals,abductions,ET’s,Cryptids,folklore,quantum events, or to really look at the happenings at say ‘Skin Walker Ranch’ or as also evidenced by Trey Hudson’s recent reporting on an area know as ‘The Meadow’- (and there are many others all reporting on portal areas and connections between all psi phenomena, including animals as messengers 🦊👽by way of precursor/heads up to folks experiencing the numinous(by way of these events/experiences)
    Ok -what does this have to do with the reading today🙈💫
    This week,after having listened to my usual MU podcast instalment ,I was inspired to go back over Mike Clelland’s book’Stories from the Messengers’( in my audio book store from studies 6months ago) From there I went onto his ‘Hidden Experiences’ Blog-he is indeed an excellent researcher/writer and is genuine, engaging and a true find,for anyone researching their own experiences or wishing to know more-I recommend going through the ‘timeline’ on his blog -fascinating in the context of this reading
    Anyways,I totally sat up and took notice when Owl/Moon came up today with Bernadette!- and then mentioned her own research on Mike who is the Owl-alien connection expert! His work is also all about his journey to make sense of his own experiences, latterly through blogging
    And interviewing others with similar experiences-culminating in two brilliant books and ongoing research that are both insightful and compassionate to those needing to understand and use their experiences with owls (and deer) as a prelude to high strangeness🦉
    It seems in general if I have understood his current ongoing conclusion, to be less to do with the events themselves,than being a call to transcend one’s current perception of existence/or a need to enter new beginning/new life-from what I have gathered from his presentations of this work to date)similar thoughts to Yung?/Streiber/John Mack?
    It struck a chord with Bernadette’s reading which I only watched an hour ago😲,especially when she said that the owl had shown up to signify that we need to make a sacred space within or without,to correspond with the new moon 🌙 sentiment of setting intention, rather than working with a 🌕 notion of culmination-in essence ,’other worldly’ presences using owl today were perhaps guiding those listening to making a leap transcendentally to help make a difference in their part of the world and/or life to help collective betterment?
    Be good to know what came up for any other folks, when you get a minute?

    And there is more synchronicity,early this am after letting the cat out-I dozed back off (before getting up time) and had an odd dream -one of those where your surroundings are ‘home’ but look nothing like …anyhow,amongst all the other weird dream stuff (some meaningful and some not so) two things stood out:
    2 foxes-one ok running across a shared yard between houses in the dream, but one not ok- a female with what looked to be an injured leg ,with fur missing-the skin patch had a triangular scar made up of three tiny scoop marks…..
    Also for some reason an odd couple, who seemed to represent neighbours(though not my real neighbours,I hasten to add!) were talking to me ,still within the dream, about nothing in particular, but I remembered on waking that the woman had an odd lump on her forehead in the middle(where her third eye should have been),It looked as if it had a plaster on it but a bit of bone or white hard stuff was sticking out of it…I swear you could not make this up!!!!
    That’s about all for now folks,hope you all have a great rest of the day but any feedback gratefully received and also thanks for reading my jumbled notes, just had to get it down as all too connected in my mind not to comment-🤗🌺

    So happy to hear you have been tracking these experiences too, I’ve been vividly having them since 2015 when I first encountered a wild owl in nature (it tried to grab my chihuahua but our coyote dog jumped at the owl at the last second deterring the owl and protecting her little brother, we did not hear him come in like Bernadette says, but she saw him)
    A very special person once told me that it is way more difficult to say someone is crazy if more than one person experiences the same thing, thank the everything for the technology we have today and the opportunity for shared experiences.

  • witch1969

    March 7, 2021 at 1:12 am

    I know! 💫It is quite a relief to be able to witness someone else’s lived experiences and/or ‘get’ what happened because you have known the same thing or experienced it.Tech certainly helps cross the great divide and enables more folk to share-I think that’s also what drew me to Mike Clelland’s work recently, as it hails from bravely sharing his blog and then collating stories to share the patterns that he saw emerging-(Not just owls but the similarities in age,time of podcast and shared experiences of some of the experiences he has spoken too)
    On another tack-I am currently reading ‘Greening the Paranormal’ by Jack Hunter-can be got on Kindle-wondered if it would be of interest -also if it feels not obtrusive I would love to hear about more of your experiences but only if it is appropriate for you-understood sometimes it is not also ok🤗🐞🪲

