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Homepage Forums What is My Spirit Animal Spirit Animal Community Fire Question about Stones/Crystals; Specifically, …Tektite, Moldavite, and Herkimer Diamond Crystals

  • Question about Stones/Crystals; Specifically, …Tektite, Moldavite, and Herkimer Diamond Crystals

    Posted by mark-ravenheart on October 21, 2021 at 11:24 am

    Is anyone experienced with using these crystals/stones for healing??? I am trying to understand how they are used in healing, how they direct energy, and which spirit animals are associated with each individual one. If no one knows and I can’t find out, I will simply intuit how to use each one. However, I would prefer to learn the normally accepted way of working with them AND then, use my intuition in using them in addition to that.

    Thank you in advance,
    Mark Ravenheart

    mark-ravenheart replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 6 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • mindie

    October 21, 2021 at 1:05 pm
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 6766, member: 452 wrote:
    Is anyone experienced with using these crystals/stones for healing??? I am trying to understand how they are used in healing, how they direct energy, and which spirit animals are associated with each individual one. If no one knows and I can’t find out, I will simply intuit how to use each one. However, I would prefer to learn the normally accepted way of working with them AND then, use my intuition in using them in addition to that.

    Thank you in advance,
    Mark Ravenheart

    I love my healing crystals and gems. I started my journey with them around 1 year and half years ago. I’m no expert, but Moldavite is very powerful and can be pricey. Herkimers
    are also very powerful. I have a necklace that is made of moldavite and Herkimer. I have quite the collection. If you would like to be friends

    on Facebook, look for Goosekay and accept me. There are some amazing groups that have very knowledgeable individuals.

  • grasshopper

    October 21, 2021 at 1:10 pm

    Crystals will speak to you if you listen. You can read 101 books that provide correspondences, and find a crystal that breaks the mold every time. The reason is simple. No two crystals are alike. The way they form is the same, but their inner patterns are different.

    You could begin simply – the color of the crystal harmonizing with your chakras.

  • mark-ravenheart

    October 21, 2021 at 6:57 pm
    Mindie, post: 6767, member: 546 wrote:
    I love my healing crystals and gems. I started my journey with them around 1 year and half years ago. I’m no expert, but Moldavite is very powerful and can be pricey. Herkimers are also very powerful. I have a necklace that is made of moldavite and Herkimer. I have quite the collection. If you would like to be friends on Facebook, look for Goosekay and accept me. There are some amazing groups that have very knowledgeable individuals.

    There is a necklace that I want, that they are calling a Shakti amulet gemstone crystal tektite moon witch necklace. It is made with stainless steel, coconut, Seraphinite, Bloodstone, Tourmaline, Labradorite, Smokey Quartz, with a nice Tektite in the center. I want to buy it and add to it because the length only goes up to 18″ and I would need 19 and 1/2″ just to wear it as a choker. Anyway, the only crystal gemstone jewelry that I own at the moment is a double terminated Amethyst point that is wire-wrapped in copper, hanging around my neck and bracelet of obsidian.

    I have a small collection of gems and crystals which I have the feeling will grow in size. My favorite piece is a nice little chunk of very dark Brazilian amethyst.

    I wrote to you on Facebook messenger, but couldn’t find where to click to ask for your friendship, but we’ll figure it out. lol Thank you for the invitation!!!

  • mark-ravenheart

    October 21, 2021 at 7:04 pm
    Grasshopper, post: 6768, member: 4 wrote:
    Crystals will speak to you if you listen. You can read 101 books that provide correspondences, and find a crystal that breaks the mold every time. The reason is simple. No two crystals are alike. The way they form is the same, but their inner patterns are different.

    You could begin simply – the color of the crystal harmonizing with your chakras.

    Thank you [USER=4]@Grasshopper[/USER], I appreciate your knowledge and support!!! Somewhere I have a King Cobra Jasper that likes to bite people if they pick it up without asking, I am not sure how or why it works that way but it does. I found that very amazing and a little scary hahaha

  • aprilmorningstar

    October 21, 2021 at 10:45 pm

    As Grasshopper said “crystals will speak to you if you listen”. I was once writing crystal posts for a group and I didn’t want to present only common meanings that anyone could look up for themselves. So the first thing I would do was look at the crystal, and hold it in my hand. Just to feel what kind of energy it had or how it made me feel when I held it. Does a certain part of the body feel different when I hold it? Then I would get quiet and ask the crystal what it was for. The crystals got really “talkative” Mostly I heard words, but one crystal showed me pictures on the surface. Ruby surprised me by telling me that “they are stones of time travel.” and they can take you “to any time that you wish to go to”., which I left to everyone else to interpret from their own perspective. I learned so much more from them this way. I did include some common meanings.

    Books can be good, and are very useful for learning different ways of using the crystals. Also one crystal or type of crystal can affect different people in different ways. I cannot hold tourmaline or raw hematite for long without feeling sick. Polished crystals emit energy differently than raw crystals. Crystals can also tell you how to use them. You don’t have to be an expert to do this either just pick a stone you like or want to know more about and sit with it and see what happens. If nothing happens at first try again later, it will come with practice. Just see how they make you feel. Most info says to use your receptive hand, but sometimes my other hand works a lot better. Just try things out. And like your king cobra jasper, all crystals are not willing to work with all people, lol. And the stones can be common stones too they don’t have to be “fancy” crystals. Have fun with it. I realize you were asking about specific crystals but most of this info applies to all of them.

