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Homepage Forums What is My Spirit Animal Spirit Animal Community Fire Pick a Card Tarot Reading – Fri. March 12, 2021

  • moonbow

    March 12, 2021 at 1:24 pm

    Well, geez! I’ve been getting so many signs and messages (blatant, in my opinion, no questions or guessing where they’re coming from!) from Mother Gaia calling me. I haven’t figured out what she’s trying to tell me or lead me to, I guess I just need to finally go and sit in my dang backyard with some drumming music and see what she shows me. I know she’s probably so aggravated with me right now! LOL
    I’m doing it this weekend. I will report back! LOVE YOU, Lady B! Thank you so much for this message today!

  • maureen-jones

    March 12, 2021 at 1:46 pm

    Woot!! Elephant! I was just watching some videos of Elephants last night. I just LOVE Elephant and her (& his) wisdom! Such a powerful and important and meaningful message!
    On the culture thing, I know what you mean. I have a strong resonance with some cultures that are not in my current incarnation’s bloodline. Some is a strong attraction; some is even deeper than that. I strongly resonate with Native American, but more widely with other Indigenous cultures, and none of those are in my current bloodline. I have resonance with some Celtic and Norse, not on my current bloodline. Another really strong one for me, not in my current bloodline, is specifically ancient Egypt. Something just kicks alive inside when I see things about ancient Egypt, have a strong resonance with some of the Pantheon, but it’s an all-encompassing ancient Egyptian thing. Depending on what I am reading or viewing in a documentary, or something, I get this almost “longing for home” feeling inside. That happens some with some Native American and Indigenous things, but it’s a little more with ancient Egyptian things.
    On the vibration part, music has always been important for me. I happen to especially love Native American Flute and Tibetan Flute music. Not all drums, like you were saying, but drumming in general was always something that drew me in, before I learned about Mother Gaia’s heartbeat. Some of what really moves me is Sacred Drumming, especially Native American. I have come to use drumming for my own spiritual practices, particularly Journeying. I found that not only does it have the idea of it being Mother Gaia’s heartbeat, but it helps me connect and align my heartbeat with Hers, and it helps me go deeper for meditative Journeying states. Before incorporating that in this way, years ago, I was part of Witches groups, one in particular, who used Sacred Drumming in Ritual and to help bring everyone to raise their vibration and connect spiritually and to raise energy for Ritual. So, before Shamanic drumming for personal spiritual practice, I learned about, and experienced the connection of sacred drumming and the importance of vibration and raising vibration.
    Speaking of raising vibration, and other aspects of this message, I have been, over the past several months, introduced to and using Sound Healing. While music on its own can be healing, this is separate from my listening to Native American Flute Music for enjoyment, peace, to help me heal stress, or something. I was introduced to Sound Healing and a particular woman, Misa Hopkins, who, additional to her work and teaching on Sacred Feminine, is a Sound Healer. I’ve used some of her recordings, which are varied, each one for a specific thing. When I was sick the second time with Covid, I got her recording for Covid Sound Healing, that she gives away free on her website. Also, when she was a speaker at a Vegas Nerve Healing Summit online, she discounted her Vegas Nerve Sound Healing recording, which I purchased, and have used for bringing healing to my Vegas Nerve. That, combined with my other spiritual work, has been what is bringing healing of trauma to a physical as well as emotional level.
    Also, I’ve been feeling an intense sense in my own spiritual practices and work, that I am to raise my vibration and frequency. I’ve also been hearing it taught about how Mother Earth is raising her frequency, and we are needing to do the same.
    So, what was brought forth in the message today was meaningful for me on multiple levels. There were other things that Elephant and the Justice card applied to additional to what I mentioned here. As always, thank you so very much for bringing us these videos with your teaching and encouragement, and your wisdom as well as the wisdom from Spirit and the Animal Allies.

  • maureen-jones

    March 12, 2021 at 2:38 pm

    I wanted to add something here about the portion of the message that addressed never being alone, receiving help, etc.
    I’ve “run the gamut” on that issue. There have been times in my life when I was severely afraid to trust anyone, and I had good reason. Somehow, even growing up, I realized closing myself off wasn’t the way to go, and what was the way to go was to continually work on developing and expanding forgiveness, compassion, and above all, Love. Sometimes, situations left me with little or no physical help from people, but I knew from a very young age that I could depend on the Divine Love and protection. Even when something didn’t go well, and it seemed like protection was not close at hand, it was, and Love was always there, even if I couldn’t see it or feel it in the midst of pain from emotional or physical abuse or situations that were not wonderful experiences. Some things, in my journey, I had to do certain things myself, often not having anyone, yet always having Someone in Spirit – Divine/Spirit/Universe/Animal Allies. Some lessons, and I was recently taught more about this from a teacher, we need to do certain work ourselves, but we are never alone. Sometimes, in the Dark Night experiences, the main thing is don’t sit down in the dark, making the choice to move might be what I need to do.
    What I have been finding is that because we are all connected, there too, we are never alone. Someone in real-time will come, a situation will work out. Love conquers all.

