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  • White Swan + A Dragonfly.

    Posted by pearlized on August 21, 2021 at 1:06 pm

    A few evenings ago i was stood outside contemplating what was going on with hubby. We were a little twitchy with each other and really needed a bit of time out. The stress of having the decorating done is getting to him, due to everything being upside down.

    So there i am just looking up at the sky when across flew a white swan. Too long a neck for a goose and by the wing sound i knew it was a swan. Never seen a swan fly over here before. In fact i have never seen a swan flying anywhere. A few seconds later a dragonfly darted across between the house a few doors down and across the back road to the opposite house.

    Now quite a few years ago i met a lovely lady who helped me out, while her hubby helped mine with his PTSD issues. Our first encounter with alternative therapy. She had me in a meditative state within minutes. All i heard for the 30 minutes i was in it, was her voice. I did not even hear the door open when the guy who ran the place popped his head in. After she asked me what i saw or felt at each stage of what she was saying to me.

    Swans came up straight away. A pair of swans doing their mating dance. BUT their feathers were Abalone shells. She explained it to me in this way.

    Swans mate for life. They usually stick together no matter what. Then said directly at me “” That’s you 2 “” Adding in then the Abalone shell explanation for how i saw it as the swans feathers. She said it was a strengthening of the bond we already had and was UNIQUE to us What we had was not meant for anyone else and we would always stick together no matter what. She did not know us then as she does now. all these years later.

    Then onto the Dragonfly. That felt it was my dad flitting by to remind me that all i was seeing now was for a reason and to remember back to the conversation we had back in the summer of 1999. To not let anything the swan reminded me of disrupt what we have.

    I do know its rare Many have told me from so many walks of life. LOL A few have even said they are jealous of what we have.

    To us though “” It is just us being us together””

    pearlized replied 2 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • mark-ravenheart

    August 21, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    Hi. I hope this is okay for me to say……..I just want to say that from reading your posts, over the past few months, it is apparent to me that you and your hubby have a solid, loving, and supportive relationship. Relationships can be hard work, especially with PTSD thrown into the mix. Healing from PTSD and growing a good healthy relationship takes guts, persistence, determination, and understanding, coming from a place of love and compassion, etc. I applaud you both, it sounds like you two are a good “fit”. I am not jealous, but I am really happy for both of you and wish you continued happiness. May the animal spirits continue to enlighten and guide you on towards happy destiny.

  • grasshopper

    August 21, 2021 at 4:21 pm

    it is very easy for people to drift apart when there are chronic issues. Many stay together but the dynamics of their relationship changes (ie. caregiver vs. partner). You guys are blessed

  • pearlized

    August 21, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    Thank you both and yes [USER=452]@Mark Ravenheart[/USER] It is OK to say anything you feel. I think what helped right in the beginning was that we were together for 6 years before PTSD invaded our lives. He trusted me to get it right for him when no one would give him a definite answer as to what was going on until an emergency visit to the A&E department where he was seen by their mental health team. 1 guy said, “”This is PTSD”” Finally someone had said it straight out No messing No umming and ahhing about it. The only person who was honest about everything apart from not being able to say it was our own local Dr. She could not say it as it needed to b e a Psychiatric Dr who confirmed it. Once she heard that, she could not do enough for us, as best she was able. More support and help for me than him.

    I am not going to pretend its easy because its not. I am not going to pretend that i have to walk out and leave him to argue with himself at times. I am not going to pretend i dont want to smack him upside the head at times either. Like right this minute i desperately want to tell him to STFU, but i wont Well not just yet. I am not going to say we dont have fun either, because we do. Yea we can have the neighbours wondering what we are up to at times. 😉😘😍💖🦋

    Right now i know why he is doing my head in, but there is nothing i can do about it. He is irritable because his safe place, our home is upside down due to decorating being done. It will hopefully all be finished by next weekend and then he can have his safe place back. It had to be done and he knew. I also knew how he would react. Hence not telling him to STFU at this moment. What he is good at right now is turning a 10 second answer to a question i ask, into a 4 hour explanation. Yea he is very good at that.

    All this said i fully get why some cannot stay and do what i do. For some its just not safe for them or their children. For some the SO does NOT want them to see the distress they are in with it all. I will support those who cannot stay, just as much as those who can.

    There are so many people who have helped and supported me over the years. It would take me forever to name them all. For all they taught me I now pass on the knowledge in the hopes it helps someone else to move forward in anyway they need to Paying it all forward.

    I do have a claim to fame though, thanks to our local Dr who encouraged me to develop an Essential oil blend to help him sleep. That i share with those in need and YES it has gone world wide. With the message to share it with anyone they meet in the future that needs the same help.

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