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  • Psychic Abilities?

    Posted by mark-ravenheart on August 17, 2023 at 4:20 am

    This was an overlooked post from Nov 1, 2022

    Hi [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER],

    I am learning that I am more tapped in than I thought, that I am a lightworker, and an intuitive healer. But I am just beginning to learn about this. I am working to develop my intuitive and empathic abilities.

    I am clairsentient but it seems I am also clairaudient. You said that we are all psychic, right?

    Does this mean that every psychic ability exists within each individual person and all can be developed and strengthened?

    Thanks in advance,
    Mark Ravenheart

    mark-ravenheart replied 9 months, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • pearlized

    August 17, 2023 at 11:45 am

    I am going to say yes here [USER=452]@Mark Ravenheart[/USER].

    We all have abilities within us, whether we acknowledge them or not is entirely up to each individual. That being said, there are many who should NEVER be allowed to acknowledge them. LOL

    Stu definitely has Clairsentience abilities. The last time it showed was back in July, he had horrendous back ache for no reason over the night of the 17th. We had no idea why, as he done nothing to cause it, even up until just before 7 am, still no clue. As we were sat outside in their front garden where we were dog sitting, {{ They had come home early because of a medical issue D developed while away }} Having morning coffee, out they came, on their way back to the hospital, where D told us she had horrendous back pains, due to it all. BINGO That was where Stu was feeling it from and withing 10 minutes of them leaving, his back pain went, never to return.

    He also has very good Empath and can tell you all sorts about you, after just shaking your hand.

    Then he has abilities of Psychometry too. Oh what he can pick up from inanimate objects can be amazing. An old stone structure was amazing in the Isle of Wight gave him all sorts going way way back, possibly a 100 years or more.

    This does not mean you have them all, but you could have more than just one. Developing them slowly is better than just diving in and getting frustrated with what is going on. I have told Stu many times to slow it down, stop trying to fit all the puzzle pieces together in one go. You may have to filter out the Wheat from the Chaff at times, for it to make total sense what you are being given.

    I hope that gives you an idea until [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] is able to pick back up on here again.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 17, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    Thank you [USER=18]@Pearlized[/USER] I appreciate you so much and think it is great that Stu has those abilities as well.

    One day a person was talking about a house and I asked questions about it, the guy says how did you know all that stuff and I said, “When you started to describe it I began to see a vision of it in my mind,” and I was able to give details that I had no obvious way of knowing.

    Another time a lady walked up towards me and I said, “M’am is your back hurting right here on the right side and she said, how did ya know that? And I said, “I felt it when you walked up…my back started to hurt too.” So empathic all the way.

    People come to me with their life stories a lot of time or will just suddenly out of nowhere they will open up to me about their lives or their present situation. I don’t mind it at all, I think it is rather a nice thing to have.

    Anyway, I think you are right, I think these abilities lie dormant inside of each of us until we stretch our psychic muscles to develop them. Just knowing one has a psychic ability can help open one to the full experience of it. I think it is really cool.

    Thanks again for your assistance,

    Much love,
    M Raven

  • pearlized

    August 17, 2023 at 12:25 pm

    A word of warning though [USER=452]@Mark Ravenheart[/USER] Be very careful when approaching someone you do not know with anything you may have picked up.

    There are many who do not want to know and can get quite aggressive about you just telling them. It could cause no end of issues for you. It is difficult when you know, but cannot tell them about it, but there are so many who will say awful things to you and make you feel reluctant to say anything to anyone ever again. They could even scream out at you, drawing attention that you really do not want and it could be classed as an “” Invasion of their Space / Mind “” Not something to be done without permission. Like [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] has said a few times on the lives, ” She cannot say anything about a 3rd party, with out their permission. Plus, she does ask if its ok to say everything she gets before she continues with readings on the lives. As some may not want everything out in the open for all to hear.

    So please, tread lightly as there are many things to take into consideration as you move further forward on your journey.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 17, 2023 at 12:32 pm

    Thank you for the heads up [USER=18]@Pearlized[/USER].

    I hadn’t considered them not wanting to know or having it taken as an invasion of privacy, but you are right and I will be more careful in the future. There is much I could stand to learn from you, Stu, and from Mama Bear too, of course.

    I appreciate the feedback, if no one said anything it could lead to some really uncomfortable moments and I will remember to follow your advice and suggestions. Much appreciated!!!

  • pearlized

    August 17, 2023 at 12:48 pm

    Look at it as a question of ” Etiquette ” Even spirit don’t butt in, they wait until we ask. Oh they may give us subtle signs, but if we ignore them, then its our own fault if we miss something important.