  • pearlized

    March 12, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    Thank you for making me cry. For a few reasons 🥰 but i understood the reason. I needed it.

    So here goes.

    Firstly when Elephant came up i could do nothing but grin from ear to ear. My Dad ADORED Elephants all his life. And yes i do care for someone my hubby. I felt this was my dad coming to me Yet AGAIN ❣️ He is telling me to be ME a bit more. Take care of ME a bit more Yes i do understand the carer burnout thing. I have known for years i just forget sometimes.

    Then its Friday the day of love and the Throat chakra. I know i need to feel the vibrations given out Not the actual words. Cos now i know they are not going to be said. Oh the words of love are But NOT the words i want to hear right now. This is also where the Justice card fits in The balance and some fairness is off right now Our usual NATURAL balance is off.

    So me being the Matriarch here, need to send the vibrations out and feel those that have already been sent. Be the strength and be the one who gets that drum beating back in rhythm.

    OO And the “” Keep quiet for 8 minutes from yesterday. Made a difference today.””

    I may add more as the day goes on who knows how this will improve now.

    So Thank you Mama Bear and Thank you Dad. 🦋

    So to add from yesterday.

    Mama Bear you said you loved Nag Champa Incense Do you burn the Super hit ones too. Hubby loves this one. I have to hide my expensive Incense stick or he would just go through them so fast. So a beautiful box of a mixture for him to dive into whenever he wants. 🦋

  • wallflower

    March 12, 2021 at 3:56 pm

    So many beautiful messages this week. Thank you Bernadette for all the encouragement and support.
    As I mentioned on YouTube, I’ve only seen this gentle giant recently, but each time, despite their size, they are gentle and generous in their action and message.
    Blessings everyone.

  • maureen-jones

    March 12, 2021 at 4:03 pm
    Pearlized, post: 446, member: 18 wrote:
    Thank you for making me cry. For a few reasons 🥰 but i understood the reason. I needed it.

    So here goes.

    Firstly when Elephant came up i could do nothing but grin from ear to ear. My Dad ADORED Elephants all his life. And yes i do care for someone my hubby. I felt this was my dad coming to me Yet AGAIN ❣️ He is telling me to be ME a bit more. Take care of ME a bit more Yes i do understand the carer burnout thing. I have known for years i just forget sometimes.

    Then its Friday the day of love and the Throat chakra. I know i need to feel the vibrations given out Not the actual words. Cos now i know they are not going to be said. Oh the words of love are But NOT the words i want to hear right now. This is also where the Justice card fits in The balance and some fairness is off right now Our usual NATURAL balance is off.

    So me being the Matriarch here, need to send the vibrations out and feel those that have already been sent. Be the strength and be the one who gets that drum beating back in rhythm.

    OO And the “” Keep quiet for 8 minutes from yesterday. Made a difference today.””

    I may add more as the day goes on who knows how this will improve now.

    So Thank you Mama Bear and Thank you Dad.

    So beautiful! Holding you in love.

  • paula

    March 12, 2021 at 4:10 pm

    I was told years ago I was a healer of DNA, and its been really amazing a few experiences along the way, Im working on prioritizing what vibration is going on in me and around me, I want to use the drums and rattles I love the sensation of a drum giving the taste of elephant vibreation. I Love your forum. How perfect the Elephant brings message of balancing of the scales, I get this! I have a freind who I miss dearly I dont know if she has elephant totem but when I got my deck I sent her a pic of this card because its like a portrait of her, she teaches one self love and along the way I feel like she reminded me of everything I needed to know to go and do the work. This message is so important I love how you show us this reality.🐘💗

  • maureen-jones

    March 12, 2021 at 4:34 pm
    Paula, post: 453, member: 188 wrote:
    I was told years ago I was a healer of DNA, and its been really amazing a few experiences along the way, Im working on prioritizing what vibration is going on in me and around me, I want to use the drums and rattles I love the sensation of a drum giving the taste of elephant vibreation. I Love your forum. How perfect the Elephant brings message of balancing of the scales, I get this! I have a freind who I miss dearly I dont know if she has elephant totem but when I got my deck I sent her a pic of this card because its like a portrait of her, she teaches one self love and along the way I feel like she reminded me of everything I needed to know to go and do the work. This message is so important I love how you show us this reality.🐘💗

