Forum Replies Created

  • karalyn

    July 28, 2021 at 5:13 pm in reply to: Dream a Little Dream of Me
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 4962, member: 452 wrote:
    Wow, that is really interesting. Ravens and crows eat carrion so provided there are no dead animals around, the message is probably about magick/mystery, but then I am no expert and Mama Bear would be the right one to ask. But thank you for sharing the story. I hope you solve the riddle of the message and learn to work with their energy because they are better teachers than I am. They are more like guardians to me than anything. I am not much as far as teaching what I know. I can only share what I have experienced and even then I struggle with word-finding. But don’t be shy about asking as it is said they can teach you about working with other animal spirits. If you find out anything different than what I am telling you please inform me of my mistake so I don’t repeat it. I am wishing you the best and hope we will get to discuss these wise birds again soon. Peace.

    Mark Ravenheart

    Mark Ravenheart 💛

    You’re so humble! Which is a wonderful and useful quality, however I suspect you you know/intuit more than than you’ve given yourself credit for here 😉…Crows and ravens don’t need words for sharing their wisdom and yet you’ve learned from them through your direct experience…perhaps that’s part of their magic as they beckon us into the limitless unknown…and perhaps as we learn to follow their guidance and heed the gifts within us, we will find ways of teaching and being that simplify/transcend the for need for word-finding ✨

  • karalyn

    July 27, 2021 at 3:52 pm in reply to: Dream a Little Dream of Me
    Mark Ravenheart, post: 4595, member: 452 wrote:
    I sometimes have extremely vivid dreams and one dream I had featured a Native American Shaman wrapped in bird feathers and wearing the skull of a bird around his neck. It was so awesome and I became fixated on it in the dream. Well, I did some online shopping and found a raven/crow skull necklace that is identical to the one in the dream tho I had never seen one before the night that I dreamed it.

    It is a little pricy, but I bought it for myself because to my mind it represents my ancestors and my loved ones who have transitioned. And the good part is that it is a hand-painted resin replica and no animals were harmed in the making of it. It will take several weeks before it arrives as it is coming from Rome, Italy, but I am totally excited. Also, I am having a double-terminated Amethyst point wire wrapped in copper so that I can wear it as a pendant.

    I did not know this but all ravens are crows but not all crows are ravens. Corvids, ya gotta love ’em. So anyway, I will have a shamanic type of necklace to wear before the end of next month. Now I need a drum and other things such as a spirit rattle. Getting there is half the fun.

    Do ya think that wearing a raven skull around my neck is too morbid???

    Very very interesting…I had a very strange experience involving Ravens/crows and a raven skull necklace…
    A few months ago I had extra weird day involving Corvids. The day started with being greeted by a huge raven who flew up to my friends front door patio and sat on the railing of the staircase for a good minute…I was three feet away drinking my coffee. Next, at the beginning of my work day (I’m a server at a restaurant right on the water so our patio is quite big and essentially open to whichever wildlife is bold enough to join us 😝), I was talking to a customer and again, a raven landed on an umbrella pole and proceeded to vocalize a sound I’d never heard them make before. Finally, towards the end of my day, I served a friendly pair of ladies dressed in all black who were on a work break; throughout the duration of their meal we had talked several times and they struck me as “my kinda people” aka kinda wild and free and different. As I took their payment at the end of their meal, one lady gave me her business card and invited me to join them sometime for a peach cider…so it’s turns out she’s a funeral director/embalmer…and her younger companion was her employee😳
    At this point I shared with them that a close friend had recently told me she received a message from the angels suggesting future work as a death doula would be an excellent fit for me AND I told them I had received many many visits from crows and ravens, which are supposedly connected to death/rebirth/transformation…as I told them this the younger woman looked down at her chest and picked up the pendant she was wearing….a silver ravens skull…🤯
    The ravens and crows still seem very interested in me, however I don’t yet know how to receive their messages and wisdom:/

  • karalyn

    July 23, 2021 at 4:00 pm in reply to: Healing LIVE Tarot Reading – Weds. July 21, 2021
    DARKSHINEZ, post: 4789, member: 494 wrote:
    Hello Karalyn.
    Yes, it is, in an answer to your question.
    Thank you for responding and questioning and offering your understanding’s with the reading.
    Your post / response is helpful.
    I also appreciate that I could post what I was experiencing here.
    I was certainly feeling extra sensitive and tender when first watching the replay.
    I shall re-watch this healing reading and delve into my trigger.
    Again, thank you Karalyn for your response to my post. 💞

    I re-watched with a fresh perspective.
    It was my cr*p.
    Mama Bear was NOT harsh or hard.
    I was wrong.
    My apologies.

