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  • Question on Telepathy…

    Posted by wallflower on March 9, 2021 at 7:14 am

    Have others experienced this and what did it feel like? I had an experience where I heard an inner dialogue about me. The thoughts were so foreign that it freaked me out for a moment, then spirit nudged me and I understood what was happening.
    It doesn’t happen a lot, and I admit I was very focused on this individual at the time, but it was very strange. Anyone have any insight? Is this a talent one can or should develop? How can it be useful if someone does have the ability?

    wallflower replied 3 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • mama-bear

    March 10, 2021 at 12:24 am

    So telepathy is the same as a psychic connection or message. There’s pretty credible science that points to the Amygdala being the ‘scanner’ in our brain that allows us to send and receive said energy, connections, messages. Basically there’s about a zillion words that all describe the same thing. I’ve been a professional reader for almost 30 years. So, that’s how telepathy is useful to me and my clients. As for whether you should develop it (or not) that’s a 1 zillon percent personal decision. Of course I think everyone should because the natural byproduct of doing so (especially if one is making progress) is a feeling of empowerment. Finally, what does it feel like? Well I can tell you what it feels like to have a baby (I’ve never had children), cancer, a brain tumor, bad stomach, etc. I can also tell you what pure love feels like. Sometimes it’s a feeling. Other times it’s a smell, taste, touch, hearing, or vision. Hope that helps!

  • wallflower

    March 10, 2021 at 10:15 am
    Mama Bear, post: 324, member: 1 wrote:
    So telepathy is the same as a psychic connection or message. There’s pretty credible science that points to the Amygdala being the ‘scanner’ in our brain that allows us to send and receive said energy, connections, messages. Basically there’s about a zillion words that all describe the same thing. I’ve been a professional reader for almost 30 years. So, that’s how telepathy is useful to me and my clients. As for whether you should develop it (or not) that’s a 1 zillon percent personal decision. Of course I think everyone should because the natural byproduct of doing so (especially if one is making progress) is a feeling of empowerment. Finally, what does it feel like? Well I can tell you what it feels like to have a baby (I’ve never had children), cancer, a brain tumor, bad stomach, etc. I can also tell you what pure love feels like. Sometimes it’s a feeling. Other times it’s a smell, taste, touch, hearing, or vision. Hope that helps!

    Thank you 🤗 That does help a lot.

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