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Homepage Forums What is My Spirit Animal Spirit Animal Community Fire Rawwwrrrr! Happy Monday! Got an Animal Spirit Guide experience from the weekend?

  • Rawwwrrrr! Happy Monday! Got an Animal Spirit Guide experience from the weekend?

    Posted by mama-bear on July 31, 2023 at 11:59 am

    For those who don’t know Mama Bear is STILL still in orthorpedic rehab. I might get out this week! Yayyyy!!!!

    Over the past week my Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals have been showing up everywhere! While I have strong opinions about animals (especially babies) being toted all over and put on display this widdle one found me. We spent some time together. Soon she stopped shaking and was sleeping soundly in her bankie.

    [ATTACH type=”full” width=”290px”]2530[/ATTACH]

    It’s fascinating to me that Raccoon showed up because one of the more powerful symbolic meanings of Raccoon is;

    “Raccoon teaches you how to remove the mask to reveal your authentic self while inspiring you to be all you can be.”

    So who is YOUR authentic self? Are you living your most authentic life or is it time to take off some masks?

    Stay wild,
    Mama Bear

    tina-n replied 10 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • pearlized

    July 31, 2023 at 3:03 pm

    Wonderful to hear you should be home this week. Ittle Raccoon, does look comfy snuggled in like that.

    My mask is SLOWLY coming off. It is taking time, but i am getting there.

    Why taking so long ??

    Possible because of being told for so many years, that i should be doing that, or why are you doing this. Even ” Don’t you think at your age you should do this that or the other. “

    So now those who THOUGHT they knew me, even family, are seeing that they do not know me at all. Some are not surprised at all how things are changing, some don’t like the fact that I AM changing.

    Oh well whatever we they go, i am still going to be more and more my True Self.

    When Stu asks my why i am doing something, he now excepts my often answer of ” Because I can “, without issue. Though i MUST learn to do something i have decided on and not give up, when questioned or a statement made about what i am proposing to do.

  • tina-n

    August 4, 2023 at 12:04 am
    Pearlized, post: 9290, member: 18 wrote:
    Wonderful to hear you should be home this week. Ittle Raccoon, does look comfy snuggled in like that.

    My mask is SLOWLY coming off. It is taking time, but i am getting there.

    Why taking so long ??

    Possible because of being told for so many years, that i should be doing that, or why are you doing this. Even ” Don’t you think at your age you should do this that or the other. “

    So now those who THOUGHT they knew me, even family, are seeing that they do not know me at all. Some are not surprised at all how things are changing, some don’t like the fact that I AM changing.

    Oh well whatever we they go, i am still going to be more and more my True Self.

    When Stu asks my why i am doing something, he now excepts my often answer of ” Because I can “, without issue. Though i MUST learn to do something i have decided on and not give up, when questioned or a statement made about what i am proposing to do.

    I , too am finding it a long process, slow and steady ! ( now I have to look up tortoise lol) I am discovering that those closest to me have really no idea who I really am.. not an individual at all, just a mom/nana.. boy are they gonna be surprised ! ;)

  • tina-n

    August 4, 2023 at 12:07 am

    Very happy to hear you’re recovery is going well [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] ! Always holding good thoughts for you !

  • mama-bear

    August 9, 2023 at 2:07 pm
    Tina n, post: 9293, member: 183 wrote:
    I , too am finding it a long process, slow and steady ! ( now I have to look up tortoise lol) I am discovering that those closest to me have really no idea who I really am.. not an individual at all, just a mom/nana.. boy are they gonna be surprised ! ;)

    What if the change you think you’re making is really just a shedding of who you thought you had to show up as in this world? What if you’ve always been the ‘new’ you?

  • tina-n

    August 9, 2023 at 10:24 pm

    I do believe you’re right @ Mama bear, don’t get me wrong I love my kids and grands, but I’ve done my time and I am itching to be who I know as me ! Maybe snake can help with the shedding part :) so happy to have you back ! Hope you’re mending well !

  • tina-n

    August 9, 2023 at 10:25 pm

    That goes for you also @ Mark Ravenheart ! Nice to see you posting ♡♡♡

  • mama-bear

    August 21, 2023 at 2:04 pm
    Tina n, post: 9293, member: 183 wrote:
    I , too am finding it a long process, slow and steady ! ( now I have to look up tortoise lol) I am discovering that those closest to me have really no idea who I really am.. not an individual at all, just a mom/nana.. boy are they gonna be surprised ! ;)

    I was thinking about those in your life perhaps not thinking of you as an individual but “…just a mom/nana.” The sheer volume of thinking/acting/reacting/planning a person has to to just to get through a day is nothing short of miraculous. So, really, when you think about it you’re walking/talking miracle!

  • tina-n

    August 21, 2023 at 8:31 pm

    Thank you for that ! And it is absolutely wonderful to see you here ! Sending positive thoughts for a swift and full recovery ! ♡♡♡

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