  • wallflower

    March 7, 2021 at 2:53 am
    Witch1969*, post: 113, member: 79 wrote:
    Hi everyone
    Lovely to be here-I have followed the wild ones tarot journey for a while now and am always captivated by Bernadette’s reading/messages on behalf of the animals and genorosity of spirit🐞🤗
    I ought to have joined sooner but for whatever reason did not until today…that reading😲🌈💫Saturday 06/03/21-big synchronicity…-so thought I ought to get a message up as validation, and by way of introduction
    Being quite direct-I should say I have had a ‘knowing’ of other realities so to speak my whole life, and amongst more usual world matters, have informally studied all things alternative/esoteric for the best part of 45years and am still enthralled…imagine then the quiver of OMG! From today’s Saturday reading-bearing in mind the following:

    Last two months (due to research through audio/kindle/text and podcast ) I have intensified my part time study (as usually happens in the winter ❄️ Dark nights being conducive) and revisited high strangeness at depth, particularly in looking at connections between actual events/spiritual development/indigenous knowledge and wisdom and why the scientism approach of parapsychology as applied to actual psi phenomena does not work all that well -rather we should be embracing the ‘Trickster’ definition from other cultures by way of understanding things such as portals,abductions,ET’s,Cryptids,folklore,quantum events, or to really look at the happenings at say ‘Skin Walker Ranch’ or as also evidenced by Trey Hudson’s recent reporting on an area know as ‘The Meadow’- (and there are many others all reporting on portal areas and connections between all psi phenomena, including animals as messengers 🦊👽by way of precursor/heads up to folks experiencing the numinous(by way of these events/experiences)
    Ok -what does this have to do with the reading today🙈💫
    This week,after having listened to my usual MU podcast instalment ,I was inspired to go back over Mike Clelland’s book’Stories from the Messengers’( in my audio book store from studies 6months ago) From there I went onto his ‘Hidden Experiences’ Blog-he is indeed an excellent researcher/writer and is genuine, engaging and a true find,for anyone researching their own experiences or wishing to know more-I recommend going through the ‘timeline’ on his blog -fascinating in the context of this reading
    Anyways,I totally sat up and took notice when Owl/Moon came up today with Bernadette!- and then mentioned her own research on Mike who is the Owl-alien connection expert! His work is also all about his journey to make sense of his own experiences, latterly through blogging
    And interviewing others with similar experiences-culminating in two brilliant books and ongoing research that are both insightful and compassionate to those needing to understand and use their experiences with owls (and deer) as a prelude to high strangeness🦉
    It seems in general if I have understood his current ongoing conclusion, to be less to do with the events themselves,than being a call to transcend one’s current perception of existence/or a need to enter new beginning/new life-from what I have gathered from his presentations of this work to date)similar thoughts to Yung?/Streiber/John Mack?
    It struck a chord with Bernadette’s reading which I only watched an hour ago😲,especially when she said that the owl had shown up to signify that we need to make a sacred space within or without,to correspond with the new moon 🌙 sentiment of setting intention, rather than working with a 🌕 notion of culmination-in essence ,’other worldly’ presences using owl today were perhaps guiding those listening to making a leap transcendentally to help make a difference in their part of the world and/or life to help collective betterment?
    Be good to know what came up for any other folks, when you get a minute?

    And there is more synchronicity,early this am after letting the cat out-I dozed back off (before getting up time) and had an odd dream -one of those where your surroundings are ‘home’ but look nothing like …anyhow,amongst all the other weird dream stuff (some meaningful and some not so) two things stood out:
    2 foxes-one ok running across a shared yard between houses in the dream, but one not ok- a female with what looked to be an injured leg ,with fur missing-the skin patch had a triangular scar made up of three tiny scoop marks…..
    Also for some reason an odd couple, who seemed to represent neighbours(though not my real neighbours,I hasten to add!) were talking to me ,still within the dream, about nothing in particular, but I remembered on waking that the woman had an odd lump on her forehead in the middle(where her third eye should have been),It looked as if it had a plaster on it but a bit of bone or white hard stuff was sticking out of it…I swear you could not make this up!!!!
    That’s about all for now folks,hope you all have a great rest of the day but any feedback gratefully received and also thanks for reading my jumbled notes, just had to get it down as all too connected in my mind not to comment-🤗🌺

    Inspirational and excited to meet you. I’m new to thinking aliens, but I like how your insight points to changes within. I’ve seen “Tricksters” from other dimensions all my life and they look strange in the extreme. They always appear at night and like to sit in the corner of my ceiling or on the curtain rods and watch me sleep. I wake up with a sudden jolt of fear and then see them there, silent and eerie. They used to scare the bejesus out of me until I met a Warlock who told me they feed off the fear. So I started training myself to laugh and talk to them. I told them to stop interrupting my sleep. After a time I stopped seeing them, but I know instantly when they return.