    Hi again Darkshinez 💛✨

    I’m so glad my response was helpful to you:)
    And I just wanted to add that I am only now (as in the past few years out of nearly 40 😝) getting more proficient at recognizing triggers in myself and others after years of being triggered all the time and not realizing that my perceptions were frequently high-jacked by my nervous system. I completely understand how painful it is for one’s past wounds to catch a person off guard and all the more so when we come across hidden/less examined past wounds; I didn’t want you to feel alone in that space of fear ❤️
    I hope your feeling super proud of yourself for having the courage to:
    a) say something in the first place, even if potentially critical to someone everyone on this site adores! That takes serious guts! And from where you were at in that moment, what you were perceiving was real to you…and you stayed present here and didn’t just detach, which shows you care!
    and b) you were so brave to allow yourself the opportunity to reassess the accuracy of your perception, not only individually but in a group context! So freaking brave (in my mind anyway ☺️)
    and c) you gifted yourself with the opportunity to heal!!! and in my humble opinion, there’s nothing more powerful and important to our world at this time than individual and collective healing.

    So much love and peace of mind and heart to you Darkshinez 💜😘

  • karalyn

    July 22, 2021 at 4:29 pm in reply to: Healing LIVE Tarot Reading – Weds. July 21, 2021

    hello Darkshinez ☺️

    Is it possible that perhaps an unexplored trigger has showed up for you within this live session? Are you being called to heal a past trauma or hurt? It is after all a “Healing” live reading 😉.

    As to Mama Bears request for specifics, my understanding is that she’s aiming verify that “yes” the right message is reaching the right person and the specifics she’s looking for are also an essential component to being an evidential psychic medium…she’s a person of integrity and wants to be sure that she’s delivering accurate messages from Spirit, loved ones who’ve passed on, and Animals everywhere (and that includes us humans😜).

    In terms of Mama Bears facial/body language expressions and what may be perceived as frustration, my understanding is that she is deep in psychic energy (and receiving messages that show up in all different ways). So she’s listening to multiple messages coming through, while talking to her audience, while also engaging with those of us participating in the chat…I don’t believe she is frustrated or annoyed, but simply deep into what she loves best, deep in her soul mission and she loves us all so much❤️

  • karalyn

    July 1, 2021 at 12:44 am in reply to: Past life trauma
    MoonbowReflections, post: 4165, member: 41 wrote:
    Just a thought, and I am curious to get other opinions and beliefs on this. I’m wondering if past life traumas could play a role in contributing to peoples current lives as sensory issues, autism, ADHD, ADD, anything that would fall on the spectrum. Just observing behaviors in my three-year-old, and it kind of hit me. We always wonder if she falls a little bit somewhere on the spectrum, and some of it I also feel it from past life trauma. Then I started thinking about how those two things could possibly go hand-in-hand.🤷‍♀️

    I have definitely wondered the same thing…Intuitively, I feel that YES, many if not most neurodiverse children and adults are old souls and here with us today, exactly as they are, for a higher purpose. These kids/adults are canaries in coal mines and have so much to offer our world. ❤️🌎✨

    I’m super interested in this topic have much to say lol…I myself am neurodiverse and my children are as well ☺️. I’d love to talk more about the connections between neurodiversity, highly-sensitive people (HSPs), trauma (past life or otherwise) and the call to spirituality…

    Thanks so much Moonbow!!! Great conversation starter/topic! 💕☺️

  • MN Lisa, post: 4252, member: 131 wrote:
    Well, isn’t this interesting!!! Yesterday and today, we’ve had an unusual number of flies in our home. Nest started somewhere in the garage. This hasn’t happened in a few years. Our cats are loving it but ICK!!!!