    Like a few days ago, we had a ladybird hanging around, i knew i had to connect the dots to myself BUT which dots. The ones i thought were actually totally wrong. I only managed to get them connected later that day, when i just happened to see an article about something else i was struggling with. Ladybird has now gone, so i must have got the right dots connected.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 17, 2023 at 1:02 pm
    Pearlized, post: 9345, member: 18 wrote:
    Look at it as a question of ” Etiquette ” Even spirit don’t butt in, they wait until we ask

    I will do my best to remember this! Thank you!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  • mama-bear

    August 21, 2023 at 2:14 pm
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 9346, member: 452 wrote:
    I will do my best to remember this! Thank you!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    What Pearl wrote i just the way I choose to conduct myself. There are thousands of psychic mediums out there who feel like they are doing the world a disservice if they don’t blab everything they are ‘seeing or feeling’ to complete strangers. I always say my way is neither right nor wrong – it’s just my way. I’ve seen psychic mediums rush in and blab a sitution and it turn out so great for all parties involved. Then in other situations I’ve asked permission, delivered the most accurate message ever and I turn out to be public enemy #1 or then they never speak to me again because they’re scared of me. Ya just gotta choose what the right path is for you at the time.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 21, 2023 at 5:08 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 9354, member: 1 wrote:
    What Pearl wrote i just the way I choose to conduct myself.

    I appreciate that. You are a good teacher in my humble opinion.

    Mama Bear, post: 9354, member: 1 wrote:
    There are thousands of psychic mediums out there who feel like they are doing the world a disservice if they don’t blab everything they are ‘seeing or feeling’ to complete strangers. I always say my way is neither right nor wrong – it’s just my way. I’ve seen psychic mediums rush in and blab a sitution and it turn out so great for all parties involved.

    That is how it has worked for me so far but I am self-taught and have had no guidance in psychic matters. Until now.

    Mama Bear, post: 9354, member: 1 wrote:
    Then in other situations I’ve asked permission, delivered the most accurate message ever and I turn out to be public enemy #1 or then they never speak to me again because they’re scared of me.

    Wow!!! That is sad for them, they lost a beautiful friend/guide.

    Mama Bear, post: 9354, member: 1 wrote:
    Ya just gotta choose what the right path is for you at the time.

    Thank you so much [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER]. I learned a long time ago that a good teacher will tell you that how they do it, is their way and not necessarily the one and only right way. They will tell you just as you are telling me…”ya just gotta choose the right path for you at the time.”

    With love and respect,
    M Raven

  • mama-bear

    August 21, 2023 at 5:49 pm
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 9355, member: 452 wrote:
    I appreciate that. You are a good teacher in my humble opinion.

    That is how it has worked for me so far but I am self-taught and have had no guidance in psychic matters. Until now.

    Wow!!! That is sad for them, they lost a beautiful friend/guide.

    Thank you so much [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER]. I learned a long time ago that a good teacher will tell you that how they do it, is their way and not necessarily the one and only right way. They will tell you just as you are telling me…”ya just gotta choose the right path for you at the time.”

    With love and respect,
    M Raven

    Awww, thank you so much. I think the same thing about teachers. No ‘one’ way is the ‘only’ way. Think of all the amazing inventions that were born of many different techniques being considered and put together!

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 22, 2023 at 12:38 am
    Mama Bear, post: 9356, member: 1 wrote:
    Awww, thank you so much. I think the same thing about teachers. No ‘one’ way is the ‘only’ way. Think of all the amazing inventions that were born of many different techniques being considered and put together!

    Yes, you are most welcome!

    They sure did invent a lot of miracles in modern medicine as well, which took a lot of different techniques too.

  • pearlized

    August 28, 2023 at 1:37 pm

    Hi [USER=452]@Mark Ravenheart[/USER]

    I keep meaning to drop in and add these 2 events that happened to Stu for you to read and see that distance can connect things with you, when you least expect them.

    The first was back in early June. A friend of our who lives a few miles to the East of us was suffering from a severe viral infection in her throat. Stu knew about it, as i had spoken to her a few days previous, for a few mins.