    Owls were always illusive in my life until about ten or twelve years ago. While driving home from work at eleven thirty at night, one flew low over the road and hit my windshield. I think it was diving for prey. I started crying uncontrollably and felt this intense pain of loss. The following morning I returned to the site, but found no evidence of an animal that had been hurt or in the brush along the side of the road. After that I entered a very dark period in my life of emotional upheaval and shadow work. The owl stayed away for a few years, but when it returned I immediately took notice and meditated on it. It roosted outside my window in a tree one night and hooted so loudly that it woke me from sleep. A few months later the love of my life passed away and I knew the owl had come to forewarn me. Since his passing, the owl disappeared, only reappearing last summer. It was four years silent.

    Since going thru the dark night of the soul (Not sure I’m completely done with the process) I realized that I’m not spiritually from this planet and have reached out to find my star family who speak to me as dolphins when I meditate. To talk about any of this feels “Alien” lol because it sounds so bizarre, but I feel safe here. Through this meditation my crown Chakra has been activated and I am waking to things so far outside my normal realm of experience that I am excited to meet “Like minded” people. Hence my jump to join this forum, due to the same YouTube video you mention above.

    That’s a bit of my story. Blessing and light.

  • white-raven

    March 7, 2021 at 3:06 am

    For me it’s tough to just start talking about an experience without seeing a topic broached…kind of like I don’t know I know something until I hear someone talking about it then I just chime in the conversation type thing, surprising myself.
    However when I get going look out LOL…I have learnt a lot through inner self discovery, a meditative journey to meet my power animal was the very first thing I did, and being open to the fact that we were meant to operate on a 15 dimension chakra system as opposed to the 7 that has been taught. As above so below.
    Each chakra corresponds to a dimension (as within so without) and as Bernadette mentioned today, our bodies are our spaceships, our mind the computer, we just have to have the right firing code and an unclogged system, the right fuel and the right team and the right mindset and it’s all possible to get there.
    What led me to these realizations was a “spiritually” guided journey by my very first power animal (I was tucked away in a backpack and peeking out) into the world of Sleeping abductees after reading the Voyager book series one and two, by Ashayna Deane, if you can get your hands on them it is very eye opening material.
    Since then I’ve been using what I know about frequency, chakras, and dimensions to make a map of the galaxy as it is being shown to me (take note it will be presented to each differently as your “codex” is probably different than my “Codex”, but I like the idea of us all getting on the same “codex”…and you will only see what you are ready to see, it takes time), using past life regression experiences to fill in the blanks along the way… and sharing what I sharing what I learn with anyone who remotely shows interest and trying to reassure myself on a daily basis I am sane and not going completely off my rocker at 46, yeah I’m healing through PTSD but; it gets a bit off the chart at times.
    Like how is this for you?
    I read about the foxes you wrote about earlier and no word of a lie I’m out on my patio staring up at the Orion constellation and from the tree line across the blanket of white snow runs a fox right under the house next door (they moved out two weeks ago)! Like really???
    I say that is why we have these “gifts”…if it was easy everyone would be seeing hearing feeling and sensing what we are

  • wallflower

    March 7, 2021 at 3:11 am
    White Raven, post: 151, member: 9 wrote:
    For me it’s tough to just start talking about an experience without seeing a topic broached…kind of like I don’t know I know something until I hear someone talking about it then I just chime in the conversation type thing, surprising myself.
    However when I get going look out LOL…I have learnt a lot through inner self discovery, a meditative journey to meet my power animal was the very first thing I did, and being open to the fact that we were meant to operate on a 15 dimension chakra system as opposed to the 7 that has been taught. As above so below.
    Each chakra corresponds to a dimension (as within so without) and as Bernadette mentioned today, our bodies are our spaceships, our mind the computer, we just have to have the right firing code and an unclogged system, the right fuel and the right team and the right mindset and it’s all possible to get there.
    What led me to these realizations was a “spiritually” guided journey by my very first power animal (I was tucked away in a backpack and peeking out) into the world of Sleeping abductees after reading the Voyager book series one and two, by Ashayna Deane, if you can get your hands on them it is very eye opening material.
    Since then I’ve been using what I know about frequency, chakras, and dimensions to make a map of the galaxy as it is being shown to me (take note it will be presented to each differently as your “codex” is probably different than my “Codex”, but I like the idea of us all getting on the same “codex”…and you will only see what you are ready to see, it takes time), using past life regression experiences to fill in the blanks along the way… and sharing what I sharing what I learn with anyone who remotely shows interest and trying to reassure myself on a daily basis I am sane and not going completely off my rocker at 46, yeah I’m healing through PTSD but; it gets a bit off the chart at times.
    Like how is this for you?
    I read about the foxes you wrote about earlier and no word of a lie I’m out on my patio staring up at the Orion constellation and from the tree line across the blanket of white snow runs a fox right under the house next door (they moved out two weeks ago)! Like really???
    I say that is why we have these “gifts”…if it was easy everyone would be seeing hearing feeling and sensing what we are

    Are we neighbors??? lol
    Fox is considered a trickster to many in animal circles, but I think that is just the surface of its true magic.

