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  • Will Be Giving The Squirrel’s Extra Love Next Week.

    Posted by pearlized on March 31, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    2 days ag Squirrel came up in connection to the Ace of Wands card in a FB group i am in.
    Squirrel tells us to “” Invoke Squirrel as your power animal, when you need to solve an important puzzle. “” Well yea solving our internet issues was important to Stu’s mental wellbeing. Daytime Tv was driving him nuts, pardon the pun, as there is only so much you can get to interest most people and hold their focus when ” Focusing ” can be an issue.
    Well inteligent me was getting no where with the call centres, so i went to out local providers shop and the guy could not have been more helpful. As not realising i was now out of contract with my mobile provider, he suggested i switch to them with that too. This had been the plan anyway, but i thought i still had about 6 months to go with that. So now i get a discount on our broadband and landline by switching and get unlimited data on my mobile for very little more than my other provider were charging me, for not much data.
    Now my phone links into my laptop, via bluetooth, which i can then connect to out Tv So Ta Da inteligent me now has everything back online in a different way, until they get the outside issues fixed. Its gunna be a job and a half, because a delivery driver took the actual pole out, ripping all the cables down with it on Monday afternoon.
    So the squirrels in the park across from where will be from next week will be getting extra monkey nuts as a thank you. Yea we actually hand fed some when we were there last week. Going to be taking even more notice of the animals that come up from now on.
    This has caused a lot of different issues for many people, including businesses.
    I have posted the Squirrel Ark card along with the reason it all went crazy from late Monday afternoon.


    pearlized replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • thelastchancecrone

    March 31, 2023 at 7:24 pm

    We have a family of squirrels in our backyard – the nest is up in one of the larger trees that abates our property.

    Pearlized, post: 9167, member: 18 wrote:
    “” Invoke Squirrel as your power animal, when you need to solve an important puzzle.

    I was watching the bigger one today sit in the middle of the yard – digging up something. It has always fascinated me how do they remember where they bury their treasures, since I have seen him dig other areas in the yard. He stopped, looked up and chittered at me, as if to tell me something. But I didn’t quite get it until I read this post about solving an important puzzle… (problem, issue, situation) For me it’s a situation/client.

    I shall let the squirrel power lead me to the ‘buried treasures’ that this opportunity with this complex client presents.

  • tina-n

    April 1, 2023 at 2:03 am

    I have window bird feeders that the squirrels love to empty.. I can stand face to face with them and it doesn’t bother them in the least ! I actuall6have to open the window to get them off and they just sit on the bush and wait for it to close.. I have asked them (out loud) to save some for the birds.. it does work.. love it when they sit up to

  • pearlized

    April 1, 2023 at 4:05 pm

    The squirrels will be getting even MORE nuts thanks next week.

    This morning while i went out for about 30 mins, Stu had figured that we could connect our TV Firestick to my phone too. I thought it wired on, but no, its WiFi from the Internet hub. I was not sure it would, but gave it a go anyway. Whoo Hoo Full Tv back instead of wire connection from my laptop, its bluetoothed from my phone.

    It is supposed to all back up and running by possibly Tuesday, but lets wait and see.

    I will do my best to get a picture of Stu hand feeding them and put it here.

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