    Mama Bear, post: 4246, member: 1 wrote:

    Wow…Don’t quite now where to start with unpacking this reading…

    Yesterday, I walked outside my door (where I had left a few flats of empty pop can recycling) and I was struck by the sound of what must’ve been over a dozen large black flies. Immediately I felt uncomfortable and to me it felt like an omen.

    Shortly after this, I sat down to jump into a rabbit hole/connect-the-dots type session online, where I follow up on little “dots” that have stood out to me throughout the week and/or keep developing in theme or are repeated multiple times….in particular, a figure describe in demonology that has recently reemerged into my awareness in relation to a long-standing conflict involving myself, my ex husband, my ex father-in-law (who has issues with alcohol) and my son and daughter.

    So yesterday this name came up again in casual conversation. I had been recalling a situation that occurred while i was still married; my then husband came home very late and very drunk (not typical for him at that time) and was violently sick…I awoke to loud and scary guttural moaning sounds coming from the bathroom where he was hugging the toilet…and the first thing I thought was, “my lord! He sounds possessed”…at this particular demon came straight to mind; although I brushed it off with little thought at the time.
    Fast forward a dozen years latter and feel as though I’m a smack in the middle of what to me resembles spiritual warfare. He repeatedly attacks me for my outlook on unconditional love and how it influences my parenting 🤷🏼‍♀️…it baffles me!!!! All the while the name of this particular figure in demonology continued to pop into my mind and then i’d quickly dismiss it (to be clear, my ex husband was and is truly a good man and father, however he’s got some major healing work that he refuses to acknowledge).

    So, guess what came up right away in my investigation??? This demon figure is known as “the lord of the flies”!!!!!!! As I read this, shivers went up and down my spine…

    AND…in relation to Bernadette’s reading, my uncle (issues with alcohol) is a retired geneticist…all of his research involved fruit flies, as their chromosomes are much larger than humans, making mitosis (sex-cell division of chromosomes) visible to the observer using only low resolution microscopes. And what was the application of his research??? Ecological and agricultural PEST CONTROL and management!!! In particular, the sheep blowfly!!!! 🤯
    And my Dad (issues with alcohol)…he had his degree in business/finance and worked as a financial planner/investor for a high ranking investment firm…his job was literally to provide investment guidance to his clients (“buy low, sell high”?!?!?!)

    There are a lot of dots here and i’m not sure where exactly they are leading me and why!!!
    I’d to be thrilled to receive any intuitive feedback and/or guidance from the Wild Pack in this one!!! 💜

    As a sidenote I too have noticed a lot more insects coming into my life/awareness. First and foremost, the spider 🕷. I’ve been observing oodles of priestess-type energy unfolding within both myself and amongst specific friends and female acquaintances in my life (and typically I also get a strong sense that I’ve known these women from previous lifetimes) and the next most prominent insect appearing is the fly 🪰 …oddly enough, at work, I’m the gal whose taken it upon myself to keep flies out of the dining room by strategically placing cotton balls soaked in lavender essential oils rather than using the electric fly swatter (I work as a server at a new orleans style restaurant right on the water called Blue’s Bayou and our doors are left open all day during the summer, so flies and wildlife in general definitely interact with my work place).

    AND!!!!! PS, a bear visited my workplace last week!!! She literally did a full circle around and under the building) and has been observed in various locations around my neighborhood (I live a 10 minute walk from work)…so I did a deep dive on bear and discovered she was my native american birth totem!!!! I had no clue!!! I’ve also been called Karebear my entire life 🤯
    And when I read Bernadette’s description of people with Bear as their totem my jaw nearly hit the floor…she is me to a tee and I am her ❤️🐻

    Apologies for my all-over-the-place/over detailed post!!! I’m neurodiverse and find my story telling is either pretty much non-existent (ie, i’m not participating in any conversation) or over the top with details…

    Thank you all for creating and holding this safe space for deep, meaningful and diverse conversations!!!