  • white-raven

    March 7, 2021 at 3:19 am
    Wallflower, post: 152, member: 73 wrote:
    Are we neighbors??? lol
    Fox is considered a trickster to many in animal circles, but I think that is just the surface of its true magic.

    LOL I’m in igloo county Canada
    I also have ties with fox energy she is a wise guardian grandmother type who I call on in times of desperation and she usually brings me exactly what I’m wailing for and when I realize it I just want to give myself a big kick in the butt, so yeah I hear ya on the trickster qualities of fox who I have great reverence for; when I call on fox I know now to prepare to see what I was hiding from myself and be very careful what I wish for….the fact that she has been so prevalent today here with Owl really makes me want to do some digging into folklore that combine owl and fox as adversaries Commrades foes ect

  • wallflower

    March 7, 2021 at 3:30 am
    White Raven, post: 153, member: 9 wrote:
    LOL I’m in igloo county Canada
    I also have ties with fox energy she is a wise guardian grandmother type who I call on in times of desperation and she usually brings me exactly what I’m wailing for and when I realize it I just want to give myself a big kick in the butt, so yeah I hear ya on the trickster qualities of fox who I have great reverence for; when I call on fox I know now to prepare to see what I was hiding from myself and be very careful what I wish for….the fact that she has been so prevalent today here with Owl really makes me want to do some digging into folklore that combine owl and fox as adversaries Commrades foes ect

    Yep, We’re neighbors lol. I live in New England. Only three hours from Quebec, but it’s sooo close :p.
    Eastern cultures hold the fox in high esteem giving her deity like attributes (I just discovered this doing research myself) I never thought that she might appear to show something we keep hidden from ourselves though. That is interesting. She is a night creature too isn’t she.

  • white-raven

    March 7, 2021 at 12:04 pm
    Wallflower, post: 155, member: 73 wrote:
    Yep, We’re neighbors lol. I live in New England. Only three hours from Quebec, but it’s sooo close :p.
    Eastern cultures hold the fox in high esteem giving her deity like attributes (I just discovered this doing research myself) I never thought that she might appear to show something we keep hidden from ourselves though. That is interesting. She is a night creature too isn’t she.

    I’m on the East Coast Too NS….brr cold
    I would love to hear more on this, I’ve been directed that one of my galaxy hopping identities is a shape shifting Kitsune which comes from more Eastern cultures

  • white-raven

    March 7, 2021 at 12:18 pm
    Witch1969*, post: 143, member: 79 wrote:
    I know! 💫It is quite a relief to be able to witness someone else’s lived experiences and/or ‘get’ what happened because you have known the same thing or experienced it.Tech certainly helps cross the great divide and enables more folk to share-I think that’s also what drew me to Mike Clelland’s work recently, as it hails from bravely sharing his blog and then collating stories to share the patterns that he saw emerging-(Not just owls but the similarities in age,time of podcast and shared experiences of some of the experiences he has spoken too)
    On another tack-I am currently reading ‘Greening the Paranormal’ by Jack Hunter-can be got on Kindle-wondered if it would be of interest -also if it feels not obtrusive I would love to hear about more of your experiences but only if it is appropriate for you-understood sometimes it is not also ok🤗🐞🪲

