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Homepage Forums What is My Spirit Animal Spirit Animal Community Fire PAST LIFE REGRESSION, ANYONE? Pick a Card Tarot Reading – Thurs. March 11, 2021

  • pearlized

    March 11, 2021 at 1:25 pm

    OOO That was clever as the 8 minutes to stop before doing anything has been happening Longer than 8 minutes though. It is a bit toxic here to day I know and understand why Going back to past lives. MM No maybe not quite that far back. But going back in time as to the “”WHY”” for the toxic. So yes i did get out of it for a while this morning.

    Might have to do it again late.

    Please though dont worry I know for certain i am NOT in danger. I understand and KNOW whats going on.

    After more thoughts about the past life It could actually be where it all began for what i am thinking Not just in this life.

  • maureen-jones

    March 11, 2021 at 1:54 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 396, member: 1 wrote:

    I decided to copy my comments that I wrote on YouTube for today’s message here. I thought it might be helpful to share it here too. I forgot to mention in those comments about how much I appreciate the whole 8-minute thing and am going to pay attention to that more closely.
    This is what I wrote on YouTube:
    Awesome!! Love this message!! It resonates and is helpful too. Interestingly, I’ve been feeling drawn towards things having to do with ancestors and ancestral work, and bringing the wisdom of the ancestors, etc. and especially this periodic drawing of my attention on past lives, and past life lessons and karma etc. Something else that’s possible, and I’ve done some of, though not a lot, is clearing past life karma that comes into this life because it wasn’t resolved. (That applies to soul contracts too.) One important note, to echo what you were saying about there not being a certain way to do this work: I have been fortunate, and never been exposed to teachings within Shamanism that say one must do things only a particular way. I have learned there are some common ways and guidelines, BUT Shamanism is a way of life and spiritual practice of direct revelation. While that obviously isn’t a license to go all “Willy Nilly”, it is about the individual and their relationship to Spirit, and how that applies to their life. It’s about personal responsibility. I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point, wanting only to echo what you said about it not being a right and wrong thing. Oh, I want to also say that I enjoy finding what works for me by applying loose guidelines, trying what other people have tried, finding out through my solo direct revelation, and combinations of those things. In my experiences so far, people in Shamanism practices have been freer flowing than some other Witch-related traditions. I can comment about that because I practice both. Early on, I strayed away from groups that made it seem like the Earth was going to fall of its axis if you didn’t do a ritual “just so”. To me, it’s like I’ve been learning from my Shamanic teachers about direct revelation, and it’s also following your heart. There’s all kinds of tools and guidelines, but I was fortunate to be exposed to people who practice and teach that even in a Wiccan Ritual, if you stumble over your words in a chant and mess it up, and even start laughing because you messed up the words, you did not mess up anything. So, I wanted to say that to help anyone who reads this remember to relax, follow your heart, and Spirit has a profound sense of humor too. I totally agree on the healing DNA, and ancestral healing, etc. I’ve been fortunate to hear some wonderful and solid teachings on those things. I have also been doing just that and have mentioned it in passing when I comment on healing trauma down to the cellular level. Something that “hit me” is that you mention in The Ark book about this card, Otter/6 of Cups, and connecting with your inner child. I got this relation to/with connecting to the inner child, some for healing, but connecting with the inner child for the innocence and ease of belief and interaction with the spirit-realm. Children have no issues with things of the Spirit realm, then have a pure innocence and interact like it’s completely “normal” until they begin to grow older and have adults influence that macic(k) out of them. Doing some ancestral work may first require one to connect with that inner child, or that inner child-like pure innocence to remove the blocks one might have with even approaching that work and making the connections. I hear the encouragement to follow the heart/gut instincts too. I’ve been getting that from various places and have already been making adjustments. Thank you! I absolutely LOVE the idea of doing something with past lives in the Sunday Ceremony!! Though it’s something one needs to, as you mentioned, be in their won space, that would be a beautiful way to raise the energy and vibration for that, set the intention, and be a catalyst for some beautiful work. Thank you!!

  • c-c

    March 11, 2021 at 4:24 pm

    I am a learning Psychic medium…I did a meditation and got that in many of my previous or parallel lives 🤷‍♀️ I was a bridge between the spirit world in one way or another I was a Native American woman (medicine woman) I was a falcon acting as a message between spirit and humans I was another bird I think hawks and so on, It was actually kinda amazing meditation!! When I finished the time was 11:11am 😳

  • maureen-jones

    March 11, 2021 at 5:53 pm
    C c, post: 407, member: 35 wrote:
    I am a learning Phsyic medium…I did a meditation and got that in many of my previous or parallel lives 🤷‍♀️ I was a bridge between the spirit world in one way or another I was a Native American woman (medicine woman) I was a falcon acting as a message between spirit and humans I was another bird I think hawks and so on, It was actually kinda amazing meditation!! When I finished the time was 11:11am 😳

    How beautiful that you gained all that insight! I love how the time was 11:11!!

  • c-c

    March 11, 2021 at 6:17 pm
    Maureen Jones, post: 416, member: 30 wrote:
    How beautiful that you gained all that insight! I love how the time was 11:11!!

    I know right… my eyes got so big 😂

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