    [ATTACH type=”full”]837[/ATTACH]

  • karalyn

    March 29, 2021 at 1:28 am in reply to: Abundance Mindset Guided Meditation – March 28, 2021
    RestlessMermaid, post: 1338, member: 60 wrote:
    I totally understand what you’re saying. He’s not good enough to be a great white ❤ I spent the entire day immersed in taxes and trying to fix 2019 from what I didn’t know. I’m pretty exhausted and tomorrow is going to be similar and THEN Tuesday I reopen for the week lol. I’ll check back soon. I’m gonna snuggle Jaws (my dog) and try to sort my brain ❤❤

    RestlessMermaid, post: 1338, member: 60 wrote:
    I totally understand what you’re saying. He’s not good enough to be a great white ❤ I spent the entire day immersed in taxes and trying to fix 2019 from what I didn’t know. I’m pretty exhausted and tomorrow is going to be similar and THEN Tuesday I reopen for the week lol. I’ll check back

    RestlessMermaid, post: 1338, member: 60 wrote:
    I totally understand what you’re saying. He’s not good enough to be a great white ❤ I spent the entire day immersed in taxes and trying to fix 2019 from what I didn’t know. I’m pretty exhausted and tomorrow is going to be similar and THEN Tuesday I reopen for the week lol. I’ll check back soon. I’m gonna snuggle Jaws (my dog) and try to sort my brain ❤❤

    i’m not sure why I put some much intention and energy on my reply to you. that was silly of me.

  • karalyn

    March 28, 2021 at 8:56 pm in reply to: Abundance Mindset Guided Meditation – March 28, 2021
    RestlessMermaid, post: 1272, member: 60 wrote:
    I was underwater and when you said I was safe I saw great whites in the distance, like guards for me to just sit on the ocean floor (something I adore doing) then one made his way to me and said I’m making it too hard, I know what I need to do now it’s time I show my teeth and do it. He showed his teeth and I scolded him and told him I was going to punch him in his nose and poke his eyes if he got his teeth out right now. He retracted his teeth and laughed. “SEE, YOU ALREADY KNOW. I don’t scare you, why are you letting everything else scare you?” And I have no answer for him.
    I get flustered at the thought of “intentions” especially when they need to be specific. And once I’m flustered and rattled, I can’t think straight. I fought to get my business and then I fought to keep my business in the divorce. This was my dream house once upon a time. My kids were my world before the divorce now everything is stressed and strained. I’m at risk of losing everything yet I feel paralyzed.

    RestlessMermaid, I just want to give to the biggest hug❣️…i’m so sorry for your pain and loss; I relate to what you’ve shared here about feeling paralyzed following the loss of what was once your entire world. I’ve lived that experience too 💛.

    I wanted to ask a furthering question in service to your reflections and messages from the spirit animal allies; and my huge apologies in advance if this is more my stuff coming up (in reaction to your experience)…I’m a newbie to working with my intuitions and psychic abilities, however your post leaped out at me and what i’m about to ask was immediately right there for me so here it goes lol!

    Are you trying to align your intentions with what YOU are truly needing right now to move forward and create something new or are you allowing/waiting on people and circumstances to dictate to you what your intentions should be?

    For myself as a mother and wife, I listened for the cues coming from my family (their physical/mental/emotional/spiritual needs, interests/passions etc) in order to guide my own intentions. I never really learned to create intentions and dreams that were not tied to my family…that were just for me or a direct result of me listening to myself. What if I made a specific intention for myself and it lead me away from my family’s needs/intentions? Unconsciously, it was easier to not get too specific in my personal intentions, because my individual intentions might interfere with me being everything I can be to everyone I love (except for me, as I only now can realize).
    And this isn’t about me 😂, but this is kinda what flooded into my head as I read your words…Are you flustered and rattled because you are so used to putting your family’s needs and intentions first that the very thought of creating for yourself is paralyzing?
    Also, I’m worried for you/don’t feel good about your ex…don’t let this person hold expectations over your head that you’ll continue to show up as they have always demanded and come to expect. I’m concerned that if you don’t show up as you know you need to (with your teeth showing) that you will be devoured. Is this person a potential ‘great white’ circling around and waiting to see if he can get away with it?
    I so hope this is helpful love! and if I’m completely off and out to lunch I’m still standing with you and aligning my heart with yours. You are never alone ❤️

  • C c, post: 468, member: 35 wrote:
    Hmm good question…I would think so! Doesn’t seem ethical not to ask for permission! I think when people are unaware of energy transfer no foul but if your calling on the energy of another you are obviously aware so asking for permission prior makes sense to me!