    After sleeping on it the experience that has come to share, is my very first one, as I sit and ponder it this morning after the conversations yesterday I see how indeed it is all connected 🐞
    -had owl encounter, huge wake up call
    Owl came for chihuahua and coyote dog deterred owl on a camping trip in the Pacific Northwest of Canada, Indigenous land.
    -started having what we felt was the same owl follow us on our nightly walks with the dogs, following us letting us know he was there, Would (it auto corrected to Wolf…interesting) swoop down and pull up at the back of our heads at the last second, we could feel him coming and the wooof of wings as he came near and pulled up.
    He would also stop and land on a lit up lamp post and we would stop and connect with him, he always had his eye on the chihuahua but it was becoming more like a game than an I’m going to get him for real, but he was teaching us to be on our toes and pay attention to everything and not let our guard down
    -within the same time frame say matter of months we were sitting in our living room one night heard a noise and looked outside, could not see anything but the impression of this 👽 made in the condensation on the glass of our screen door
    -a week later I’m following intuition that leads me to a used book store…almost on auto pilot I walked to the back of the store very back shelf knelt down and pulled out a coil bound book called E.T 101 the Cosmic Instruction manual written in 1990.
    Well I took it home and my love and I read it together and let’s just say it lit us up like a Christmas tree and set us both out seeking the path of truth, my world has never been the same again.
    My dear sister holds the hard copy of this treasured relic, but upon searching I have found an updated version of the same manual that someone other than the original author has written, it is very good and keeps all the original material but adds new information for the times, but due to the copyright infringement I do not feel right in sharing the link, but a google search of E.T 101 The cosmic Instruction Manual PDF should prove results, I believe I found it on exstart


  • witch1969

    March 7, 2021 at 2:13 pm
    White Raven, post: 151, member: 9 wrote:
    For me it’s tough to just start talking about an experience without seeing a topic broached…kind of like I don’t know I know something until I hear someone talking about it then I just chime in the conversation type thing, surprising myself.
    However when I get going look out LOL…I have learnt a lot through inner self discovery, a meditative journey to meet my power animal was the very first thing I did, and being open to the fact that we were meant to operate on a 15 dimension chakra system as opposed to the 7 that has been taught. As above so below.
    Each chakra corresponds to a dimension (as within so without) and as Bernadette mentioned today, our bodies are our spaceships, our mind the computer, we just have to have the right firing code and an unclogged system, the right fuel and the right team and the right mindset and it’s all possible to get there.
    What led me to these realizations was a “spiritually” guided journey by my very first power animal (I was tucked away in a backpack and peeking out) into the world of Sleeping abductees after reading the Voyager book series one and two, by Ashayna Deane, if you can get your hands on them it is very eye opening material.
    Since then I’ve been using what I know about frequency, chakras, and dimensions to make a map of the galaxy as it is being shown to me (take note it will be presented to each differently as your “codex” is probably different than my “Codex”, but I like the idea of us all getting on the same “codex”…and you will only see what you are ready to see, it takes time), using past life regression experiences to fill in the blanks along the way… and sharing what I sharing what I learn with anyone who remotely shows interest and trying to reassure myself on a daily basis I am sane and not going completely off my rocker at 46, yeah I’m healing through PTSD but; it gets a bit off the chart at times.
    Like how is this for you?
    I read about the foxes you wrote about earlier and no word of a lie I’m out on my patio staring up at the Orion constellation and from the tree line across the blanket of white snow runs a fox right under the house next door (they moved out two weeks ago)! Like really???
    I say that is why we have these “gifts”…if it was easy everyone would be seeing hearing feeling and sensing what we are
  • witch1969

    March 7, 2021 at 2:14 pm

    Update us on fox 🦊 when he happens again-fascinating isn’t it….

  • white-raven

    March 7, 2021 at 7:28 pm
    Witch1969*, post: 167, member: 79 wrote:
    Update us on fox 🦊 when he happens again-fascinating isn’t it….

    Really very fascinating indeed…as I just came in and today owl is wooting from the tree line fox ran from last night….after the day started with the awesome morning meditation and I took puppy for a walk to the beach, a warm day so we took advantage, then we found another park with a frozen duck pond full of ducks, they quacked at us and two pristine feathers blew across the pond to my feet, pups went and retrieved one all on his own for me.
    Then come home to owl wooting…I don’t know about you but this in my experience all leads up to otherworldly for me, whatever that may be for you 😉

  • witch1969

    March 8, 2021 at 12:50 am

    There are some potent messages there -the fox,the feathers and the owl at the start and finish-does this mean two significant calls to action? The fox could also be like a coyote type trickster message?-changing course-linked to the actions?-🦊🦉🌈

  • grasshopper

    March 8, 2021 at 12:09 pm
    White Raven, post: 198, member: 9 wrote:
    Really very fascinating indeed…as I just came in and today owl is wooting from the tree line fox ran from last night….after the day started with the awesome morning meditation and I took puppy for a walk to the beach, a warm day so we took advantage, then we found another park with a frozen duck pond full of ducks, they quacked at us and two pristine feathers blew across the pond to my feet, pups went and retrieved one all on his own for me.
    Then come home to owl wooting…I don’t know about you but this in my experience all leads up to otherworldly for me, whatever that may be for you 😉

    Let the dog out yesterday and Owl was doin’ his thing!

  • witch1969

    March 8, 2021 at 12:33 pm


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