  • mark-ravenheart

    October 21, 2021 at 11:09 pm
    aprilmorningstar, post: 6772, member: 96 wrote:
    just pick a stone you like or want to know more about and sit with it and see what happens. If nothing happens at first try again later, it will come with practice. Just see how they make you feel. Most info says to use your receptive hand, but sometimes my other hand works a lot better. Just try things out.

    Thanks [USER=96]@aprilmorningstar[/USER] I will give it a go.

  • starryphish2184

    October 22, 2021 at 12:07 am
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 6766, member: 452 wrote:
    Is anyone experienced with using these crystals/stones for healing??? I am trying to understand how they are used in healing, how they direct energy, and which spirit animals are associated with each individual one. If no one knows and I can’t find out, I will simply intuit how to use each one. However, I would prefer to learn the normally accepted way of working with them AND then, use my intuition in using them in addition to that.

    Thank you in advance,
    Mark Ravenheart

    I collected alot of crystals using my intuition. When I feel drawn to one, the meaning usually lines up with up with what I’m going through. I also used to intuitively choose them for my friends and they also resonated with the specific meaning. Intention is everything. XOXO MR❤️

  • mark-ravenheart

    October 22, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Thanks for your reply [USER=497]@starryphish2184[/USER], I generally do use my intuition for most things but I just wondered what others’ experiences were with the crystals/stones that I mentioned, but I will probably get some of them and find out for myself. Intention……good thinking!!

  • mark-ravenheart

    October 22, 2021 at 4:25 am

    I had some white shell chips that were strung up to create a necklace but it was a tight choker on me so I decided to restring it and make a bracelet. I put it on my left wrist and soon I felt relaxed like I could feel the ebb and flow of the ocean all around my body. It was very soothing. The thing is I never made the connection between the shells and the ocean until after I had experienced those feelings. I didn’t get the connection consciously, I sensed it, which I thought was very cool.

  • tiadaniels

    October 22, 2021 at 5:35 am
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 6766, member: 452 wrote:
    Is anyone experienced with using these crystals/stones for healing??? I am trying to understand how they are used in healing, how they direct energy, and which spirit animals are associated with each individual one. If no one knows and I can’t find out, I will simply intuit how to use each one. However, I would prefer to learn the normally accepted way of working with them AND then, use my intuition in using them in addition to that.

    Thank you in advance,
    Mark Ravenheart

    Hi friend,

    my favorite website for this is Crystal Vaults. They are always offering a free weekly crystal course that’s for beginners too. What’s super fun is they also offer the historical usage for each stone (example; lapis lazuli was used to achieve the brilliant blue pigment of Cleopatra’s eye shadow!) I think you’ll really love what it has to offer. So far, that site is better than any book I’ve found and I’ve been working with healing crystals for going on a decade.

    Cheers to you, wild one!

  • mark-ravenheart

    October 22, 2021 at 12:06 pm

    Thank you [USER=274]@tiadaniels[/USER] I visited the site and took a quiz that recommended the gem Chrysocolla for me. I’ll have to try working with that gemstone when I can find it. Thanks for posting and sharing the info.

  • grasshopper

    October 22, 2021 at 2:47 pm

    OMG yes on Crystal Vaults – fantastic site

  • aprilmorningstar

    October 23, 2021 at 12:18 am

    I have a tiny herkimer diamond that I was given many years ago. I was in Salem, Mass. at a little shop called Merlin’s Castle. As I was leaving I noticed a little bowl on the counter filled with tiny crystals and they told me to take one. I just happened to grab a tiny herkimer diamond. Funny though I haven’t worked with it much yet, I seem to have spent more time trying to figure out what to do so I can wear it is so tiny. Maybe I should have spent all of that time working with it instead, lol. But your post made me more curious about it Mark.

  • mark-ravenheart

    October 23, 2021 at 1:33 am
    aprilmorningstar, post: 6806, member: 96 wrote:
    I have a tiny herkimer diamond / your post made me more curious about it Mark.

    I am happy if have inspired you to consider working with Herkimer Diamond. It is one of several healing stones that are often sought out by, (more experienced?), healers I am told. And just a suggestion, a small leather or suede, medicine pouch could be worn around the neck containing the Herkimer and may be one way to go… I’m just throwing that out there as a possibility.

  • tiadaniels

    October 23, 2021 at 1:43 pm
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 6787, member: 452 wrote:
    Thank you [USER=274]@tiadaniels[/USER] I visited the site and took a quiz that recommended the gem Chrysocolla for me. I’ll have to try working with that gemstone when I can find it. Thanks for posting and sharing the info.

    You’re welcome! They used to sell chrysocolla on there. There are a couple good small dealers on Etsy too. Chrysocolla is one of my favorites, definitely good for calming the heart and the mind and navigating times that feel dark and damp. A very lovely, uplifting stone 💕

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