    What if the person one is speaking of has passed on? What if one resonates with and is inspired by the the lifetime experiences of Gandhi or Helen Keller? Wouldn’t the studying of and reflection upon such examples be naturally amplifying and inspiring? Would one ask permission to look within and recognize the unity and connection with another and move forward inspired?

  • Mama Bear, post: 442, member: 1 wrote:
    You’ll often hear me say that humans can be Spirit Animals because we are, in fact, classified as animals. What are your thoughts on humans being Spirit Animals?

    Yes, absolutely. For myself, a human who presents to another as a spirit animal is someone that calls forth an aspect of the “other” that has been seemingly lost…like for myself, Bernadette showed up as a spirit animal for me by being her authentic wild and free self (not carefully calculating her words to avoid conflict or rejection and not restraining her natural way of being in this world to fit in) and so much more…gosh you are a radiant and vivacious human 🥰❣️…I was/am touched by her humanness, moved to embrace my own authenticity, and inspired to carry and embody these once hidden, however truly innate, characteristics of the divine within me and hold a mirror to those same immutable qualities in my fellow humans.
    I’ve been blessed in my lifetime by many human-animal-spirit type relationships or even brief encounters; in my experience they seem to appear during or prior to pivotal points of growth and expansion.

  • karalyn

    March 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm in reply to: Let’s get WILD! Introduce yourself!
    Mama Bear, post: 373, member: 1 wrote:
    Arroooooo!!! [USER=98]@Shadowdancer[/USER]! Right? LOVE. THAT. POEM! Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. I prefer animals to people most of the time, too. Except the #WildPack! Crazy amazing group of hoomans!

    [USER=126]@Karalyn[/USER] Welcome to the #WildPack! SO happy to see you here! Thank you for making the decision to stay with us here on earth. We would have missed you. LOVE the tats. SO deeply meaningful on many levels. And, crazy. I JUST bought the Pinkola book in your pic! Have you read it yet? If so, what are your fav parts? LOVE me some Maya Angelou. Thanks for posting it.

    [USER=1]@Mama Bear[/USER] ❤️🙏🏼💫
    And thank you to all the Wild Ones, such as yourself, who have seen me and loved me and supported me to stay.
    YES! the Pinkola Book! I ran out of steam in my post before I mentioned why I included the picture. So…many, many of your daily readings have spoken to me on a deeply personal level; the lady bug day (connecting the dots) was an monumental reading for me. The previous evening I had been enjoying the company of a dear friend of mine; she’s walked a similar path as mine in this life and I’m certain we’ve shared lifetimes together before. She came into my life during and just prior to a colossal shift in both of our worlds; and as I connected with her I came to know myself more deeply as well and it’s wasn’t very long before she said “you know your psychic right? my angels told me;” and sure enough, as began leaning into and trusting my intuitive guidance, the floodgates opened and my ability to see people (past the masks)…their real divinely sourced selves as well as their core wounds and healing needs. Anyway, my dear friend and I were delving deep in conversation discussing our spiritual paths/callings, the deeply joyful and simultaneously painful lessons of motherhood, and our early traumas as related to intergenerational trauma and our personal callings to heal the wounds that have been handed down and repeated. Our conversations danced across many themes, and somehow, the Mary’s came up…originally we spoke of Mary Magdalene and our feelings of connection to her and pointedly expressed a frustration with the churches’ glorification of a voiceless demure virgin and the simultaneous denouncement of a woman who knew how to truly love and yet her reputation was smeared and trampled upon my those who found her threatening to the image of the “Christ” that best maintained their precarious image and power. As we passionately discussed our Mary’s, my girlfriends 11 month old son was playing on the carpet and pulling out stacks of papers and books out of their home next to the book shelf 😝(soo many books 📚 and not enough shelves!). As I went to tidy up the books area latter on, I realized he had pulled out both my Mary books (one on Mary Magdalene and the other on our Blessed Mother; neither book had been looked at or read for years). One of those books was the Pinkola book “Untie the Woman” based around Our Mother Mary, which I had never read but had been in my collection for years (was still majorly turned off by the pale, watered down version of Mary the church had presented)….ANYWAYS, (😂 also a story teller over here…which I LOVE about you Bernadette❣️) that very next morning came lady bug’s message of connecting the dots AND remember which book of yours had just arrived? YUP…you picked up that very book in the video about connecting the dots and my jaw hit the floor. I’ve been slowly making my way through it cause I’ve savoured every word…there is zero doubt in my mind that I was meant to read this book…SO much more to say about this book and Mary and the call many of us hear to delve deep into intergeneration healing…I know I’ve been called to love, heal and protect seemingly unlovable, broken and vulnerable souls alongside Blessed Mother…she loves like no other and I’m not sure what this journey is going to look like yet however, I know it involves loving like she loves.