    Now the second friend lives a fair distance away to the West of where we are. Stu was in bed asleep when i was chatting online with the friend who lives to the West of us, when she told me she was having throat issues. We were not talking, just typing. So no way could Stu hear me or even read what we were saying as he was upstairs asleep. When he came down around 90 mins later he told me that he was getting throat problems from 2 DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS and could not understand why. So i asked him where in his throat was he feeling it. First he told me it was mostly on one side as our friend to the East was having issues. Then after asking him a couple of questions, not giving away anything about what i had found out while he was asleep, he said around here is where i am getting it. BINGO he had NO CLUE about the friend to the West of us but he got the area in his throat spot on. As soon as i told him about the friend in the West he felt it no more, he had the answer as to why his throat was irritated at that time.

    Now the second one was in July while we were dog sitting at the coast. We were there for 10 days and they were not due back until the 19th of July. Monday the 17th they rang to say they were heading back as she had developed a health issue that could be sorted quicker here, than where they were. It could have been another 3 to 4 days there, the next day here. They needed to be back by the 20th at the latest.

    The following morning we were up early because Stu was in ” Horrendous ” pain with his back, he does have back issues from an old injury from time to time, so we assumed it was that. Though he said he had not done anything to cause that much pain. We were sat in the front garden around 7 am, when they came out to drive the hour to the hospital for her issue to hopefully be sorted that day. While he went for the car, she said she was having “” Horrendous “” pain in her back, possibly caused by the nerver close to her issue being irritated. I just looked at Stu and said. “” How’s your back pain now “” He told us it had gone the instant D said she was suffering. Yep he was feeling her back pain and it went the instant he knew where it was coming from.

    Sometimes distance does not get in the way of how you can connect with others. He just amazes me how he does it.

  • mark-ravenheart

    August 29, 2023 at 2:26 am

    That is awesome!!!

    Once, I dreamed that a young man named Bobby was drowning and I was trying to save him, but I could not save him. I awoke in a cold sweat exhausted from my dream.

    I told my, (now ex), wife about it and she said I have a brother named Bobby, (I had not met all of her family at that time). So we told him about the dream. Three years later he went out on a boat, he was drinking and swimming, and drowned in the Ky River.

    Time and distance have nothing to do with it sometimes. When I had the dream I lived in upstate New York and he was in Kentucky and I had never met him or even knew of his existence. Neither my wife nor I knew of another friend or family member named Bobby.

  • mark-ravenheart

    September 3, 2023 at 8:35 pm

    Is that a premonition or is it precognition?

  • mama-bear

    September 11, 2023 at 4:51 pm
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 9340, member: 452 wrote:
    This was an overlooked post from Nov 1, 2022

    Hi [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER],

    I am learning that I am more tapped in than I thought, that I am a lightworker, and an intuitive healer. But I am just beginning to learn about this. I am working to develop my intuitive and empathic abilities.

    I am clairsentient but it seems I am also clairaudient. You said that we are all psychic, right?

    Does this mean that every psychic ability exists within each individual person and all can be developed and strengthened?

    Thanks in advance,
    Mark Ravenheart

    Hi, Mark;

    Apologies for the late reply. Though I can’t prove it to you (noone can) it is my opinion every ‘type’ of psychic ability exists within every living thing – in its own way. For instance, plants and trees are psychic. It’s a documented fact they ‘share’ information through root systems. They get the info through a variety of means but can they ‘hear’? Are they clairaudient? I would dump trying to label yourself or abilities. There are over 800 words that all mean the same thing as psychic.

    From my website is The Ultimate List of Psychic Abilities.

    For more click to read this great article about trees sharing information.

    Hope that helps!

  • mark-ravenheart

    September 11, 2023 at 11:37 pm
    Mama Bear, post: 9383, member: 1 wrote:
    Hi, Mark;

    Apologies for the late reply.

    No worries.

    Mama Bear, post: 9383, member: 1 wrote:
    Though I can’t prove it to you (noone can) it is my opinion every ‘type’ of psychic ability exists within every living thing – in its own way. For instance, plants and trees are psychic. I

    I know thought and emotion can affect a water droplet so why not a plant or a tree?

    Mama Bear, post: 9383, member: 1 wrote:
    I would dump trying to label yourself or abilities.

    Sounds good to me. I am not fond of labels anyway.

    Mama Bear, post: 9383, member: 1 wrote:
    There are over 800 words that all mean the same thing as psychic.


    Mama Bear, post: 9383, member: 1 wrote:
    From my website is The Ultimate List of Psychic Abilities.

    Thank you So much!!!

    Mama Bear, post: 9383, member: 1 wrote:
    For more click to read this great article about trees sharing information.

    Truly interesting!!!

    Mama Bear, post: 9383, member: 1 wrote:
    Hope that helps!

    Yes, It helps a lot, thank you!!!

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