    Thanks for sharing this, Paula. I hope you will continue to share as you work on adjusting your vibration and incorporate rattling and drumming. I’d enjoy hearing about your experience with it. In my experience, I have found drumming and rattling to be helpful and healing, adding a depth to my practice that, while it can be hard to describe, is powerful and quite meaningful. The spiritual connection and the way they affect me in mind and body, is special for me.

  • maureen-jones

    March 12, 2021 at 4:37 pm
    Wallflower, post: 448, member: 73 wrote:
    So many beautiful messages this week. Thank you Bernadette for all the encouragement and support.
    As I mentioned on YouTube, I’ve only seen this gentle giant recently, but each time, despite their size, they are gentle and generous in their action and message.
    Blessings everyone.

    I love how you worded the description of Elephant as being “gentle and generous in their action and message”. I perceive them in the same way, but reading your words brings a level of clarity. It’s a beautiful way to describe them. Thank you!

  • maureen-jones

    March 12, 2021 at 4:41 pm
    MoonbowGypsy, post: 439, member: 41 wrote:
    Well, geez! I’ve been getting so many signs and messages (blatant, in my opinion, no questions or guessing where they’re coming from!) from Mother Gaia calling me. I haven’t figured out what she’s trying to tell me or lead me to, I guess I just need to finally go and sit in my dang backyard with some drumming music and see what she shows me. I know she’s probably so aggravated with me right now! LOL
    I’m doing it this weekend. I will report back! LOVE YOU, Lady B! Thank you so much for this message today!

    Thanks for sharing about how you know Mother Gaia is calling to you, and how you intend to get into Nature and use drumming music to connect with Her. I hope you are able to share some of what that experience brings for you.

  • snowwolf

    March 12, 2021 at 5:18 pm

    Elephants never forget. I once gave my mother an elephant brooch as a token to show her how much I loved her and how I would never forget how much she’d loved me and done for me over the years.
    Time moves on and I’ve spent the last 8 years caring for her through her ill health – I’ve returned that love as best I can – family means everything to me (just as they do for elephants).
    I’ve taken on the role of matriarch to my family now and like the elephants I do not forget the love of all my family both blood relatives and those in the wider world of nature.

  • maureen-jones

    March 12, 2021 at 8:56 pm
    Snowwolf, post: 460, member: 49 wrote:
    Elephants never forget. I once gave my mother an elephant brooch as a token to show her how much I loved her and how I would never forget how much she’d loved me and done for me over the years.
    Time moves on and I’ve spent the last 8 years caring for her through her ill health – I’ve returned that love as best I can – family means everything to me (just as they do for elephants).
    I’ve taken on the role of matriarch to my family now and like the elephants I do not forget the love of all my family both blood relatives and those in the wider world of nature.

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this. Just a side note, in seeing your chosen image and name, Wolves share that love and loyalty that you describe for their pack, family as blood and/or other. I am holding you in love.

  • wallflower

    March 12, 2021 at 9:04 pm
    Maureen Jones, post: 457, member: 30 wrote:
    I love how you worded the description of Elephant as being “gentle and generous in their action and message”. I perceive them in the same way, but reading your words brings a level of clarity. It’s a beautiful way to describe them. Thank you!

    You’re welcome :) Blessings🌸

  • snowwolf

    March 12, 2021 at 9:04 pm
    Maureen Jones, post: 476, member: 30 wrote:
    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this. Just a side note, in seeing your chosen image and name, Wolves share that love and loyalty that you describe for their pack, family as blood and/or other. I am holding you in love.

    Thank you Maureen for your kind thoughts and reply.

  • wallflower

    March 12, 2021 at 9:07 pm
    Snowwolf, post: 460, member: 49 wrote:
    Elephants never forget. I once gave my mother an elephant brooch as a token to show her how much I loved her and how I would never forget how much she’d loved me and done for me over the years.
    Time moves on and I’ve spent the last 8 years caring for her through her ill health – I’ve returned that love as best I can – family means everything to me (just as they do for elephants).
    I’ve taken on the role of matriarch to my family now and like the elephants I do not forget the love of all my family both blood relatives and those in the wider world of nature.

    That is such a powerful message. Thank you for sharing it.

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