  • karalyn

    March 10, 2021 at 8:35 pm in reply to: Let’s get WILD! Introduce yourself!

    Hello Everyone 💛,

    I’m thrilled and sincerely grateful to be joining you all in this sacred space 🙏🏼🥰.
    Although it has taken me a few days to gather my thoughts and words and contribute a post, I’ve been eagerly looking forward to connecting with Bernadette for many months now.
    I first came across the Daily Spirit Animal readings a year or so ago while taking a deeper look into messages I was receiving from the animal spirits (I believe it was Blue Jay at the time). Within minutes of watching Bernadette, I was already like, “hmm…pretty sure this lady is one of my spirit animals“😜; which, she confirmed IS a thing…people, being animals, can also be spirit animals…within that specific video. Since then, I’ve eagerly looked forward to starting each day with coffee, Bernadette, and the Spirit Animals.
    I feel called to listen up when you speak Bernadette; like perhaps I landed where I was meant to that day, guided by Mr. Blue Jay.
    As a child, animals made so much more sense to me than humans; perhaps because humans have removed from our true (wild and free) nature and that incongruence (between the authentic immutable truth of our beings and the outward expressions of human behaviour) struck me deeply. Consequently, for most of my early years (until ages 11/12), I much preferred animals to people.
    I do intend to share more with you all (there’s a lot…and it’s hard for me not to get lost in my mind when I get historical, so for the sake of simply taking the first step towards connecting with you lovely humans I’m going to keep it brief for now or I may never post at all 🤪).
    At the end of 2010, my life, as I knew it, was engulfed by the flames of my unfolding phoenix process. My identity as a mother, wife, nursing student, and “good human“ had been shattered following my first suicide attempt at age 27. During the early days of my “dark night of the soul” journey, I was inspired by the poem “Still I Rise” written by Maya Angelou; the message to “rise and shine” came to me in many forms, as did Crow spirit (Crow has been my slum dwelling guide…in my worst most shame-filled moments I have never felt truly alone or unlovable as Crow has been with me from the beginning of this dark night of the soul journey). On a whim at the end of 2011, I had these words tattooed on my wrist:
    [ATTACH type=”full”]39[/ATTACH][ATTACH type=”full”]40[/ATTACH][ATTACH type=”full”]42[/ATTACH]
    [HEADING=2]Still I Rise[/HEADING]
    You may write me down in history
    With your bitter, twisted lies,
    You may trod me in the very dirt
    But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

    Does my sassiness upset you?
    Why are you beset with gloom?
    ’Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
    Pumping in my living room.

    Just like moons and like suns,
    With the certainty of tides,
    Just like hopes springing high,
    Still I’ll rise.

    Did you want to see me broken?
    Bowed head and lowered eyes?
    Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
    Weakened by my soulful cries?

    Does my haughtiness offend you?
    Don’t you take it awful hard
    ’Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
    Diggin’ in my own backyard.

    You may shoot me with your words,
    You may cut me with your eyes,
    You may kill me with your hatefulness,
    But still, like air, I’ll rise.

    Does my sexiness upset you?
    Does it come as a surprise
    That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
    At the meeting of my thighs?

    Out of the huts of history’s shame
    I rise
    Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
    I rise
    I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
    Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

    Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
    I rise
    Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
    I rise
    Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
    I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
    I rise
    I rise
    I rise.

    That’s about all I can share at the moment lovelies 💜….looking forward to sharing expansive growth, exploration and joy with each of you.


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